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Starstuff v0.1

daniel l.

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Starstuff v0.1

“The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.â€Â

― Carl Sagan, Cosmos

Please go easy on me because this is my first mod.

This mod add several repurposed stock parts and a resource call stardust that is highly valuable when recovered to kerbin.

Stardust when harvested is useless full of space dust and other trash, So you have to run it through the processor to refine it

into Processed stardust which will make a lot of $$$ when recovered (An ideal use for freighters :D)

I Know this mod is kind of OP and if you have any suggestions on how to make it not so please tell me, In fact i would like to know how to make it so nothing is recived unless you are extremely close to the sun as in maybe 700km altitude at least :)

BTW i have included the regolith dll so i can make a processor. Please dont sue me roverdude! :wink:

And please show me some pictures of what you have done with my mod (Like collection stations,Freighters,...)

maybe even upload a review on youtube. :)

Here are some screenshots:

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Download here:


this mod requires Contract configurator

Copyright © 2015, Daniel L.

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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Special thanks to roverdude for congratulating me on my first mod (Along with many others) and answering my question about 5m warp drives, and last but not least letting me use regolith PRE 0.0.2 for my mod

License for regolith:

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Edited by daniel l.
awaiting a license...
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Good start sir! Congrats on your first mod! :) Keep it up!

A few things, one you'll need a license in your OP =) (as well as including regolith's license as well)

Using the solar collector is an interesting idea, An Idea: since your already using regolith for the conversion module, you could setup the resource using regolith as well, giving it a bit more challenging to harvest instead of being avalible everywhere there is sunlight.

some info on the regolith API is here if you need a resource: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19908938/CopyofRegolithAPI.pdf

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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Thank you considering im a noob who has just made a mod, I feel really proud of my first acheivment (Ever) lol

Thanks for the advice i'll look into it, I dont have any 3d modeling software do you think you could make some models for me please.

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Thank you considering im a noob who has just made a mod, I feel really proud of my first acheivment (Ever) lol

Thanks for the advice i'll look into it, I dont have any 3d modeling software do you think you could make some models for me please.

Little busy on my own project at the moment =) but check out http://www.blender.org/

Blender is awesome, and best of all Free! (plus there are tons of tutorials avalible online.)

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Does the collector still work when not the active vessel?

What is the collection rate?

If you cant figure out how to directly set altitude requirements you can fake it with EC requirements. Make the EC cost of running your refining module expensive enough that you just -have- to be really close to the sun in order for solar panels to produce enough power.

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Does the collector still work when not the active vessel?

What is the collection rate?

If you cant figure out how to directly set altitude requirements you can fake it with EC requirements. Make the EC cost of running your refining module expensive enough that you just -have- to be really close to the sun in order for solar panels to produce enough power.

No it doesnt work when not active it is just a repurposed solar panel :D, And as for the collection rate 0.025 per second

and the refinery does cost EC :) but i would like to change the power curve

Edited by daniel l.
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thank you!! i am using a stanford torus mod and starsytems with planetfactory and i have to go all the way in that massive thing at sublight velocities! thank you for making my life better :D

BTW what do you suggest i do to make my mod better ;)

Edited by daniel l.
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Can you help me make a contract for recovering stardust

Here you go, this should get you started (I didn't actually test this though):

// Unique name of the contract type (required)
name = StardustTest

// Contract title is displayed in the window in the corner, shoudl be short
// and descritive
title = Collect some Stardust

// Two options for specifying the description:
// 1) Supply the full text here in the description field
//description = A more detailed description of the contract.

// 2) Supply the following fields, which will be fed into the text
// generator. Use of the CoherentContracts mod is highly recommended,
// as it generates far more meaningful text.
topic = Stardust // Topic of the contract. Should be a
// singular noun.
subject = Sun // Subject of the contract. See
// CoherentContracts for some possible values.
// Includes dust like Kerbal, Experiment,
// Parts, Mun, MunSrf, etc.
motivation = generic // Motivation for why we are doing the
// contract. See CoherentContracts for some
// possible values. Some values used are:
// flags, test, rescue.

// Contract notes are displayed in mission control. Use it to give
// any special instructions.
// Optional
//notes = These are the contract level notes.

// The contract synopsis appears in bold. Give a quick summary of the
// contract objective.
synopsis = We want you to collect some Stardust

// The completedMessage is the message that is displayed when the contract
// completes.
completedMessage = Great, now we just need to figure out what this dust does!

