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The Stanley Thread


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I'm back (yay...) and I've decided to revive one of my old forum games. Manlies and gentlewomen, welcome to...


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So, has anyone ever heard of the Stanley Parable?

In the game "the Stanley Parable", a mindless office worker named Stanley one day finds that he has had no tasks scheduled for the day. Stanley then goes off to explore the building, which he find empty and devoid of life. The game progresses via a narrator, who will suggest that Stanley take a particular route through the building. However, Stanley can choose to take a different route than what the narrator suggests, which will cause the narrator to become annoyed and pressure Stanley to get back on track.

I figured we could do something like that as a forum game. So, here goes.


The story starts off with a man named Stanley.

The story cannot deviate from Stanley or choose a different main character. Stanley must be the focus of the story.

A player can say either what Stanley does/thinks, or say what the narrator says/thinks, but cannot give what the narrator says AND Stanley's reaction.

Here is an example:

Player One:

Narrator: Stanley enters a huge, decrepit room that was once clearly the home of advanced technology. In the center of the room, there is a strange glowing blue gun with the words "Aperture Science" written on the side. Stanley picks this up.

Player Two:

Stanley, having played portal 2, knows better than to pick up the gun and continues on his way.

Remember, Stanley doesn't HAVE to follow what the narrator tells him to do. The second player can contradict the first or, probably funnier, lampshade Stanley's constant need to disobey the Narrator.

This continues until we reach an end. At that point, we will begin again. Only I will decide when we've reached an ending.

For those of you who need extra background, here is the introductory cutscene from the Stanley Parable, in transcript form:

"This is the story of a man named Stanley. Stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 427. Employee Number 427's job was simple: he sat at his desk in room 427, and he pushed buttons on a keyboard. Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk, telling him what buttons to push, how long to push them, and in what order. This is what Employee 427 did every day of every month and every year, and although others might have considered it soul-rending, Stanley relished every moment that the orders came in, as though he had been made exactly for this job. And Stanley was happy.

And then one day, something very peculiar happened. Something that would forever change Stanley. Something he would never quite forget. He had been at his desk for nearly an hour when he realized that not one single order had arrived on the monitor for him to follow. No-one had showed up to give him instructions, call a meeting, or even say Hi. Never in all his years at the company had this happened - this complete isolation. Something was very clearly wrong. Shocked, frozen solid, Stanley found himself unable to move for the longest time. But as he came to his wits and regained his senses, he got up from his desk and stepped out of his office."

And now, I'll start the game.

Stanley wandered through the office, searching for some clue as to where his coworkers had gone.

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Hearing this, Stanley decides to not do whatever the narrator is fine with, resulting in him camping out in the room, not choosing a door at all, declining progress. He does this for 20 seconds, whereafter Stanley got bored and chose the 3rd door, which some people refer to as the A/C vent.

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Stanley picked up a sandbag and threw it in the capsule, pressed the "launch" button and stepped out very quickly, the rocket leaves without him..

Stanley continued to explore the building, hoping for no more traps and to find his co-workers again.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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