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The Number War: Count to 100 or -100


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What do you think folks we should fix this game, since + play seems to accumulate errors.

@RainDreamer @Deutherius

This is the post following the last fix

A fault was detected and corrected here and the subsequent post

2 more were detected and corrrected in the subsequent posts.

That then ended with this post.

Basically all errors had been corrected or marked and then played on until this point at which I went back and discovered this error and started taking a back seat just to watch what happens and to see if the players would note and correct.
Here we go.

Critical error 1. Last good post

 Was followed by :

Incompatible direction and sum. (-23) -1 = (-22) [False the correct value is -24]

The next error is.

This one is mine, however the browser, the server appended these two post. This post was invalid.

And the two post that followed were invalid. In attempting to uncover the last valid point I found the first error in the string. (incompatibility error listed above).

The next error in this double erroneous run is on this post

followed by the incompatibility error

Which was detected by atlas and never corrected.

I warned on several occasions to check the past posts but the positives never did.

Based on my assessents, and the GMs, who I have given a long needed rest, can reassess. the current active value should be.


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