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Planet Factory Planets for KopernicusTech


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Very nice work Augustus. As far as I can see it shows off that KT can handle anything that the old solution could and more. Your planets and moons will be a great teaching tool for my conversion of OPM.

If you set the rings to be unlit, ie. Unlit = true, I feel you get a nicer looking results then when they're dark and translucent.

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  CaptRobau said:
Very nice work Augustus. As far as I can see it shows off that KT can handle anything that the old solution could and more. Your planets and moons will be a great teaching tool for my conversion of OPM.

If you set the rings to be unlit, ie. Unlit = true, I feel you get a nicer looking results then when they're dark and translucent.

Nah, they turn white if I do that.

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That is strange. Do you get the same issue in OPM with Sarnus' rings or is just with Sentar and KopernicusTech?

What part of the config makes Qbik have that unique cubical shape? It might help us at OPM get Ovok to have the more elongated/easter egg shape that was originally intended.

Edited by CaptRobau
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I just noticed this, and gave it a quick test spin via hyperedit. Figure I'll let you know a few things I noticed.

Erin doesn't match up with the texture. There doesn't seem to be large patches of dry land like the texture seems to say there should be. Instead the entire planet is riddled with snake like veins of land.

Pock doesn't seem to have a working color map in normal view. Just has colors of minmus. Looks like Pock in map mode though.

Thud could probably use some tweaking with the height map. I haven't checked the original PlanetFactory in a while, but in this version the map view looks a hell of a lot cooler than the actual planet is. I suspect the heightmap just needs harder lines edge for the craters. Right now they transition way too smooth to really be as noticeable as they should be.

Ablate, as stated above by someone, doesn't really look like it should. This is likely going to be the hardest planet to get right due to the unique shape it has, but it will be worth it if it can be done right. Also the PFOffset mod you tried to use isn't a valid PQS, it's a custom wrapper by Krag.

Inaccessable could probably use a bit more "squishing" to make it seem more like the original. I think your main issue here is the fact you've tried to copy Krag and use PQSMod_PFObate which isn't actually a valid PQS mod. The PF stands for Planetfactory and it's a custom wrapper that Krag added, which I'v mentioned above as well.

A few other notes, I'v noticed you've left most of the other PQS mods active that were copied over from the templates such as the PQS citys and noise mods. It's probably a good idea to disable any that you aren't actually using. As for getting around the PF mods that krag used such as oblate and offset, I think you might have to use the vertexheightoblate and offset mods (could have the name wrong, but it's something along those lines).

Edit: Looks like Thud has same issue in default PF. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to make those types of craters with seperate map decals. Also I noticed Accension doesn't look anything like what it should either. The other thing you're missing is Voronoi craters for most of the planets. You might have issue getting those to work though. Took a look at PF source, the PFOblate and PFOffset are actually custom PQS mods, so they may not be possible to do in Kopernicus quite yet.

Edited by Borisbee
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Hey Augustus, try adding the follow PQS mod to Inaccessible.

height = 1300
pow = 10
sphere = Inaccessable (PQS)
modEnabled = True
order = 100
Parent = Inaccessable

It should give it a more squished appearance so the middle sticks out a bit more like the original. Bad news however is I can't seem to get scaled space to update with that mod active.

EDIT: appears that loading that after saving to a file doesn't work. However try adding it via ingame with Kittopia and play around with it.

Edited by Borisbee
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Sorry to add another bug to the pile, but Skelton has a stock Duna atmosphere. And really horrible timewarp limits.

I'm having the same problem with my planets, and I've tried messing with the atmosphere variables in Kittopia. This usually introduces about as many problems as it solves. But, if you can fix it, tell me how you did...

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