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  • Kerbal Space Program patch 1.1.2 is now live!


    1.1 Turbo Charged



    Hello everyone!


    We noticed a number of issues persisted through the 1.1.1 patch earlier this week. We’re releasing patch 1.1.2 to address these issues before we head off to a long overdue vacation for the next couple of weeks. Patch 1.1.2 addresses issues with the user interface and landing legs, amongst others.


    Here's the complete changelog:

    =================================== v1.1.2 ============================================================
    * Fixed an issue with triggers and convexity in loading models.
    * Fixed exception in the Stage Only mode of Vessel Resources panel.
    * Fixed for LT-1 and LT-2 landing legs causing a physics jerk when retracting.
    * Fixed an issue where some vessels might explode on go to pad (introduced in 1.1.1).
    * Fixed an issue with PQS shader accessibility.
    * Optimized moment of inertia calculations and some matrix operations.
    * Fixed an issue with an offset in the small landing gear part.
    * Optimized drag calculations.
    * Made wheel autostrutting more configurable.
    * Fixed some display issues in KSPedia.
    * Fixed an issue in FlightLogger regarding reverting / loading saves.
    * Increased brake torque tweakable's upper limit to 200%.
    * Added editor tweakables for spring and damper strength for suspension.
    * Removed non-working "disable suspension" tweakable.
    * Fixed issue with popup dialogs sharing the same title which broke game loading when loading multiple vessels all lacking parts.
    * Removed unneeded image effects on UI camera for increased performance.
    * Fixed issue where IVA field of view changes applied to flight camera on exiting IVA.
    * Remove some garbage creation in Part.Update.
    * Fixed an issue where Kerbals on EVA rescue contracts weren't fully destroyed if the contract was not done. Added a check to clear any 'empty' EVA'd Kerbal vessels in existing saves.
    * Fixed an issue where Kerbals were able to be renamed through KB.



    User Feedback

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    I'm still getting some rather large phantom forces from stations with docked landers (this actually started in 1.1.1).   My 1.0.5 testing seems to indicate this wasn't a thing back then.

    It's actually so bad that at times my crappy T5 Mun station can accelerate as quickly as 0.15m/s^2 without any engine thrust at all.

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      On 4/30/2016 at 2:11 PM, Renegrade said:

    I'm still getting some rather large phantom forces from stations with docked landers (this actually started in 1.1.1).   My 1.0.5 testing seems to indicate this wasn't a thing back then.

    It's actually so bad that at times my crappy T5 Mun station can accelerate as quickly as 0.15m/s^2 without any engine thrust at all.


    Kraken engine, weee :sticktongue:

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    Not time for a break there squad. This game is totaly broken. None of the stock wheels work at all! Small landing gear sinks into the runway, Large gear makes the ship a mexican jumping bean. This is unplayable.

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      On 4/30/2016 at 2:11 PM, Renegrade said:

    I'm still getting some rather large phantom forces from stations with docked landers (this actually started in 1.1.1).   My 1.0.5 testing seems to indicate this wasn't a thing back then.


    Ahh, so it is landing legs causing this, I was wondering what was going on. I'll second the "not a thing in 1.0.5" too.

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    Wow only 4 days passed since 1.1.1 and already so many fixes is ready for 1.1.2. Thanks for patch/update and happy holiday/vacation to whole Squad! :cool:

    *More mojito's and less pizza during vacation Squad!

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    Ok, just patched my (working) 1.1.1 up to 1.1.2, result:

    Set current directory to /home/steve/Games/KSP_linux-testing
    Found path: /home/steve/Games/KSP_linux-testing/KSP.x86_64
    Mono path[0] = '/home/steve/Games/KSP_linux-testing/KSP_Data/Managed'
    Mono path[1] = '/home/steve/Games/KSP_linux-testing/KSP_Data/Mono'
    Mono config path = '/home/steve/Games/KSP_linux-testing/KSP_Data/Mono/etc'
    displaymanager : xrandr version warning. 1.4
    client has 4 screens
    displaymanager screen (0)(HDMI-0): 1920 x 1080
    Using libudev for joystick management
    Importing game controller configs
    PlayerInitEngineNoGraphics settings: Could..... not preload global game manager #0   i=0
    Failed to initialize player

    On STDOUT, no game. Really guys? No log either.

    Edited by steve_v
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      On 4/30/2016 at 2:24 PM, Steel Dragon said:

    Not time for a break there squad.


    Given that many studies have shown extended periods of 'crunch' or at least overtime for a team leads to more than a 50% drop in productivity, I should think that the team not only deserve significant time off, they require it. That's not even mentioning that those receiving time off (the majority of the team) have been working non-stop tirelessly for over a year, before 1.0 to really do the best job we can and give you guys the best version of KSP. Of course, it also goes without saying that we're people here, we're not machines, we need time to recharge, maybe power down a bit, do some updat- maybe we are machines?

