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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. That resource list with the lines pointing to the part, that's absolutely brilliant. I wish that was stock because when alt+clicking parts and they are close enough, they overlap. And if it happens to fuel tanks, I'd have to move the camera a bit so I can click the transfer buttons. That could be a mod of its own, non-overlapping info panels! Thank you for the update!
  2. I've been using these settings, looks great IMO. http://sweetfx.thelazy.net/?p=41
  3. Sorry it took long to reply, I was trying to find the conflict and Kerbal takes like 3 mins to load for me... Anyway I've isolated the problem to Ferram Aerospace Research! I'm going to test your fix now. edit: Hey your fix works! Thank you! Ver 4 with FAR
  4. Anyone knows why it looks like this for me? I can still move the bar but it's so small it just quickly goes from 1 to 1/64th hahaha
  5. Awesome! With the Science Realism mode transfer now working, I don't have to guess if I've used up my Science Jr. Sometimes I forget if I've used and transferred the data already. I clip the unit inside so I can make small landers.
  6. Yay more trusses! Would those solid walled octagonal cargo containers work like cargo bays? edit: That round adapter goes so well with TurboNisu's Adapter Fuel Tank. Look at that connection! If the adapter ring edge were of the same color, it would have been too perfect!
  7. I'm digging those girders! I've always wanted more girder types. And Tangerine is perfect with the ROUND-8! Now, if I can only find a way to make telescoping trusses..
  8. Yes, sorry bad wording there I used circular loosely. I should have said eccentric because I rarely bother circularizing them, as long as it's off the atmosphere I'm good! Then I move the apsides so they are "on top" of the inclination nodes (Ap/Pe is on AN/DN), so after I've raised my apoapsis, I can plane change at the node too. I don't really know if that matters but I thought that it's more efficient to burn on or near the node marker itself. I'm thinking that I pushed my apoapsis closer to Minmus, and used up lower delta-v by changing on the inclination node which is at my apoapsis too. It works for me but I'm wondering if I'm just complicating things up and what I'm doing is actually inefficient.
  9. Hello! I don't really quite understand the math but if delta-v required for the change will always be lower than a "direct burn", then would it also apply to the situation where I change my apsides before raising one apsis for the normal burn? For example whenever I go to Minmus: Launch and circularize into a equatorial orbit Change apsides so they are the same with the orbital nodes to Minmus, usually where apoapsis is on the side where Minmus is currently going to Raise apoapsis Inclination change Fiddle with maneuvers to get an encounter I've seen Scott Manley's video to Minmus and he doesn't bother with the plane change at Kerbin, but I can't get an encounter if I try it myself, just aiming at the inclination nodes. Is my step 2 unnecessary?
  10. Is there a thread or some collection of KAS tips? There are so many stuffs we can do with it and sometimes I'm just at a loss. A few days ago I realized those pistons makes for some good floatation device to keep the pod from rolling so Jeb can go out to take samples and come back in again.
  11. @a__gun: Thanks for the new sizes! Now I can do something like this! I'd have to find a way to lower the light intensity though.
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