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[0.90] Sputnik 8K71PS

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Hello ! :)

Here's a sputnik 8K71PS i fully remade for KSP 0.90 :)

Still with a full launch pad to accomodate the rocket :)

The album :

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now, some stats :P

The rocket with the launch pad stands in at 841 parts.

now, for those interested in stats (and some will ask me ^^):

liftoff mass / twr:

182 tons / 1.48 TWR

just before the four boosters flameout :

102 tons / 2.74 TWR

Core stage just after separation (162 parts with Sputnik)

42 tons / 1.42 TWR

core stage just before flameout :

15 tons / 6.28 TWR

Operations :

once, physics kick in, wait a few seconds for the rocket to settle down.

activate ASAS - stability assist

put the throttle to 0

Stage once to fold down the service arms.

stage to activate the engines, and increase gradually the throttle to full before staging to release the rocket :)

correct as needed before the G turn to keep the prograde marker vertical :D

inflight, i would suggest to do a Pitchover of a few degrees at around 4000 / 5000 meters, then follow the prograde marker (either with the Prograde ASAS or adjusting yourself in stability assist)

as Kerbin isn't earth, i leave it up to you if you want to try to throttle down to circularize in one burn, or shut the engines and coast to apoapsis to circularize :) i've added two reaction wheels along with some batteries to help you correct the rocket's attitude for circularization :sticktongue:

Here's the file, for those who wish to try it :)


Have Fun ! :)

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On 2/8/2015 at 11:37 AM, sgt_flyer said:

Hello ! :)

Here's a sputnik 8K71PS i fully remade for KSP 0.90 :)

Still with a full launch pad to accomodate the rocket :)

The album :

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now, some stats :P

The rocket with the launch pad stands in at 841 parts.

now, for those interested in stats (and some will ask me ^^):

liftoff mass / twr:

182 tons / 1.48 TWR

just before the four boosters flameout :

102 tons / 2.74 TWR

Core stage just after separation (162 parts with Sputnik)

42 tons / 1.42 TWR

core stage just before flameout :

15 tons / 6.28 TWR

Operations :

once, physics kick in, wait a few seconds for the rocket to settle down.

activate ASAS - stability assist

put the throttle to 0

Stage once to fold down the service arms.

stage to activate the engines, and increase gradually the throttle to full before staging to release the rocket :)

correct as needed before the G turn to keep the prograde marker vertical :D

inflight, i would suggest to do a Pitchover of a few degrees at around 4000 / 5000 meters, then follow the prograde marker (either with the Prograde ASAS or adjusting yourself in stability assist)

as Kerbin isn't earth, i leave it up to you if you want to try to throttle down to circularize in one burn, or shut the engines and coast to apoapsis to circularize :) i've added two reaction wheels along with some batteries to help you correct the rocket's attitude for circularization :sticktongue:

Here's the file, for those who wish to try it :)


Have Fun ! :)



Do you have it still???

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@KerBlitz Kerman

It's because the link was generated before mediafire was banned by ksp admins. 

Besides, it'll only work in ksp 0.90 :)

Here's my latest, which worked with the new atmosphere :)

It's available in the thread below but be warned :) the new shape of the puff monopropellant engine broke the craft a bit (there's 1 on top of each booster, which was used for separation - the new shape of the puff is way too big for that)




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