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Posts posted by ebigunso

  1. I'm trying to add Test Flight configs to RO engines that doesn't have them yet, and have succeeded in one, but my second attempt using almost the same MM patch has failed for some reason.

    Here is the MM patch in question:

    		name = RD-56
    		ratedBurnTime = 800
    		ignitionReliabilityStart = 0.95
    		ignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.98
    		ignitionDynPresFailMultiplier = 0.1
    		cycleReliabilityStart = 0.93
    		cycleReliabilityEnd = 0.98
    		name = KVD-1
    		ratedBurnTime = 800
    		ignitionReliabilityStart = 0.95
    		ignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.98
    		ignitionDynPresFailMultiplier = 0.1
    		cycleReliabilityStart = 0.93
    		cycleReliabilityEnd = 0.98
    		name = CE-7.5
    		ratedBurnTime = 720
    		ignitionReliabilityStart = 0.95
    		ignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.98
    		ignitionDynPresFailMultiplier = 0.1
    		cycleReliabilityStart = 0.93
    		cycleReliabilityEnd = 0.98

    The engine I succeeded in adding a Test Flight config was the Vikas engine, which I was able to add a config for Vikas-1, Vikas-1+, Vikas-2, and Vikas-2B varients of the engine.

    The MM patch is basically the same except the name and rated burn time fields. I don't see why this would work in one but not another. Can anyone point out to me what I'm doing wrong here?

    EDIT: The only major difference I noticed with the original engine config I was patching, was that the Vikas used ModuleEngines, and KVD-1 used ModuleEnginesFX. Would this cause the issue?

  2. I was messing around with Hyperedit on a craft that was about to decay according to Orbital Decay manager. Being in the flight screen for that craft past it's "supposed to decay" time seemed to have plagued my Orbital Decay plugin with NaN.

    I see "Time Until Decay: NaN" for that craft and every other craft I launch after. I want to go in my save files to edit out the NaNs so Orbital Decay could regenerate proper values for them again, but I don't know where to look. Can I get some advice on this matter?

  3. I noticed that the total decay rate shown in the Manager window is inconsistent with the rates shown in the Breakdown Display. The screenshot below is of a probe orbiting the Moon in RSS. As you can see in the screenshot, the Manager shows the value for Radiation Pressure Decay only and ignores the Gravitational Effect decay rate.

    I use v1.5.4 from ZAJC3W (Thanks!) on KSP 1.2.2 with RO.




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