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how do you know if a mission is complete?


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was trying out the missions to earn money to buy parts so i took on an easy mission to understand how they worked. i had to test an engine. nice and easy. all the requirements were checked, right altitude, right planet, right speed. it was all there. so everything was checked, there was no indication that the mission was complete or not. i just assumed i completed it so i landed and recovered the ship but when i go to mission control it says the mission isnt complete.

long story short: how do i know if the mission is complete even if all the requirements are checked? :huh:

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Did you [run test] or activate the part as told in the +note section of the contract you took?

The requirements given are there to tell you WHEN/WHERE/WHAT you can complete a particular contract. When they are met, you still have to do what the contract asks you to DO.

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When all conditions are met and you have ran the test either by staging or using the "Run Test" as required by the note, a green check mark will appear on the contract as well as a green flashing transmission marker on the upper right contract completed icon on the screen.

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When all the requirements are ripe for testing, they'll get the green checkmarks next to them.

When you've actually completed the mission, the whole mission text goes green, and you'll get a new notification in your notification thingummy (The button in the app bar that has a number with parentheses around it.)

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Grab a screenshot of the contract in question, there might be an easy explanation as to why it is not completing. It could be that you need to stage the part in normal staging rather than using the run test, and if you used the part in staging before the parameters are complete it will show as everything is right but it is not because it still needs to be staged.

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was trying out the missions to earn money to buy parts so i took on an easy mission to understand how they worked. i had to test an engine. nice and easy. all the requirements were checked, right altitude, right planet, right speed. it was all there. so everything was checked, there was no indication that the mission was complete or not. i just assumed i completed it so i landed and recovered the ship but when i go to mission control it says the mission isnt complete.

long story short: how do i know if the mission is complete even if all the requirements are checked? :huh:

All the checkmarks being checked simply means that all the conditions to properly run the test have been met. In part test contracts, you still need to actually test the parts.

All parts that can be staged (engines, decouplers, parachutes) can be tested by staging the parts when all check marks are green. SOME engines (usually later tech ones) will have a "run test" button you can check if you right-click the part. Assuming you are in the early stages of the game, you will probably have to stage the part in question. Note: Just having the engine in question running when all the checkmarks are checks is not enough to complete the contract. So if you're testing a T-45 engine, just slapping one on the rocket and launching it and having it running when all the checkmarks are checked will not work. You will need to have the engine in it's own stage that you can stage to when all the check marks are checked.

When a contract has been completed, the entire contract in the contract window will turn green, the notifications icon will animate and if you hover over it you will see a green checkmark which, if you click on it, will give you a notification that the contract was completed and what you received for completing it.

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