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Destroy Green Iron Crown!


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Pugnabimus usque ad mortem.

Hoc bellum effecerat. Tantum unum latus, victor erit. Auriaco ferrea corona nondum invenit eventually we Iride ferrea corona faciemus. Post haec in terris pax manebit.

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Guest Green Iron Crown

You will be old and irrelevant long before my reputation falters, oh wait you already are the second part.

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Guest Green Iron Crown
When we last met, I was alone and your treachery caught me off guard. Not this time.

You were never alone, you were with family.


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Dun dun dunnnnn

My last post got 6 reps XD I didn't expect it to work.

GIC just wondering, what colour are your teeth?

Teeth? Teeth?! It is but an entity made of negative reputation, it does not have teeth.

"You have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later."

Crap! I'm out of the fight for today. <salutes> Keep up the fight!

"You have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later."

My rep cannon's jammed too. Cover us!

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So, not to be too much of a wet towel, but shouldn't this be in like... forum games?

Yes, but General Discussion has so much more people constantly viewing it. Plus, I think that the mods actually moved it here anyways.

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