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Everything posted by autumnalequinox

  1. Anyone ever get the feeling this game has become a full fledged hobby? I mean that includes reading deeper and deeper spaceflight articles (including scientific paper abstrats and exerpts) and obsessing with space in general (depending on the strength of one's current level of obsession with the game). It's almost a weird sub-niche between model rocketry, building models, and playing with CAD programs or something.
  2. I <3 you, Claw. Oh you saved my station! Works perfectly. *mwah* Oh, and lastly, for anyone wondering: I redocked the module with a small utility tug and the port became normal again (I had my CLS "open hatch" option back as well!). So if you get a stuck port, just detached with the Force Undock and redock.
  3. Yay! I'm going to hold out on my first try of Realism Overhaul until then. I think this will be a great addition to it.
  4. I got the same bug too with KIS/KAs and the SEP stuff. Only when changing flight scene to Minmus base consisting of two linked craft and a SEP setup. I deleted the SEP setup (through terminate) and it reduced the lag but still threw up same exceptions. Just confirming the bug.
  5. Magico is building on an old mod called BROKE that will provide a framework to do such things (i think it's intended to be a companion to KCT). It's still in very very beta right now. I think the intention is to eventually have payroll, mission costs, etc. It already has funding based on reputation and payroll (as well as loans). State Funding may be what you're thinking of. It may have been abandoned but was pretty nifty.
  6. I've had one VAB crash when I jerked a large collection of parts around. I pruned my mods down a bit, getting rid of buggy ones and sticking with those updated to 1.1.3 (excluding a few that weren't affected by the update). Running about 50+ mods. Everything seems a little smoother, the orbits aren't collapsing anymore (thank gods) which allows me to actually manuever without staying stuck in time warp. So all in all a nice improvement. I do have some weird bug where I can't click the "new" button in the VAB. I have to just delete everything and be careful about overwriting. For some reason the button only becomes usable when I drop a subassembly in. Not sure what is causing this, could be a mod. It's not a corrupted .craft file.
  7. TestFlight seems pretty bonked with this update as well (actually last few updates it seems). I have nothing but patience I just like to stir up quiet mod threads sometimes. In the meantime I'm working on a mod myself that will cause batteries and reaction wheels to get worn out over time. Might satisfy me a bit.
  8. Everything just feels... too reliable... without Dang it. I've taken to installing Far for aerodynamic failures and using the Mutiny option in USI life support to break whatever I can in the meantime.
  9. Getting an endless spam of MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TimeWarp.SetRate'. at WhitecatIndustries.DecayManager.RealisticDecaySimulator (.Vessel vessel) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at WhitecatIndustries.DecayManager.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Seems to have to do with the new Time Warping in 1.1.3. But that's a given until the update just in case anyone is curious why things may have gone wonky for anyone else.
  10. This I like! A super powered "far future technologies" pack. Oh and make these things cost crazy money (like RoverDude does with Orion) that can be offset once you have some resource production set up off-world. I'm not sure if others consider USI and Near Future to be it's own little allied thing (I call it Ultra-Stock+) vs. say KSPI but I think RoverDude covers fusion torches and warp drives already. Seems like this could cover more exotic propulsion like fission fragment and catalyzed and maybe mass driver? But since Near Future/Kerbal Atomics covers technically feasible/tested-but-not deployed hardware this stuff should definitely go into it's own category. Maybe "Somewhat Distant but maybe-not too much Future Atomics"? Or is that a mouthful?
  11. I'm waiting to get my old hard drive with my copy of Visual Studio and I've started diving into the API and source of some mods to get some basics down so I can at least do a copy/paste job. I want to work wonders myself with the BROKE framework but it may be a bit before I can put anything out useful. I've been thinking of something similar myself where science is the goal (actually each planetary body has a max science to unlock before you can move on). Get into all this enough and it gives good motivation to learn C#. Sucks too because I am busy learning C++ right now and I'm terrified I'm going to scramble my brain.
  12. So true. Those flares would have me adjust the cameras so they appeared just right and gave my boring maneuvers some artistic appeal.
  13. OOo ok I had a feeling. It only happened once but on quickload a vessel got nuked at 50k meters on Eve haha. Thanks for the info I can handle the load times (thaaaaaaaaaaaank u new SSHD)
  14. This is a KCT sim I ran to show a good size/number of hydrogen tanks before your nuclear thermal rockets start to make major gains over cryogenic engines. This example uses a simple stock engine with Kerbal atomics/NFE. I know there were some that were concerned they were being outperformed by cryo engines. At this size, the oxidizer in the tanks for a cryo setup would start to lower the delta-v. Of course this setup isn't necessary, I just think it's pretty. Oh and the forward payload is about 10 tons (actually low for a nuclear setup in KA, but with my mods it works as a short range interplanetary rig). As far as costs, KA nukes work best for large cruiser designs since that extra d/v can mean the difference between keeping a ship in orbit on return vs jettisoning it/re-entry/goodbye expensive hardware. For tugs I prefer cryogenic engines.
