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[Computers] Farewell, Microsoft!


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Here in the US, in 8 days, the FCC will vote on proposed new regulations which will directly affect Net Neutrality. If this goes through and they get their way, you're going to see things like limitations on bandwidth you're allowed to have/use, how much storage you're allowed, and how much time/access you'll be permitted ... among other things. Ultimately, everything you do from surfing to gaming to email will be subject to taxation ... which is what this is all about - more revenue ... and to control You - what you see, what you do, and what you say.

Trying... so hard... not to go into... politics!

I don't actually live in the U.S. for... reasons, however this vote will affect me in a way because other countries will follow what the U.S. does, so I've been campaigning for Net Neutrality. I believe, eventually, a law(s) will be passed to control what can be viewed on the internet. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime though. I can't live without chaos.

I really don't think the KSP Forums are a great place to be debating this topic, but I'll continue to come back here anyway.

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Trying... so hard... not to go into... politics!

I don't actually live in the U.S. for... reasons, however this vote will affect me in a way because other countries will follow what the U.S. does, so I've been campaigning for Net Neutrality. I believe, eventually, a law(s) will be passed to control what can be viewed on the internet. I sincerely hope it doesn't happen in my lifetime though. I can't live without chaos.

I really don't think the KSP Forums are a great place to be debating this topic, but I'll continue to come back here anyway.

I'm not trying to make it a specific national issue, despite my words were with regard to the happenings here in the US; But, lets not forget that on a global scale, the UN wants to control the web, and has openly stated so. I too believe in Net Neutrality. I've stated many times 'we' have strayed far away from the true purpose of what this tool, the computer, was meant and intended for.

As for it a topic for the KSP forums? Well?... maybe so, with good right. If such controls I've mentioned are to put upon the public (be it nationally or globally), how will that affect Imgur posting? Or streaming? Or someone from wherever having access to these forums? Or even the ability to learn about and obtain a copy of KSP? Maybe this IS a thing to be discussed here. Maybe the likes of a global community such as the KSP forum getting together and voicing a loud NO! is what needs to happen.

So maybe lets talk about this in a global community sense and not a national politics sense. ?

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As for it a topic for the KSP forums? Well?... maybe so, with good right. If such controls I've mentioned are to put upon the public (be it nationally or globally), how will that affect Imgur posting? Or streaming? Or someone from wherever having access to these forums? Or even the ability to learn about and obtain a copy of KSP? Maybe this IS a thing to be discussed here. Maybe the likes of a global community such as the KSP forum getting together and voicing a loud NO! is what needs to happen.

I agree with you but, one of the problems is showing people the danger. As Ayn Rand said:

"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see."

People choose what they believe, often dismissing any evidence presented to them against their view, or showing them they may want to reconsider their approach towards the topic. Take climate change for example: A significant amount of people still refuse to acknowledge the effect humans are having on the planet despite 97% of scientists saying it's real, despite seeing flash-flooding and drought, despite seeing countless graphs and charts showing the huge difference between natural change and change caused by humans. They look only for the information that confirms their original belief (confirmation bias).

Another problem is humans are terrible at looking into the future and seeing the outcome of things. We are far more likely to act on matters that affect us at the moment. If something is going to take some time to change something we say: 'I'll deal with that later'. This often leads to cases where it is too late to act. As MartinNiemöller described it:

"When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist. When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat. When they came for the trade unionists, I did not speak out; I was not a trade unionist. When they came for the Jews, I remained silent; I wasn't a Jew. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak out."

The final problem (I have identified) is people are unwilling to accept that problems can arise in their home. They see wars on T.V. and think that only happens in foreign countries. They see natural disasters destroying homes and believe they are immune. They see oppressive governments being denounced by the U.N. yet refuse to acknowledge the fact that their own is becoming much worse than the one on the telly.

All these reasons (and possibly more) add up to make it almost impossible to change someone's mind. The only person who can really change an opinion is the person with the opinion.

(sorry for the wall of text)

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