    Anyway, we'll be back soon enough, we'll refine 1.1.2 to a tee with some help from newer versions of Unity and some of the plugins we're using. And with fresh minds, we'll be able to squash those bugs that are pestering you so!

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    Landing leg clipping; popcorn effect - FIXED.  Thank you.  Landing leg friction - well, I can't really tell if it's any better or not.  I still can't land on a Munar incline of more than 20 degrees without oozing downhill on the landing legs.  I imagine things will be much worse on Minmus.  I guess we'll need skis if we want slope biome science.

    Mod request - a harpoon.

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      On 4/30/2016 at 2:46 PM, Ted said:

    Given that many studies have shown extended periods of 'crunch' or at least overtime for a team leads to more than a 50% drop in productivity, I should think that the team not only deserve significant time off, they require it. That's not even mentioning that those receiving time off (the majority of the team) have been working non-stop tirelessly for over a year, before 1.0 to really do the best job we can and give you guys the best version of KSP. Of course, it also goes without saying that we're people here, we're not machines, we need time to recharge, maybe power down a bit, do some updat- maybe we are machines?

    Anyway, we'll be back soon enough, we'll refine 1.1.2 to a tee with some help from newer versions of Unity and some of the plugins we're using. And with fresh minds, we'll be able to squash those bugs that are pestering you so!


    No your not machines just a typical cog in a corporate machine. The true problem here is the same problem you see everywhere. Your under staffed!!! Companies hire the bare minimum to get it done and then press them to get it done faster. Well that dosn't work. You can have it fast, you can have it cheap, and you can have it good, but you can't have all three. That was the first thing I learned in business and if more companies followed that principle we would not be getting all the shoddy craftsmanship we see now. If Squad hired more programmers (on a game they made a killing on) we would not be having year long cycle times with game breaking bugs.

    I do applaud the work you have done and hope to see the game back to a stable manner soon.

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    Do we already have the mentioned rescaling option per single UI element?

    I looked for it in the changelog and ingame but did not find it yet. But maybe I just missed it.

    Or maybe it is in next weeks update together with a high res graphics overhaul that doubles the framerate for everyone, includes multiplayer and free tickets for a KSP fanconvention.*

    * I am just dreaming

    Nice to see, that you are pushing the bugfixes through so quickly. For me 1.1 was more stable than ever (wheels excluded:P).

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    Squad devs Arsonide, NathanKell and Claw have confirmed that some of the wheel/gear/leg (basically all the same thing now) issues are due to known bugs in the version of Unity 5 that KSP currently uses, and they can't be fixed with patches, they will require a newer version of Unity 5.

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      On 4/30/2016 at 2:24 PM, Steel Dragon said:

    Not time for a break there squad. This game is totaly broken. None of the stock wheels work at all! Small landing gear sinks into the runway, Large gear makes the ship a mexican jumping bean. This is unplayable.


    You should be thankful that the game is not as buggy as it was before the release of 1.1.2. They've done their best to fix all the bugs they can, and they should get a break. If you want to hold out until it's less buggy, then go back to 1.0.5.

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      On 4/30/2016 at 3:29 PM, Kiro said:

    Were the crashes to desktop from the VAB addressed in any way in this patch?


    Nope just had a BSOD from the VAB

      On 4/30/2016 at 3:30 PM, WillThe84th said:

    You should be thankful that the game is not as buggy as it was before the release of 1.1.2. They've done their best to fix all the bugs they can, and they should get a break. If you want to hold out until it's less buggy, then go back to 1.0.5.


    No I shouldn't since 1.0.5 was stable and playable. The fact that they cant get there 64bit software to work properly and yet rolled it out as a finished product is a problem. When your primary product damaged to the point you can not use it that is not the time for a vacation. That is when you pay overtime, staff up, and fix the major issues the game is having.

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      On 4/30/2016 at 3:30 PM, Laguna said:

    Squad devs Arsonide, NathanKell and Claw have confirmed that some of the wheel/gear/leg (basically all the same thing now) issues are due to known bugs in the version of Unity 5 that KSP currently uses, and they can't be fixed with patches, they will require a newer version of Unity 5.


    If this is true the only solution is for squad to fork over the cash for the updated game engine. Otherwise this game is totally broken

    1. Cant build a ship in VAB the game crashes

    2. Can not launch a plane or rover or anything with wheels 

    3 can not land on another body landing legs broken (unable to get a craft anywhere to test)

    Please address these issues

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    Downloading v1.1.2 for Linux from the Squad Store is misbehaving. I hope it's just a sign of the load on the Squad server-system. I don't feel any need to rush, but when I do try again I shall also try Firefox rather than Opera,

    On what I have seen so far, with v1.1.1, the 64-bit version is a remarkable achievement. It's not hitting RAM so hard and generally running faster. But I would be unsurprised by a further version appearing in the next couple of months.

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