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[1.3.0] Mobile Frame System [MFS] (v0.3.3) [29.05.2017]


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  DigitalProeliator said:
Maybe mug the LLL for the yellow truck cabins as a temporary solution. Scale it up to 200% and it fits perfectly for the FH sections. Speaking of tweak-scale is it also coming to this? It could be a bit useful. Also not sure if this is a glitch but if you take a FH21 and FHWwh21 turn the extra nodes on they will snap vertically but not connect, staying transparent as if there is a clipping issue. Is this on purpose? I was trying to make a pickup truck style bay out of the two.

About the nodes - when connecting a new part you can only use its 2 nodes (the bigger ones) so only horizontal ones. This is a KSP limitation. But don't worry I might do another set with main vertical attachment nodes later on (or you can duplicate and then edit nodes in TEST21.cfg file and make it yourself quickly;))

I personally don't like idea of tweakscale, however nothing is set in stone.

Cabins - yah, there are many options to use temporary cabins and cocpicts already. I need to complete other parts first to see all constraints when designing a cabin.

Edited by riocrokite
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Downloaded this just after the 0.90...just now messing with the parts......

YES!!! Instantly in love with these....so simple in design, yet so much that can be done with them.

The industrial aspects possible in KSP have always been what I have the most fun with. Kethane was the 2nd mod I ever downloaded.....right now Im way into Karbonite and MKS/OKS (really the whole USI catalog) and these frames fit PERFECTLY into all that.

This + 1/2 container from FTT + Larger tracks from Kerbal Foundaries =hands down the best (and very affordable) land barges for mass resource tranportation.

Dont limit yourselfs to massive rovers either people....couple of the configurations work great for bases....or any structure that once landed ya dont plan to move(can get a kinda foundation look too).

This is already a great mod...looking forward to what ya have planed for it =)

Id do have a request...and to me its a rather big thing.....

The vertical arch part....a part that brings me so much joy, as I hate to make cranes for moving base modules...tbh had all but given up on it lol...but not it seems like such a viable option again.

But then its static......have to admit that made me a little sad. Even if it just had the current setting..and another that was twice as tall....that would be such a HUGE improvement...please make it happen...Im not above begging if need really be =P

Really awesome work, thank you for sharing.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Downloaded this just after the 0.90...just now messing with the parts......

YES!!! Instantly in love with these....so simple in design, yet so much that can be done with them.

The industrial aspects possible in KSP have always been what I have the most fun with. Kethane was the 2nd mod I ever downloaded.....right now Im way into Karbonite and MKS/OKS (really the whole USI catalog) and these frames fit PERFECTLY into all that.

This + 1/2 container from FTT + Larger tracks from Kerbal Foundaries =hands down the best (and very affordable) land barges for mass resource tranportation.

Dont limit yourselfs to massive rovers either people....couple of the configurations work great for bases....or any structure that once landed ya dont plan to move(can get a kinda foundation look too).

This is already a great mod...looking forward to what ya have planed for it =)

Id do have a request...and to me its a rather big thing.....

The vertical arch part....a part that brings me so much joy, as I hate to make cranes for moving base modules...tbh had all but given up on it lol...but not it seems like such a viable option again.

But then its static......have to admit that made me a little sad. Even if it just had the current setting..and another that was twice as tall....that would be such a HUGE improvement...please make it happen...Im not above begging if need really be =P

Really awesome work, thank you for sharing.


Don't worry, there will be more vertical frames (included extendable one using infernal robotics). I'm quite busy right now so it will all come with time:)

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  eddiew said:
Ooo, mobile crane frame... is it tall enough to move MKS modules around? :)

standard MKS/OKS modules - yes

MKS with base Legs - it's too short; I'm planning to add higher vertical frame as well

the other thing is that currently MKS base Legs have rotated legs colliders so the model won't fit into hollow frame although visually it should :/

  willow said:
This looks epic..

Would you consider adding it to the CKAN installer?

Haven't looked into it yet, but eventually I guess yes.

  djnattyd said:
I'm at my limit of what I can install but I *need* this for stuff and things.

At this rate I'm going to have to uninstall all the stock parts and just use mods o_O

Hehe, linux wink wink;)

- - - Updated - - -

stress-test of a new FHX frame, it's still not wide enough ;) the goal is that you can merge or separate different trucks-trailers depending on your needs. this requirement would need to add something like IR mounting for docking ports since due to different load/suspension/wheel system docking ports are usually not at the same height. If you guys have any ideas please let me know.

Bug note: MFS docking ports won't separate if they are launched together:(

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Edited by riocrokite
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