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Everything posted by Shrike99

  1. So if i am processing returned samples from, say Duna and Ike, What would the best place to process them near Kerbin be? Since the samples are from Duna/Ike, there is no bonus for being around the same body, but is there a difference Kerbin/Minmus/Mun orbit? And i presume that being landed on Minmus/Mun is better than orbiting any of the three?
  2. First up, this isnt an unexplained problem to my knowledge. My space-station gaining 10km to its appoapsis every second even with no thrust or torque active is unexplained. My understanding is that it is because when you aren't time warping, which halts all rotation and puts you "on rails", the craft will always either be applying some force via SAS, altering the orbit, or like you have done here if you disable the SAS and torque, there will be a minute amount of rotation no matter what, combining that with inaccuracies in the way ksp handles floating point calculations and you get some orbital "wobble". Anyway, you could view it as realistic, as in real life spacecraft experience similar effects, as gravity is not perfect or constant around the earth, meaning that there are wobbles in the real world. Also this problem isn't unique to 1.0.2, This has been here since the early days of ksp, although i seem to remember it got improved somewhat around 0.25?
  3. The Interstellar fuelswitch plugin is based on FSfuelswitch, its essentially just a bugfixed version with some extra features, so FSfuelswitch configs still work with it. I think the main change is the way it handles changing cost when the fuel config is changed, something that apparently required a lot more work in fsfuelswitch, tough it still supports the old format.
  4. Ah.. that sneaky Nertea, that's probably it I had removed his patch, but i guess when i installed his latest version i forgot to reremove it Do feel a bit simple now, but eh, that's nothing new Thx anyway:confused:
  5. I'm having an issue where although i have written a custom config and added it to the patches folder, and it is giving me the option to change fuel selection, the plugin's default setting is still there, giving me a double-patch on all parts: http://imgur.com/ErDR4NK Both work fine, but the double up is driving me crazy Is there some way i can disable this? EDIT: Am fool, problem solved by Exavier Macbeth
  6. Might i ask if that was inspired by my entry into the stock payload fraction contest? If so i am very happy to see someone expanding the idea, new techniques are good for everyone! If not i will still incorporate some design features seen there, I had considered using LV-Ns, but the new limitations on them had held me off But rapiers!, why didn't i think of that? For some reason i only though about their air-breathing thrust at sea level, which is lower than the turbo, but i forgot that having them means you don't need as much rocket engine mass. Anyway, it is just nice seeing people all taking different approaches to getting to orbit.
  7. Is it possible to set up a config that allows the base mass of a tank to change when using a different fuel?
  8. I don't think you are thinking about this correctly, the Eva Pack acts like a ship using RCS translation, which is nothing like a normal ship where WASDQE steers you, and throttle is foward. So what i think you are saying that the Eva should have only one direction of thrust, and the key controls are for steering. Which would probably be easier to fly, but much harder to actually get where you are going. Try docking with only and engine and reaction wheels, it can be done, but it isn't easy That or you are saying that the Eva should use NHIJKL, where N/H is foward/back, J/L is left/right, and IK is up/down, and you would steer using WASDQE as well. This sounds rather more complicated than the current system, having to use 12 keys. Try flying a ship around a station using the RCS translation and steering controls. Neither really seems to be an improvement The Eva controls as they are are based on the docking controls in linear mode, if you considered your target to be "up", Ctrl/Shift is up/down, W/S is forward/back, A/D is left/right, but rather than swapping to rotation mode, orientation is done with the mouse. I personally have never had any major issues with the current system, the only change i would like is for them to make the rotate-with-left-mouse-then-press-space-to-focus-camera feature actually work, so that flying at different orientations was easier. But the Ctrl Shift WASD layout is fine, especially if you are used to docking a lot
  9. "He who asks a question may look stupid for five minutes, but he who never asks remains a fool forever" -A Chinese proverb Because although more tanks are/more space is needed, the fuel mass is lower, meaning that you need less lower stage mass to lift it.This is because LqdHydrogen has a low density, so it takes up more space, but still weighs less for the same performance. In the real world kerosene/RP1 takes up less space than LH2 for a given delta-v requirement, but has a higher mass fraction compared to the payload. With the new isp values it seems plausible that the default liquidfuel and oxidizer are Rp-1/LOx, so the comparison with this pack is somewhat accurate
  10. Yep, re balancing LH2 to allow other things to work is fine with me. ive got another install with Rss and real fuels for when i feel like actual densities anyway. I would be fine with using a firespitter config, i actually know how to edit those Edit: i actually think it would be worth learning to use ISfuelswicth, is there a tutorial for making configs for it anywhere?
