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The Stanley Thread


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Stanley continued past the blue door and entered the red door. Looking back, he noticed a green door, where his coworker Stanely was gazing over negrep and a green hat. Dismissing it as a small typo and color-blindness on megatiger78's part, Stanley continued down the red door's hallway, where he came across a ringing telephone.

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Stanley pushes the button that says 8, only to realize that said button would result in the complete destruction of this world.

This is the 8 ending.

Let's restart... ...tratser s'teL

Stanley decided to go up to the board room. Perhaps he had simply missed a memo.

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Alas, Stanley being the incompetent imbecile that he is, he finds himself riddled with a truly astonishing amount of bullets. I mean, really Stanley? I told you to trust me and just get on with the story. Did I do something to you in another life that means you hate me regardless of the situation at hand? I just don't get it, help me understand your motivations here. Well, I suppose you can't now, you're dead. Sigh. Perhaps after the next restart you'll get some sense into that head of yours.

Turret ending? Icarus decides as per the OP, but that's an ending right there. Stanley could spring right back up again if Icarus should choose.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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