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Everything posted by Joachim

  1. THAT'S THE ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers sirkut hopefully it works in 0.24.2
  2. Thank you for the suggestions, however stripsymmetry doesn't seem to work and TAC part lister just shows a blank window and lots of red in the debug window
  3. That is really really pretty, I love building versions of the shuttle in KSP...... however I always come back to actual spaceplanes rather than gliders that are thrown into orbit lol!!!!!!
  4. These are all great programs but I was unclear, I was looking for a mod that allows you to see all the parts in a built ship in VAB and remove specific parts, for example if you have strutted a spaceplane but need to remove some hidden struts?!?!
  5. Hiya, I used to have a mod that listed all the parts in a build in the vab or sph and allowed you to delete individual parts and remove symmetry I think. Can't seem to find it anymore?? Anyone got any ideas??
  6. Spaceplane glamour shot time, this one is used to ferry crew up to stations etc...
  7. There is a user created update of B9 for 24.2 on curse somewhere. I just picked out the parts I like (RCS blocks for example).
  8. Same for me, all works bar the hotspots. Take a break dude
  9. Awesome, some brief things: You need a texture replacer file with this: TextureReplacer { keepLoaded = ^UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/ORS/ } for karbonite (also I think your MKS version ofm this file still needs the = put in too?) Also slight clipping of drill animation into landing legs, but you probably knew that, otherwise seems to work well
  10. Abandoned might be a bit strong, I presume some mod authors don't have the time to update these mods. Would help if the KAS licence allowed forking but it is Majiir's mod so his rules really.
  11. It appears to be working for me too in 32 bit but I was having problems before!
  12. oh should have said I was having various problems with 32bit (64bit is too buggy for me to be bothered with atm).
  13. WTF, okay so KAS (just the straight 0.47 download, no recompiled dll) and it only bloody WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really am not sure why but I have tested alot of grabbing and attaching various parts and no explosions......... weird
  14. Would anyone be so kind as to make available their fixed version of KAS for 32bit 0.24? I have tried two different kas.dll's downloaded from this thread and both have bugs. So if I could try other ones that would be cool
  15. It is fubared in 32bit and 64bit, anyone who says otherwise just hasn't tested it enough
  16. Apparently scale.dll has altered parameters for each mod but you can make sure that all the kspapiextensions.dll files are the same latest version pulled from github, has helped me abit but not enough presently to use PF
  17. Yes I have dumped PF in favour of the KW fairings as PF has too many plugins to play nicely with all the other scale.dll and kspapiextensions.dll files that are floating about.............
  18. Hurrah this is exactly what was needed, well done Roverdude
  19. That sucks dude I personally never ever ever ever ever ever leave a scene with anything still connected using KAS pipes or winches as there is a very high likelihood that the Kraken will ruin your day. That being said KAS rocks for attaching parts and pumping resources around, not so much making permanent bases.
  20. You are a genius I added the normal list and everything is great
  21. Yeah the cockpit is very SR-71 like, which is fracking awesome
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