// Agent (agency). If not populated, a random agent will be selected.
//agent = Integrated Integrals

// Contract min/max expiry in days. Default is a contract that does not expire.
//minExpiry = 500.0
//maxExpiry = 1000.0

// Contract deadline in days. Default is no deadline.
//deadline = 500

// Controls for whether a contract can be declined or cancelled, default is true for both
//cancellable = true
//declinable = true

// Prestige. If not specified, this contract type will be available at any prestige level.
// Otherwise, locked to the level specified. Values from Contract.ContractPrestige:
// Trivial
// Significant
// Exceptional
//prestige = Significant

// Target Celestial body - controls where the contract must be completed, has some automated
// effects on numeric values (increasing science, etc.). Also gets used in some of the
// parameter classes.
// Default = null (no celestial body)
targetBody = Kerbin

// The maximum number of times this contract type can be completed (0 being unlimited).
// Default = 0
//maxCompletions = 3

// The maximum instances of this contract that can be active at one time (0 being unlimited).
// Default = 0
//maxSimultaneous = 1

// Contract rewards
rewardScience = 10.0
rewardReputation = 2.0
rewardFunds = 5000.0
failureReputation = 10.0
failureFunds = 10000.0
//advanceFunds = 10000.0

// The weight is used in the contract generation process. Each contract
// type that is available to be offered is added to a weighted list.
// Contract types with a higher value are more likely to be chosen.
// Default = 1.0
//weight = 10.0

// The PARAMETER node defines a contract parameter. The following parameter displays all the
// fields that are supported for a parameter across all types. See the ParameterTestContract
// for examples of all supported parameters.
name = VesselParameterGroup
type = VesselParameterGroup

// The text to display.
// Default - Do the following for <duration>
//title =

// The duration that the conditions must be satisfied for. Can specify values in
// years (y), days (d), hours (h), minutes (m), seconds (s) or any combination of those.
//duration = 10d 2h

// Child parameters look just like a regular parameter (and can be infinitely nested)
name = HasResource
type = HasResource

// The name of the resource to check for
resource = Processed Stardust

// Minimum quantity, default = 0.01
//minQuantity = 10.0

// Maximum quantity, default = double.MAXVALUE
//maxQuantity = 1000.0

// Text to use for the parameter
// Default Resource: <resource>: <quantity_description>
//title =

name = ReturnHome
type = ReturnHome
// Each CONTRACT_TYPE node represents a type of contract that can be offered

I left all the optional stuff commented out so you can see some of the options you have available. Let me know if you have any trouble with it (or have a look through the wiki).

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ok sorry please dont hold it against me i just didnt know. :(

- - - Updated - - -

does this work for you?


- - - Updated - - -

that looks great can i just put it in a .cfg in the mod folder or do i have to include your mod as well (I've already gotten in trouble for including regolith and not formally thanking the dev.) i just wanna know.

BTW how do i test this what conditions in game do i have to meet?

- - - Updated - - -

What do mean by that? i dont quite understand? :confused:

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ok sorry please dont hold it against me i just didnt know. :(

- - - Updated - - -

does this work for you?


- - - Updated - - -

that looks great can i just put it in a .cfg in the mod folder or do i have to include your mod as well (I've already gotten in trouble for including regolith and not formally thanking the dev.) i just wanna know.

BTW how do i test this what conditions in game do i have to meet?

- - - Updated - - -

What do mean by that? i dont quite understand? :confused:

Download looks good. though in the first post you dont need to post the whole text of license, Just a simple Licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC (or whatever license you select :D)

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that looks great can i just put it in a .cfg in the mod folder or do i have to include your mod as well (I've already gotten in trouble for including regolith and not formally thanking the dev.) i just wanna know.

BTW how do i test this what conditions in game do i have to meet?

- - - Updated - - -

What do mean by that? i dont quite understand? :confused:

Woah, slow down a bit. :)

You're not in trouble for not formally thanking the dev, it's because you didn't adhere to Squad's rules for addon posting, and didn't adhere to RoverDude's license (CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0). Squad takes this stuff seriously, and so do many of us modders - but as long as you're in line with the rules link to above (as well as licenses set out for specific mods), then nobody has any issues. ;)

As far as whether you include my mod, you can - again, as long as you're adhering to the license (also CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0). I'd prefer you didn't though - but only because it's still under very rapid development (with new releases as frequent as a couple times a week). You're better off just stating it as a dependency and providing a link to my thread (it can even be an optional dependency if the player doesn't want the contract(s)). Or better yet, have a look at posting your mod on CKAN, as that can take care of the installation of dependencies on the player's side automatically. That way it won't cause issues like the way you currently have Regolith packaged which will give the player two copies of Regolith, which may cause bees everywhere.

You can also post your mod on Kerbal Stuff - you get the CKAN integration for "free" (although I have no idea how the dependency side gets handled then).

And yes - just put that config that I gave you into a .cfg file anywhere, and as long as you have Contract Configurator installed it should show up. If you want to have limits on what is required for the contract to show up... then you're looking at adding a REQUIREMENT node. You'll definitely want to spend some time looking through the wiki if you want to start getting deep into it.

EDIT: I was wrong - you included Regolith in the right spot. However, you should also include his .version file (basically everything that he includes in the Regolith directory).

Edited by nightingale
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In general, it really is the best policy to just state (and link to) dependent mods rather than bundling.* It also means you don't have to worry at all about being license compliant with the other mods since you're not redistributing anything. :) (As you have seen, it's a bit complex and the rules *are* the rules, and enforced.)

*I make exception in RSS for complex reasons, but hold to it with my other mods.

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