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The Number War: Count to 100 or -100


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Just updated the rules wording to make things clearer:

R4+5: Player must clearly and correctly mention if they are adding or subtracting the number, and their post must contain the current number (explicit or implied). Post that states the current number incorrectly is nulled.

An example about what this means:

Starting from zero.

Player 1 post: "one". This is acceptable, because it both states the current number, and the operation the player did (plus one). The same applies with any other post that simply state the current number after they changed it one unit.

Player 2 post: "another one". This is nulled, because while it can be read as an addition of one unit to the current number, it does not state the current number correctly(or at all), because other players may mistaken the current number as "one" or 0.

Player 3 post: "+1 from 1" This is acceptable, because it tells the others what the last number was, and the operation the player did (plus one) and from there they can understand that the current number is 2. Again, rule 5 says that you can express the current number anyway you like, along with what you did to it. It just have to be correct. The game can continue.

R6: If there was an error, and someone noticed it, that player can quote the post with the last correct number, and the game continues from the last correct number.

This one should be simple enough to understand. If you report an error with the current number, quote the post with the last correct number, and continue from that one, not the wrong one.

R7: If multiple people trying to change the same number(no matter what the operation, adding or subtracting) at the same time (give or take a minute cause forum time doesn't show seconds) only the last post that appears count. Other players continue from that post. If errors occurs, follow rule 6.

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Welp, sorry for ruining the fun with too many rules. ;.; I tried to be as non interfering as possible. But people lost track of things and I try to make things clearer through rules. We can start again if people want.

Last correct number is 2 if people don't want to restart (GM doing your job for you, happy?). 2 people posted within 1 minute of each other changing same number, this is last. Next post counted it as 3, and henceforth, they are nulled:



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