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Is there any kind of 'ending' to career mode?


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In Minecraft, it eventually became possible to 'beat' the game, by going through the special portal and killing the ender dragon. Is there any sort of 'end' to career mode, like you've discovered all the planets and saved Kerbal from an Armageddon style asteroid with a Steve Buscemi type (crazy eyes, even for a Kerbal) Kerbal? Like something that says "Well, you did everything and you are a hero. You now have a statue in your honor, but you can keep playing if you wish"?

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In KSP, you'll have to MAKE a statue in your honor--preferably on Eeloo--and then you can keep playing if you wish.

Make it on Eve, then launch it to orbit!

@SignalCorps - You've probably built a Mun-return vehicle. Bet I've made a lighter one ;-) Bet quite a few people have made more efficient spaceplanes than me. Only when you beat everyone else in KSP in all the challenges have you 'beaten' the game :-)

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No, or at least, not yet. That said, you gotta go to all the planets and biomes and do all the science there, and pierce together from what you found, a story. Discovering things and make your own ending.

This is pretty much how I roll.

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I'd rather have an option to create random solar systems so i will never run out of new challenges :)

Absolutely! I'd love an option at game creation to make a random system, instead of starting in one that's pretty much memorised already :) Sadly I don't think the game is very procedural, outside of contracts and asteroids :/

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You're kidding, right? There's no way you could store an entire planet mesh. Planets are huge. They have general heightmaps and biome maps, sure, but most of the terrain variations are procedural. And if you really wanted to, you could code in a way to generate new heightmaps and biome maps at random.

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I'd say, you've beaten KSP when it starts to be boring. Then you have several options:

  • Play something else for some time. The motivation for KSP will come back eventually.
  • Restart with a higher difficulty setting. Since that means a very grindy experience in the early game (at least until you make it to Duna...), it will probably not help getting rid of boredom...
  • Restart with mods. There are dozens of mods that make the game more challenging, without turning it into a grindfest.
  • Restart in sandbox using Realism Overhaul.
  • Start writing mods.

In my case, Realism Overhaul is what keeps me with KSP at the moment. Where KSP was helping me develop an intuitive understanding of orbital mechanics, Realism Overhaul is now teaching me how to cope with several issues that arise as the real solar system is not as ideal as the Kerbol system.

Regarding new and different solar systems: Maybe Planet Factory CE might be of interest. I haven't tried it though (still fully occupied with the Real Solar System).

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I'm not even close to finishing the game, haven't not even gone interplanetary yet, but MY personal endgame acts as a plot device of sorts. Due to devastating event that wiped out the entire race except for a single cluster of buildings, the KSP, the Kerbals use cloning and genetic engineering to create new spawn to crash into planets as they seek a new home. This is why they all look basically the same, spawned from the DNA of Jeb, Bill and Bob Kerman. People like Wernher were survivors too but they're too busy keeping the last infrastructure alive to be candidates for cloning. Those other facilities, like Steadtler? Fabricated. Gene just prints money every time you do something right for encouragement.

So at the end you need to pick up dust from Duna and Moho, gas from Jool, water from Laythe, rocks from the other Joolian moons, and finally supercooled ice from Eeloo all in one launch to create a warp drive and then shoot off into the distance away from the Kerbal system with your newfounded technology. That's when you win. The Kerbals then settle and live happily ever after on a planet generated by Planet Factory in Kerbin's image.

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This is actually an interesting question. I'm at the point in my game where I previously would start building bases and building long-term resource extraction vessels and refineries to orbit moons like Minmus, Gilly and Ike ... However, now with Career Mode considerations, I have to worry about money to pay for all this. So far I'm not in danger of going broke (still have over 5M in Funds in the bank) but with each large craft I launch costing upwards of 300K, I make a serious dent with the opening of each new planetary launch window. I hate having to take penny-ante satellite launch missions, or absurdities like "Build a new 11-kerbal station into a newly-discovered Class D asteroid and put it into orbit around Bop." Are you freaking kidding me? That mission will cost nearly a million to capture the asteroid, launch the station, and then send it to Jool system ... And the payoff will barely cover the cost when it finally pays off 2+ years later.

So what's the end-game here for a completed Tech Tree? I don't know but in my case, if/when I go broke in my current save, I'm gonna open up my persistence file and add about a billion Funds and stop worrying about it. :)

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Is there an ending to space? That's your answer ;)

I don't want an ending where you discover warp drive, and the Vulcans show up to make first contact and wipe out the Borg and then the credits scroll and the game ends. I'd just like to see a final mission where you pull off the greatest feat of Kerbal engineering ever seen, save everyone on the planet (all 15 of them?) and they erect a statue for you. Credits roll, and then you go back to doing what you were doing.

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