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    Salle Jupiter - CSG
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    KSP, Space and Ships but especially Spaceships

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  1. I was looking for this type of stuff and will give it a try for sure! Super boulot
  2. Hi, I've found that Science Re-Revisited is uncompatible with Kerbalism since it changes the xMitDataScalar values too, wich affects the ability to transmit some science experoments. So that's why I wasn't able to transmit barometer or thermometer scan because of a value below 1 (0.9.. something like that) I removed it and it works fine now.
  3. Yeah that's the point, I'll ensure myself something isn't wrong, but that's especially with these 2 experiments, others are running well And about the loss of control after EVA bug, to remove the flag seems to be a great part of the problem, as soon as I retired the flag I had a connection link again
  4. About the samples, it appears to me in the game that pressure and temperature data are sample and need to be returned, how can I change that thing ? I have seen in the Science.cfg that both experiments are set to 1 : @MODULE[*ModuleScience*]:HAS[#experimentID[temperatureScan]] { @xmitDataScalar = 1 } @MODULE[*ModuleScience*]:HAS[#experimentID[barometerScan]] { @xmitDataScalar = 1 } However, they still untransmittable
  5. Is the language patch applied during gamedata loading or is loaded when move the cursor on a part or any other thing with a name or a description ?
  6. What mods did you use And, certainly a mistake but this mod is marked "[1.2][Planets] Real Solar System by NathanKell " Is that a sign or just a mistake ?
  7. Seems like Pingur.net is out of order, can you share others pdf links ?
  8. I don't know why, but even if I didn't unlock MechJeb in tech nodes, I can use all Mechjeb fonctionnalities. Does anyone have idea where it's from ? EDIT : Found the techs needed are not the same as showed in tech tree, so changing them EDIT 2 : The techs needed by MJ2 itself are the same so searching the origin of such a "bug" Seems to come from ETT !
  9. Effectively, it's related to the fact below so, thanks Oh ok Thank you !
  10. I've seen the same in cfg files, but not in game. I'll reinstall, maybe come from any corrupt/old file EDIT : This did not resolve anything still get the same mass bug and .cfg files still indicate the right mass : I don't understand where it's from
  11. It seems that the KW tanks are really heavier than the stock ones for the globally same amount of L-OX and size EDIT : Rockomax X200-32 2.0 t = 1440L 1760Ox And KW SB-1 LFT : 10.66 t = 840L 1056Ox Is that the same for you ?
  12. Yes, Soyuz still meaning "union" in russian by the way
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