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Mercury Mission Video - In KSP


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So for my senior design class we designed a lander that traveled to Mercury to do some science experiments and such. Since NASA likes to do fancy CG videos of their missions, I decided to do one, in Kerbal of course! Took a weekend and about 40 hours to get it into it\'s final form. It\'s kinda long, but represents the mission from launch to landing. Thought it was pretty cool and you guys might like it. Full screen and 1080 ftw!


Had this running on a big screen off my laptop and had a demo of the game running (yay for my lil laptop ;P), and had people trying to land the lander from the cruise stage at the open house. Not many succeeded lol. But they all asked what it was so I got the word about Kerbal out a little more. Tons of high school teams were there to, so they might go and download it.

Special thanks to the following people.

JordanCox2 for his awesome Atlas V model

Tiberion and sarkun for their cool landing legs

NovaSilisko for the braking engine and the probe kit I used to make the lander

And of course the developers that have made such an awesome game!

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Damn you trolls lol. It\'s funny when I show it to people who have played the game cause they always say 'Is that the Mun?'. Good thing the judges and NASA people won\'t know better.

Really? I don\'t expect them to be fooled that easily since they could go to the moon. :)

Anyways, KSP is way better than whatever program they use to make those videos. Partly because there are actually explosions.

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Wow! I really enjoyed this. Liked and favorited. I bet Harv could use you to help make trailers and promo videos for the game when it gets a little more developed, too. Are you planning to go to work at NASA or something?

I do as a matter of fact. Hoping to get to work on the SLS rocket, but pickings are slim at the moment. Graduate in a week and have no job lined up. :(

If he wanted me I\'d be proud to help out if I could. I like doing stuff like this. Gonna have plenty of free time this summer if things keep up the way they are lol.

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I do as a matter of fact. Hoping to get to work on the SLS rocket, but pickings are slim at the moment. Graduate in a week and have no job lined up. :(

If he wanted me I\'d be proud to help out if I could. I like doing stuff like this. Gonna have plenty of free time this summer if things keep up the way they are lol.

Not many people are lining up to sign up for NASA, man... And to be honest, I would be REALLY careful about going there to work on the SLS. If their current track predicts the future, this is just another one of their stupid 'we\'re going to do this, we swear!' things... You might have better luck at SpaceX.

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Nice demo. Any chance of showing up what the 'actual' Mercury mission would be like?

And yeah, be careful about aiming for SLS. Between things like NASP/X-30, Shuttle-C, DC-Y, Venturestar/X-33, and Constellation, NASA\'s launch vehicle projects since 1980 have had a... rather low success rate. =/

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That\'s why I also have a job app in for a new proposal on a new launch platform, but I think everyone is waiting on contracts or the election. But I\'m going through Boeing, so even if they do cancel the SLS I can always go work on the missile shield. Not a big fan of Space X. Good thing about Huntsville is basically anything rocket or missile based goes through here, so I got plenty of options, once people start get into the hiring mood again.

Our design is basically just a conceptual proposal, so aside from some CAD drawings and tables of data there isn\'t much more to it lol.

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  • 1 month later...

Saw that Nassault630 got his video posted to the front page, any chance my video could have a turn up there sometime. :D

Would like to plug UAH some, along with the IPT program. It does a lot of stuff with high schools and would like to spread the word so that it could expand and get more attention. Know mine isn\'t as good as his, but would still be nice. ;P

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Only one problem. There would be no sunset on mercury.


' Mercury orbits the Sun once in about 88 Earth days, completing three rotations about its axis for every two orbits.'

This, to me, indicates that there would, indeed, be a sunset on the planet mercury. If the planet made one rotation per orbit, that would indicate that the sun is stationary in the sky of mercury, but the fact that the planet makes 1.5 rotation per orbit means there should be a sunset? Now I am not much of an astronomer, so if I am wrong here, please someone enlighten me as to where my logic is failing??


Well here we go, this site goes into detail on the situation, and confirms that mercury does indeed have a sunset, they just happen very slowly and about 6 months apart..

BTW, awesome video OP, good stuff :thumbup:

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