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  • A Fond Farewell




    For the past four years, I’ve worked alongside the most talented, passionate and dauntingly intelligent people I’ve ever met, on a game like no other. It's come time though, to step back and focus on other things.

    Four years ago, I successfully applied for a forum moderator position on the forums and spent the next six months helping run every facet of it. Due to the development model that Kerbal Space Program followed, early access to updates was available to moderators for the purposes of testing and I became very interested in that. As the game grew, so did the demand for more rigorous and organised testing, and soon I worked with the developers to expand and invigorate our Experimental Testing Team. Not long after this, around the time we moved to Unity 4, we set up the QA Team and I volunteered for one of the QA positions.

    About five months later, I was employed as QA Lead and Director on KSP. I held this position through the rest of KSP’s early access and into release. It was an extremely rewarding time and one that presented a myriad of challenges that we overcame as a team.

    After version 1.0 released, I moved to the role of Technical Producer. In this role I assisted the developers with organising, documenting and communicating development, oversaw the QA and Experimental phases and ran many, many meetings and standups.


    Kerbal is a project like no other; it’s a game like no other, it has taught me innumerable lessons about software development, game design, QA... the list goes on. I’ve met tens, if not hundreds of absolutely amazing people who have done things that I could only hope to achieve. I’ve watched KSP affect people’s lives in ways I would never have imagined; inspiring them to pursue careers in aerospace and astronomy, enjoying time with their friends on a rainy day or just having fun.


    In the time since I started working on KSP, the community has grown exponentially through a massive amount of initiative and enthusiasm from you all. The feats you’ve accomplished in-game and within the community are awe-inspiring.


    Working on KSP has been a dream come true, it’s a game I have always loved to play and loved even more so to work on. Four years is a long time and after all this time, it’s time that I move on and let someone else take the reins. I couldn’t have asked for a better team to have worked with, or a better project to work on. I’ll truly miss the game, the development team and - perhaps most of all - the brilliant community. You’ve all changed my life for the better in countless ways and given me hope, not just for gaming communities, but for the brilliance of people.


    Thanks and all the best.



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    As I said before Ted, we'll miss your expertise, drive and friendship here. That said, I think I've gained a friend for life working with you and if you ever drop by the Netherlands again, let me know :)


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    Why are all the rats devs leaving the ship? Is it sinking? Please KSP, don't sink!

    Other than that, I wish you all the best Ted! Thanks for your contributions"

    ps.: Not implying that devs are rats. It's just that the metaphor works better.

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    Farewell Ted, thank you for your hard work and dedication to the cause of blowing up Kerbels...... err I mean exploring space.

    Good luck in the future. 

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    It's becoming hard to say goodbye to all those great devs who are leaving the KSP team...

    I hope we will hear from you in the future so i wish you good luck and hope we will ever hear of you again in the future.

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    Thanks soo much for everything you've done and keep doing. If you are ever nearby I'll happily buy you a drink of your choice.... If you get a lot of those offers you could have the Ted World Tour :) 

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    Good Luck for the future Ted. You've done great things for KSP and I'm sure you will continue to do great things where ever the journey takes you next.

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      On 7/4/2016 at 9:58 AM, AndrewHere said:

    Why is everyone leaving all of a sudden?


    The KSP project has been going since 2011. In the technology sector, people often change jobs roughly every 4 years. It's hard to stay interested working on a single thing after that length of time, and you never want to feel that you've learned all you can learn from a job. Sometimes you need to spread your wings. It's also around the length of time it takes for the wage increase of changing jobs to outweigh the kind of wage rises companies generally give. It's sad, but a fact of life.

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    Sad to see you go, Ted, you've been instrumental in both the game's development and the growth of the community. All the best to you, and I hope you find every success in your future endeavors.

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    You have been such a good friend to Kerbal Space Program in every way, and I know the team and the community will miss you you more than you may realise.

    On a personal note; I owe you a debt of gratitude for your part in my involvement in its ongoing development. It's been a pleasure to work with you. 

    Thank you, and farewell friend.

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    Really sad to hear you ae going Ted.  You have been a fantastic servant to KSP and you will be missed.  Good luck with your future career whereever that may be.

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