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[1.4.*] [2.5.3] (2018-04-06) UbioZur Welding Ltd. Continued


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sorry if it was commented before but I can't find it here, it's me or this mod doesn't work in OpenGL mode? It says welding was successful but no file is saved, then in DirectX mode it worked fine again :S

Welding is independent of x86 or x64 or OpenGL or Direct3D.

Please show us a log then we are more likely to be able to help you.

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Ven's redesigned stockparts are not tested, so I can't say much about that and welding.

About OKTO rovermate and battery, these are pure stockparts so there should not be a conflict, but I will check it this weekend.

Thanks for testing, did some testing as well and I think I have identified the part which is causing an issue.

It is: OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels/solarPanels5

I have also posted in Ven's revamp thread, as I expect it being related to his mod or texture reflections.

If you could do one more stock test? The welded rover base + wheels + 1 OX-STAT. This constantly gives me a black screen, removed the OX-STAT from the rover, voila small explosions on the ground.

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I read your earlier posts and think the TR reflections in Ven's revamp are probably the problem. The only solution that I've found is to remove the reflection MM or comment out the parts that are causing the problem. My game crashes on the XL panel and on the MK1-2 pod if I add OX-STATs to it.

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Did you comment out the MM file included with Ven's revamp and/or remove the TR reflection module from the welded parts? Also did you install the "extras" from texture replacer? The reason I ask is that while unlikely it is possible an MM cfg was adding the TR reflection to the part.

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Did you comment out the MM file included with Ven's revamp and/or remove the TR reflection module from the welded parts? Also did you install the "extras" from texture replacer? The reason I ask is that while unlikely it is possible an MM cfg was adding the TR reflection to the part.

Only commented it out in 'PartRevamp_TextureReplacer.cfg', thats where the reflections are defined. If that does not do the job I'll comment the part out in MM.

I never do incorporate solarpanels/etc on welts, thats why I reported it. Adding it, seperately, to the 'welded base part' generated the bug. Adding it to any normal design you'd make in the VAB does not generate the bug.

So it is some incompatibility issue between Ubio and Vens I think. Only how, I do not know.

Though tbh I have had some odd occurances of oarts not snapping well together in the VAB when using Vens parts.


Just commented out all 'solarPanels5' sections in MM and TextureReplacer, but still KSP gets the blackscreen bug when I add the stock OX-STAT.

Edit2: btw!

I just checked and tested it, I have a second welded rover design, where the OX-STAT does NOT give the black screen bug when it is added.

Both welts also have 2x KW 300 batteries and 1x Mk1 Illuminator, so those could be ruled out.

This is getting strange.

Edited by Gkirmathal
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Have you looked at the part cfg for welded part to make sure it doesn't have a TRReflection Module? Editing out the MM config won't do anything if the welded parts have the Module already baked in. I always check my part configs to make sure they don't have modules that don't exist in the part's stock config and are added by MM patches when the game is loaded.

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Good one.

Checked and it did (from the lights). So commented that out as well. But it did not work, OX-STAT and some other parts still give the same issue.

To mention my other rover again, that welded part also has TRReflection Module (from the lights), but there it does not give any issue with any other added parts. So what is the difference I ask myself.

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Good one.

Checked and it did (from the lights). So commented that out as well. But it did not work, OX-STAT and some other parts still give the same issue.

To mention my other rover again, that welded part also has TRReflection Module (from the lights), but there it does not give any issue with any other added parts. So what is the difference I ask myself.

TRReflection uses black magic. It's anyone's guess. My thought is that placing solar panels on the reflection mesh of parts that have reflections themselves causes bad things to happen. For example, I can launch crafts with the Mk1-2 pod and crafts with OX-STATs but I can't launch a craft with OX-STATs on the Mk1-2 pod.

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Thanks for testing, did some testing as well and I think I have identified the part which is causing an issue.

It is: OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels/solarPanels5

I have also posted in Ven's revamp thread, as I expect it being related to his mod or texture reflections.

