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Flight-simulator Discussion and Comparison thread


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Being a big FSX fan should always see what addons there is available for the system as they can seriously enhance the gameplay. Best one I got it is REX2 http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/

I used to use a lot of addons, aircraft, scenery, and utilities... When you start seeing all of the ridiculous addons to the game though, it gets kind of annoying. At least for me anyway.

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I used to use a lot of addons, aircraft, scenery, and utilities... When you start seeing all of the ridiculous addons to the game though, it gets kind of annoying. At least for me anyway.

I can totally understand that, I had so many planes installed in FS9 I didn\'t know what to fly, most just never got used, so when I got FSX I tried to keep things simpler.

I would only keep the best one or two planes of a given type, the highest quality low wing tail dragger for example, that way I could actually enjoy the game instead of getting bogged down with a dozen aircraft that were essentially the same.

It\'s easy to download too many shiny new planes, but I was spending more time looking at them than I was actually flying.

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Have any of you guys been accepted to the World of Warplanes alpha?

It\'s about as much of a simulator as World of Tanks is, (some realism, but that\'s not its goal) but extremely fun to play. Most of the flying mechanics are pretty good, except doing a barrel roll (not an aileron roll) is somewhat impossible with current controls/mechanics.

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Have any of you guys been accepted to the World of Warplanes alpha?

It's about as much of a simulator as World of Tanks is, (some realism, but that's not its goal) but extremely fun to play. Most of the flying mechanics are pretty good, except doing a barrel roll (not an aileron roll) is somewhat impossible with current controls/mechanics.

No, and I probably won't. I am a busy student (supposedly), and all I have time for is KSP.

Edited by willitstimothy
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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Have any of you guys been accepted to the World of Warplanes alpha?

It\'s about as much of a simulator as World of Tanks is, (some realism, but that\'s not its goal) but extremely fun to play. Most of the flying mechanics are pretty good, except doing a barrel roll (not an aileron roll) is somewhat impossible with current controls/mechanics.

Was going to (had been accepted into the second phase of becoming an alpha tester). Went off the ideas of MMO\'s.

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So whats your current favorite planes to fly? In FS9 it was the Northrop N-9M and Spartan Executive while in FSX my fave plane was the Morane Saulnier 760 trainer jet.

FU3 was a bit limited in what you could download, but there was nothing quite like the Stemme motor glider, it\'s a shame Flight Simulator didn\'t have a working total energy vario.

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The Maule, the Cub, and the F18 were always my favorites.

I enjoy low and slow, and super fast. The mediocre stuff bores me to death.

Before FS-X and FS-9, as far as the cub is concerned, I prefered the Lear 45/35 and the Cessna 172 (I flew mod aircraft in all of them, but I found those to be distasteful in the long-run, unless they were realistic low and slow planes or realistic jets).

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Only flight sims I\'ve played are YS-Flight and MS Flight Sim 98.

MS Flight sim I quickly got bored of.

YS I think is open source. Its not the best quality, its not that realistic but its free, has multiplayer working on school computers and a HUGE amount of free downloadable aircraft. Although I did manage to land a C17 on a carrier...

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Another free, open-source flight sim is Flight Gear. I am no pilot, so I can\'t really judge how realistic its physics model is, but I think it flies quite well. The graphics aren\'t that polished yet, but Scenery covers the whole world, and there are tons of common as well as more exotic aircraft to fly. Also it runs on Linux and Macs, too. And being open-source, and having an open protocol, it is pretty flexible as well.

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I have recently downloaded BMS mod for Falcon 4.0, and I have to say it\'s awesome. I was used to fly in the original Falcon 4.0 and 'new' Falcon 4.0 Allied Force, but even considering those two previous versions realism, BMS is a new league.

I\'m loving it.

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Hey guys, I\'m interested in getting into the Flight Sim scene but I really don\'t know where to start. Is it possible to get a simulator, good aircraft packs (if necessary) and a setup (joystick and throttle preferably) on a budget of £70-£80?

Also, what would you recommend as a first time sim? I have a fair amount of knowledge about flying aircraft and can fly and land in KSP but my flight sim adventures in the E-3D and C-130E at Air Cadets have been... rather exciting... because I seem to have a physical block against landing large aircraft safely.

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