  15. CONGRATS! Don't do anything too naughty. ...what am I saying, do as much naughty as you possibly can!
  16. Oh ok phew. I actually remembered you posting about running Beta 4 before and thought about that. I was worried it was going to attack me randomly and was being very careful not to hit the KCT warp to complete buttons. Also: It's been a bit quiet around here and now with 1.1.3 dropping all kinds of craziness is bound to come down the pipe. Buuut I'm not sure how BROKE is going to do active flight costs but I have a suggestion. Have a separate window/GUI within the BROKE section that lists all active uncrewed flights. I've seen this done in Orbital Decay. Then have it calc the flight cost per quarter (could be as easy as a base cost with distance from Kerbin factored in). Then have an estimated cost per quarter and allow the player to dedicate funds to each active flight. This would allow us to overpay for a flight if desired (but of course no REFUNDS). If it depletes the amount we dedicated to the flight, it could simply disable it (similar to how Antenna Range does). Until we fund the flight again (plus penalties!) it would be uncontrollable. A good example of this process IRL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Cometary_Explorer
  17. I tried my really hard to make this happen myself and couldn't get it to trigger. But it obvs did for you randomly. I mostly just use the "vessel warp to complete" in the build window. Did you hit a different button? Like for research or building upgrade? It would be crazy if it has something to do with the timing of when clock hits (say it happens to run exactly the length of time of a pay period or some such). I have KAC running as well with KAC alarms for KCT turned off. Still can't get this bug to show. Thanks! I've been running into the same problem myself. I scrape together free time and then just end up playing or at most writing MM configs to harmonize everything in my game but haven't gotten much more then a basic outline of the FMs. I want to help take some of the workload for stuff I enjoy. I think this is the curse of this game
  18. I actually just quadrupled the fuel capacity, fuel flow, and adjusted the weight. I didn't play with any of the other settings. Thanks! I'll get rid of it and make a better config.
  19. NFE patch Config for Modular Rocket Systems Quad-Nuclear Engine to give it a reactor. Everything quadrupled. @PART[NB2mNuclearEngine]:NEEDS[NearFutureElectrical]:AFTER[KerbalAtomics] { @mass -= 6.50 !MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {} MODULE { name = FissionReactor StartActionName = Start Reactor StopActionName = Deactivate Reactor // Show or hide the staging icon UseStagingIcon = true // Force part activate on load UseForcedActivation = false UseSpecializationBonus = false AutoShutdown = true DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90 // Heat animation, plays when above nominal temp // OverheatAnimation = Reactor_1MW_Heat // Heat to generate (kW *50) HeatGeneration = 55000 // Above this temp more power output but risky NominalTemperature = 3000 // Above this temp, reactor takes damage CriticalTemperature = 3400 MaximumTemperature = 3800 // Amount of damage taken by core when over critical temp // %/s/K, so with value 0.001, at 200 K over CriticalTemp, reactor takes 0.2% damage/s CoreDamageRate = 0.01 // Base lifetime calculations off this resource FuelName = EnrichedUranium // Heating GeneratesHeat = false TemperatureModifier { key = 0 0 } //250000 INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = EnrichedUranium Ratio = 0.0027 FlowMode = NO_FLOW } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = DepletedFuel Ratio = 0.0027 DumpExcess = false FlowMode = NO_FLOW } } MODULE { name = ModuleCoreHeat CoreTempGoal = 3000 //Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point CoreToPartRatio = 0.1 //Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0 //Dynamic goal adjustment CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1 //What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05 //If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates? CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0 //If the core is colder, how much radiates? HeatTransferMultiplier = 0 //If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in? CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01 //If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer? radiatorCoolingFactor = 1 //How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator? >= 1 radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01 //How much energy we push to the active radiator MaxCalculationWarp = 1000 //Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change CoreShutdownTemp = 3800 //At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part? MaxCoolant = 1100 //Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small } MODULE { name = FissionFlowRadiator maxEnergyTransfer = 55000 overcoolFactor = 0.20 maxLinksAway = 1 isCoreRadiator = true } RESOURCE { name = EnrichedUranium amount = 200 maxAmount = 200 } RESOURCE { name = DepletedFuel amount = 0 maxAmount = 200 } MODULE { name = FissionEngine HeatUsed = 1100 TempIspScale { key = 300 0 key = 1000 0.2 key = 3000 1.0 key = 4000 1.3 } } MODULE { name = RadioactiveStorageContainer DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium // What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel EngineerLevelForSafe = 1 // What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3 // Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part MaxTempForTransfer = 400 // kW of heat per unit of waste HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5 } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @heatProduction *= 0.1 } }
  20. This is something I would love to see in the stock game. With a bit of randomness like ore generation. Sites of interest that you identify with a scanner and can then visit, get extra science, and look at. Everything from cryovolcanoes, to pools with multi-colored organics (say on Laythe), maybe a water spring or fumerole on Duna, a volcano on Moho.. etc etc. Just interesting natural features, a few to a world, to find and discover and enjoy. Each is somewhat small but has a higher level of detail and objects then the surrounding terrain. Be great places to build a base.
  21. I've got emergent RSI from work and I agree Mechjeb can be a life saver. I tend to stick with the mouse as much as possible because all my injuries are mostly on my left hand (and I'm right handed sooo..)
  22. I get this bug from time to time. Mechjeb isn't going to work perfectly until Patch 1.1.3 because your focused vessel loses orbital altitude (no matter what) when not time warping. This messes with the auto pilot calcs and can cause all sorts of problems. Not sure if this is causing this particular problem but I've been fighting Mechjeb alot lately. But I've also used it for years and have bazillions of workarounds for things
  23. when you spend all day at your boring, boring job fantasizing about a new, interesting way to undertake a mission and just can't wait to get home and try it. And then you get home and you have butchered your original idea by thinking about it allllllllll day.
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