If you could do one more stock test? The welded rover base + wheels + 1 OX-STAT. This constantly gives me a black screen, removed the OX-STAT from the rover, voila small explosions on the ground.

Tested it and can not confirm any problems there.

Please post a log.

- - - Updated - - -

No worries; thanks in advance for your work. :)

Hi, could you please provide a short list of parts that you used for the weldment?

It might be that it is already fixed with some changes I have in my current version, but I want to make sure.

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could you please provide a short list of parts that you used for the weldment?

It might be that it is already fixed with some changes I have in my current version, but I want to make sure.

I'll provide a list... it won't be short, though. ;)

-1x Reflectron GX-128

-4x Reflectron KR-14

-4x Communotron 32

-1x Modular Girder Segment XL

-1x Modular Girder Adapter

-Many SN Strut Connectors

-3x Reflectron DP-10

-1x MechJeb case

-1x Kerbal Engineer Redux computer chip

-1x ALT-Pro Altitude and Action Group Trigger

-1x Repair Panel

-1x Helium Cryostat

-1x Rockmax Brand Adapter

-2x Z-4K Rechargeable battery bank

-1x FL-R1 RCS fuel tank

-1x S2 Cargo Bay 2m (inside which is 1x Deuterium/Tritium Cryostat)

-1x Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3

-1x 3.75m Electric Generator

-5x Huge Heat Radiator

-1x 3.75m Fusion Reactor

-1x Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr.

-1x Fairing Base Ring (n.b. fairings NOT included in weldment)

-8x Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank

-4x RealChute Cone Double Chute

-4x Drainex 1 Fuel Sensor and Action Group Trigger

-4x TT-70 Radial Decoupler

-4x Modular Girder Segment

-4x 1x1m Universal Panel

-4x M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition

In case anyone is wondering what mad monstrosity I'm creating...:



(and with radiators removed...:)


- - - Updated - - -

Oh, damn. I just saw this in the OP: "Remote tech (don't add more than one antenna to your weldment)". Well, oops.

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You also shouldn't add chutes to the weldment (according to the OP). From my limited bit of using this mod, I also think it doesn't handle animated parts well (such as extendable solar panels and landing legs as mentioned, but probably also those radiators and cargo bays. So I bet if you put more than one in, only one will move. I'm not sure though.

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I'll provide a list... it won't be short, though. ;)

-1x Reflectron GX-128

-4x Reflectron KR-14

-4x Communotron 32

-1x Modular Girder Segment XL

-1x Modular Girder Adapter

-Many SN Strut Connectors

-3x Reflectron DP-10

-1x MechJeb case

-1x Kerbal Engineer Redux computer chip

-1x ALT-Pro Altitude and Action Group Trigger

-1x Repair Panel

-1x Helium Cryostat

-1x Rockmax Brand Adapter

-2x Z-4K Rechargeable battery bank

-1x FL-R1 RCS fuel tank

-1x S2 Cargo Bay 2m (inside which is 1x Deuterium/Tritium Cryostat)

-1x Kerbodyne ADTP-2-3

-1x 3.75m Electric Generator

-5x Huge Heat Radiator

-1x 3.75m Fusion Reactor

-1x Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Sr.

-1x Fairing Base Ring (n.b. fairings NOT included in weldment)

-8x Kerbodyne S3-14400 Tank

-4x RealChute Cone Double Chute

-4x Drainex 1 Fuel Sensor and Action Group Trigger

-4x TT-70 Radial Decoupler

-4x Modular Girder Segment

-4x 1x1m Universal Panel

-4x M-Beam 200 I-Beam Pocket Edition

The items in bold are what I would consider risky / won't work to weld.

- Anything animated - don't weld.

- Docking ports are risky on very large welds, try to stick to just welding them to adapter plates.

- RT Antennas (natch)

- KER / MJ's AR202 / etc. might or might work (I weld probe cores + reaction wheels together, but YMMV)

- The reactors, electrical generators and heat radiators... might not work properly

- Parachutes are animated - don't weld.

- The 4x fuel sensor makes me nervous because there are four of them, and they probably need separate settings

Various fuel tanks seem to always work, they just become a larger fuel tank. Batteries work well because they aren't individually controlled. Girders work well (but I avoid struts).

