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Carboard RC Airplane Challenge


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Myself and a colleague got in an argument the other day about who could build aircraft better. Of course, the only way to settle this was with a challenge.

The general idea of the challenge is that we have to build an aircraft out of cardboard from the recycling which would be as cheap as possible but still perform to a given set of specs. To make the challenge more interesting, no CAD can be used. All that's allowed for the design phase is a pencil, paper and a calculator.

Of course, this challenge should probably end up as a youtube video, so that the loser can be appropriately shamed.

I'm wondering if anyone has already seen a competition like this or if anyone has any ideas for the rules?



The Rules As they Stand Right Now:

General Rules:

-Respect the other competitor's secrecy of design

-You may have one friend help you (?)

-Must be as cheap as possible

Hardware limitations:

-brushless motor with speed controller (?)

-1 Battery (?)

-5 servos (2 ailerons, 2 elevators, 1 rudder)

The challenge includes 4 phases:

1. Design Phase

2. Build Phase

3. Flight Testing and Modification

4. Judging

1. Design Phase:

-No CAD tools will be used

-The phase should last no more than 1 weekend

-Technical documentation that comes with the store-bought components is allowed

-the following books/PDFs are allowed:

____-Aerodynamics for Engineering Students (or something similar)

____-Aircraft Performance and Design

2. Build Phase:

-The main structure may either be composed of corrugated cardboard or heavy cardstock (like what cereal boxes are made of)

-The cardboard must not be purchased (recycling FTW!)

-Electrical tape, masking tape, scotch tape and 2 METERS ONLY of Duck tape are allowed

-5 metal rods (or alternatively, 5 hinges) are allowed for the control surfaces

-CA Glue or Superglue is allowed

-30 minute Epoxy (but no less than 30 minute) is allowed as long as it is not used to make resin cast parts

-Refer to the standard list of hardware above for the electrical and mechanical components

-This phase should last 1 weekend but it may be extended if all competitors are in agreement

3. Flight Testing and modification

-The competitors must test in two separate fields

-This phase may last 1 weekend MAX

-The competitors may change whatever they like, as long as it adheres to all previous rules (rebuilding completely on the field is an option)

-All local by-laws concerning the use of RC planes must be followed

4. Judging

-This will last one day

-Beer will be provided

-The aircraft must meet the following specs:

____-It must reach an altitude of 1000 ft (20 points, assigned proportionally)

____-It must stay aloft for at least 20 minutes (20 points, assigned proportionally)

____-speed (5 points for being at 30 kph, 1 extra point for every extra 5 kph up to 55 kph)

____-It must have full roll, yaw and bank capability (5 points for each)

-The following subjective points will be assessed and assigned by the impartial judge:

____-Aerobatic capability (10 points)

____-Quality and creativity of design and construction (20 points)

____-Ridiculousness of landing (5 points)


Edited by Neil1993
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Any rules on the size of the motor and battery and such, propeller size? Thickness of cardboards to be used? Other materials allowed? (Fiberglass, or balsa for supports and wing spars. Paper allowed?)

Honestly i have a pretty solid design already made from foam that i could link others for a base idea.

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  Tommygun said:
3. Flight Testing: The first person to get their drone over the White House wins.

I guess someone will be enjoying their victory from within a windowless cell? :D

It would be quite a feat, though, seeing as I'm in Canada

Edited by Neil1993
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Its not totally undoable, just a little hard.

off the topic of a cardboard plane/drone. If you went with a more legit aircraft with a fuel burning engine. Its not too hard to get a plane airborn with a few hours worth of fuel.

From there, if you relied on an interface to the plane that ran through internet via cell service, the thing could technically be flown any range away from its launching point. As long as it still has cell service and fuel. (Actually could probably build a phone right into the thing, have the gps and sensors in the phone and the phones processor handle the work, and send out on the usb or bluetooth to the planes servo control board.)

Although i know in the US there are some serious legal restrictions for doing that, and its probably quite hard to get a permit.

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If the challenge is really about design and build, you need to set some details. Like X brushless motor, x controler, x prop with x servos, on x battery. As not all motors, batts, etc are not equal it can make a difference. If you're both running the same equipment that are outside of the design, that makes the results more design/skill based. I've got a couple motors that I could fly a 2' box.

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  Beachernaut said:
If the challenge is really about design and build, you need to set some details. Like X brushless motor, x controler, x prop with x servos, on x battery. As not all motors, batts, etc are not equal it can make a difference. If you're both running the same equipment that are outside of the design, that makes the results more design/skill based. I've got a couple motors that I could fly a 2' box.

I'm still trying to figure out which motors to use. I have more experience in rocketry and commercial aircraft performance myself, so I'm still doing research on what RC parts would be best. If you have any suggestions for parts, I'd be glad to incorporate them

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Sorry, I got out of RC when Brushless and Lipo were still teething. I hesitate to make suggestions based on experience that's almost a decade old. A good starting point would be to take a gander over to electric RC aircraft/heli forums, and get a feel for what equipment is popular for the size and weight that your designs are expected to be.

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Only one question for y'all:

It would be much better to use wings made with cardboard "ribbing" with a covering of Scotch tape. (It would really cut down on wing mass while still allowing for some pretty sturdy construction.) If the main fuselage is made of cardboard, would this setup be allowed?

I would love to take part in this challenge, by the way. Sounds like a lot of fun.


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  UpsilonAerospace said:
It would be much better to use wings made with cardboard "ribbing" with a covering of Scotch tape. (It would really cut down on wing mass while still allowing for some pretty sturdy construction.) If the main fuselage is made of cardboard, would this setup be allowed?

I don't see why not. Those are both materials you are allowed

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Hmm. with enough thrust to weight, you can rocket any thing around hanging from the prop.

Think about the following requirement/restrictions

Minimum glide ratio "calm day testing". (Or points based on the ratio, More glide = More points)

Maximum thrust to weight ratio.

Other bonus points may be Slow Flight Capability.

these are some of the true tests of Aircraft Design that tests Aerodynamic knowledge.

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  • 4 months later...

currently working on algorithms to see if i can send compressed grayscale video through an esp8266 wifi-uart bridge, totally relevant to indoor droning. i have an idea for an algorithm that can get lower than 3 bits per pixel data rate without too much quality loss, looking at about 5 fps if my arduino can compress the data fast enough. i mostly coded test apps in lua today to read image files and functions to manipulate the data so i can get before and after images of the compression "quality".

Edited by Nuke
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  linkxsc said:
So. Been 6 months. Any set of rules for this thing yet?

Or is it gonna just be freebuild, post your awesome, for what we do.

I apologize for my absence from this thread. Things at work and school got real busy, real fast. It's probably going to end up being freebuild for now.

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