  11. I do have a minor complaint, related to the discussions i have seen on the last few pages i think i can remedy it with some simple config edits, but i am completely unfamiliar with Interstellar fuel-switch The Pure LqdHydrogen tank config has a mass fraction of 1.623... Using LV-Ns patched to use LqdHydrogen, this gives a maximum single stage delta v of only about 3800m/s With that fuel mass fraction the same-massed skipper gives better total mass for any delta-v requirements over about 125m/s, regardless of payload. And that was using a skipper, which has the same mass as the LV-N and lower isp than some other chemical engines, the numbers get worse using say, a poodle or lv-909 I understand that this is to give them the correct volume given the poor density of Lh2? Even so, is there some way i can edit the config so that i can: A. reduce tank dry mass so that the mass fraction is improved, but volume is constant or B. Unrealistically compress the hydrogen somewhat, improving mass fraction Additionally, and on an unrelated note, i would like to ask about changing the pure Oxidizer and Liquidfuel configs slightly In FSfuelswitch the pure configs kept the 9:11 ratio, so an ftl-800 with 360-LF and 440-Ox, would have 720-LF or 880-Ox in its pure storage mode. Now i understand that they have the same mass and volume, and that is why Interstellar fuel switch gives equal numbers, but from my point of view, you would only use pure oxidizer if you were planning to also have tanks with pure liquidfuel, but the 800-800 system in place means that the fuel mixture is incorrect when you do this, making it rather redundant. The liquidfuel-only option does of course make sense, either for aircraft or for non edited LV-Ns, but i would still like to change this behavior if i can, and since i was asking about fuel configs anyway i thought i'd mention this too. Anyway, help of any form would be appreciated.
  12. Im trying to use TAC with the new horizons planet pack, and it seemed to be working fine, but i recently found that one of the planets that supposedly had a breathable atmosphere, Arin, However, it appears that as Tac is configured to only allow Kerbals on EVA to breathe on Kerbin, as Laythe has a toxic component in its air, and this setting seems to apply to other planets as well. Anyway, my questions is, how can i set an exception to this behavior?
  13. Alright, after messing around with all-rocket designs, and failing to get above about 22.5%(Kudos to Radam for somehow getting 24!!!) i decided to go for a hybrid approach, and have managed ~27.29% on my third revision, though i believe that with some tweaking and a more optimal ascent profile i can get more. I decided to put a mostly full ore tank into orbit. No real reason, other than it was ballast, and couldn't attribute to the craft I will post a flight plan and craft file after some further messing around, if anyone is interested, although i daresay you could just build your own take on it from the pictures
  14. Is this for single stage lifters? or are multistage designs allowed? Cause my single stage designs are capping at around 8%, 5 if i make the lifter reuasble. I haven't really messed around with multistage et
  15. For some reason i am unable to change the wire mode when using RPM, Everything else works just fine any suggestions/Things ive missed?
  16. Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but since im working with the Firespitter plugin ill do it anyway: I'm trying to modify an engine using Firespitter, i've done about 95% of what i want to do, but i've run into a problem, i'm trying to make a reverse thrust option using FSswitchEngineThrustTransform, but i want the reverse thrust to produce ~1/5 of the normal because having full reverse thrust on the engine i'm using makes no sense. It seems that the module does not allow you to limit thrust, nor can i figure out how to use MultiModeEngines to reverse thrust. Any suggestions?
  17. So i was messing around in the VAB a little too much with offset and symmetry tools, and it broke a bit, so i went out to the space center intending to reload the VAB scene, when i was greeted by this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dvwi3trkkgbd0oj/screenshot11.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/hpqqi8cinb5rsh2/screenshot12.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/uufwm02oaix89rn/screenshot14.png?dl=0
  18. Not while conscious, but statistically yes... not a pleasant thought The user below me likes boosters. a lot.
  19. Guilty as charged The user below me has a chocolate addiction
  20. nope, never had a drop The used below me has seen the vine of the falcon 9 "landing hard" on a boat
  21. I'm not sure i see the issue here? It looks to me like the exhaust is just increasingly transparent as it gets lower, and thus you can see through the exhaust, rather than the scorch marks rendering in front of it. but i will have a look with my own client and see if i can reproduce these results
  22. I do believe there are a few mods that at least allow you to recover funds from debris with parachutes on it only one i could find was this, but i remember there being a few others. Either way i think a solution of some sort is needed in stock
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