My latest monster is this - images 1-13 in the series are all showing the "Welding - Probodobodyne QBE KW Karbonite" title at the top. It's 175 pieces welded together - all fuel / RCS / Karbonite tanks and batteries with some linear RCS ports and a few girders.

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So aparently there is a conflict between

name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = topdockingPortLarge0
nodeType = size2


name = ModuleScienceLab
containerModuleIndex = 0
dataTransmissionBoost = 1.15
crewsRequired = 2
canResetConnectedModules = True
canResetNearbyModules = True
interactionRange = 5
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 10

Where if both are active on the same part you lose the ability to perform right click action (in VAB or in flight) on the ship in any manner. (Fuel transfer, toggling modules, etc) No clue why they conflict, but after an hour of disabling modules one at a time to find the cause of not being able to right click anything, I narrowed it down to both of these being active on a part.

So unless you know of a fix, don't merge a docking port with a science lab. (Or do as I ended up having to do and manually comment out the ModuleScienceLab after merging the parts)

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Where if both are active on the same part you lose the ability to perform right click action (in VAB or in flight) on the ship in any manner. (Fuel transfer, toggling modules, etc) No clue why they conflict, but after an hour of disabling modules one at a time to find the cause of not being able to right click anything, I narrowed it down to both of these being active on a part.

So unless you know of a fix, don't merge a docking port with a science lab. (Or do as I ended up having to do and manually comment out the ModuleScienceLab after merging the parts)

I suppose I know the fix.

The order of modules is really important for science lab.

Just look here:



name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Data

storeActionName = Store Experiments

collectActionName = Take Data

evaOnlyStorage = True

storageRange = 2

allowRepeatedSubjects = True




name = ModuleScienceLab

containerModuleIndex = 0

dataTransmissionBoost = 1.15

crewsRequired = 2

canResetConnectedModules = True

canResetNearbyModules = True

interactionRange = 5



name = ElectricCharge

amount = 10



First (or zeroth) module is science container. Next module is science lab that has clear link to previous one:

containerModuleIndex = 0

If you trying to mess with this module, it will kill your right-click ability FOREVER. Okay, untill you restart game (or, maybe, scene). That's very old bug.

So you really should put both scientific modules first in part.cfg.

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What nothingSpecial says sounds reasonable, but I will take a look at it, just to be sure.

Welding docking ports is not gamebreaking but can cause problems, I never include them into my weldments.

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Welding docking ports is not gamebreaking but can cause problems, I never include them into my weldments.

What I've found is that docking ports can be welded to things like adapter plates, batteries, a single OX-STAT solar panel and single Mk1 or Mk2 illuminator light. You can even include things like the Stratus mono-prop rounded tanks around the docking plate.

For instance, I do a lot of docking plates similar to (some are parts from the MRS mod, such as the docking port helper with the eight green/yellow/red lights):

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However, because docking ports have special functionality - I would avoid welding them to any other "active" part like science modules, command/landing manned pods, or anything that might have animations.

You also want to avoid anything that throws off the center of mass too much, because it might make it difficult to line up with the docking port.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, i'm using this mod (bright idea) to create larger station chunks using several addon and stock parts. I play RO/RSS so i also have RealFuels with its Modular Fuel Tanks. It works fine, more or less (you have to edit the welded part config to remove some garbage and make it RO compatible but that's ok), but i found a big problem: i can't weld any fuel tank, neither stock or KW or AIES. If i try to weld one or more fuel tanks when i click "weld it" nothing happens and i don't get the welding interface window. A RO fuel tank has both MFT (Modular Fuel Tank) and TweakScale. RO pods also have MFT but they don't have Tweakscale and they can be welded. I can weld fuel tanks from other mods (ie Tantares) which don't have Tweakscale, but only if i specify a basemass parameter in MFT module different than -1, so maybe the problem is related to mass calculations...? I Checked the debug log but i found no errors or exceptions so i'm not sure it can help to solve this.

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