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Master Tao

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Everything posted by Master Tao

  1. Use the tag and a direct URL for the image. This page has a full list of the BBCode tags for the forum.
  2. Are you in Career mode and are your orbits gray instead of blue? If so, you'll need to upgrade your Tracking Station. Otherwise, please read the [thread=92230]Stock Support and Bug Reporting Guide[/thread].
  3. Yes, Patcher isn't working, and hasn't been on Macs for a while. Of course, now everyone else feels our pain. You can still download the full game from your KSP Store account and then copy over anything you want, though it's usually best to start fresh with both mods and saves after major updates.
  4. The lines show drag (red), wing lift (blue), and control surface (yellow) forces. They red ones should point roughly opposite the direction of movement. Are they not for you?
  5. What do you mean by this? What exactly did you take out? Are you saying that stock KSP without any files removed crashes before loading? In any case, BDArmory is one of [thread=116916]the many mods that have been updated for KSP 1.0[/thread].
  6. After thinking this through for a moment, I'm going to leave this in Support (unmodded installs) until we can rule out a stock bug. Is your craft in contact with any fairing panels?
  7. Moved to Live from Mission Control. Anything in particular wrenpheonix plans on doing in the stream?
  8. You can also toggle engines using custom action groups. There's more information about those on the wiki.
  9. There are some other errors in the log while KSP is loading parts. Somehow, KSP has lost the definition for CompoundPart and the Engine category for parts. It's unlikely, but possible that renaming KSP.app to KSP 0.90.app caused this. If renaming it doesn't work, try reinstalling KSP, testing it, then installing BDArmory from a fresh download. You can get that on KerbalStuff. If that works, just copy over your save.
  10. Yes, and (un)fortunately, I'm one of them, meaning I can only help track this down with really good information. From what I've seen so far, we can at least eliminate a few possibilities: OS X version (I've seen 10.9 and 10.10 in this thread) and graphics card version (I've seen Nvidia, AMD, and Intel cards all produce the same results). That's new. Looks like the highlighting effect got reoriented. Can you double check that PPFX is off? And, yes, the memory leak in the heat warning bars will make these worse. Good that it's playable for you now, though the issue is still present.
  11. That is unusually slow. It sounds like you're having this trouble since KSP 0.25. Have you tested any further back? It looks like an external process is slowing the game down rather than the game slowing itself down, which is what happens when the physics engine is overloaded. For a quick check, open Activity Monitor > View > All Processes, then click on the % CPU header to sort the processes. Are there any that stay consistently above 20%?
  12. The whole log, please. It often contains more information about why something went wrong, rather than just what went wrong.
  13. Don't mind me. I'm just punning this thread into Forum Games.
  14. Indeed, forum themes appear not to work well with the current software, though they may explored again following the planned upgrade to the forum software. Also, moved to The Kerbal Network.
  15. See this thread for more information. It may be possible to mitigate this issue by reducing the texture quality. At this point, we're trying to narrow down the cause, which appears to be excessive memory usage on some Macs, but not others.
  16. I see the shrouded solar panels as retractable and the unshrouded as non-retractable with no option to do so: What platform and version do you have?
  17. Indeed, it was intended. From the 1.0.0 changelog: It does make them more distinctive from the shrouded heatshields.
  18. @CERVERUS: Please update your download and post with the license. Even just config files are mods, so the Add-on Posting Rules apply.
  19. @Brotoro: Thanks for going through the effort to reproduce it. The second and third screens shots are what I'd expect in this issue. The other shadow issues... The most personal the Player.log will get is your install location. If it's in your home folder, you can do a Find & Replace with something generic like "username." @Veritas1000: Good to know. Based on logs I've seen elsewhere, I also think it's safe to eliminate Steam builds as the cause.
  20. To my knowledge, all the mods listed here are Windows, OS X, and Linux compatible. Most mods are, though a few contain native code and only work on the modder's platform. Odds are good, though there were enough changes that might break plugins and balance. That said, anyone who's already updated a mod for 1.0.0 will probably be around to update for 1.0.2.
  21. As this thread is a duplicate, but post times overlap quite a bit, I'll close it. Try this thread.
  22. Moved, provisionally, to Support (unmodded installs). Please read the Support stickies as we'll need more information to look into the problem.
  23. I think a fair number of Mac users have seen those graphical errors. You'll want to check this thread.
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