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Mod to make kerbal invincible


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After landing successfully on minimus and collecting some soil samples, I decided to have some fun and EVA Jeb around.

So I quicksave while in EVA and go flying. Unfortunately, I quicksaved while he was hitting the ground.

Now literally .5 seconds after my quickload, jeb hits the surface and explodes. :mad:

Is there a mod or cheat or hack I could do that would prevent kerbal death? I wouldn't want to use it during normal gameplay, but this is a very frustrating way to lose a kerbal + ship + science data.

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Hey everyone! I'd like to quickly update and let you know I was able to save Jeb by editing the quicksave.sfs file!

Oddly, changing his altitude didn't have any effect, but I set "landed=True" and that saved him.

The game didn't like that very much and crashed the HUD, but after exiting to space station and returning, everything seems to be okay.

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