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Everything posted by autumnalequinox

  1. A KSP successor game! Like, you have different space agency "administrators" with 1 year terms. Set goals, and behind the scenes run a meta-game representing the politics and funding. Each successive administrator must pick up any pieces left and continue with the goals, unless they change because some jerk President changes the space agency's major policy goals. I dunno, could be fun. Of course write the whole thing into like a 20 year historical story. (Oh and don't do a career game. Use sandbox. Run the career behind the scenes to keep it simple. Record the costs of vessels and deduct them from the "budget". The successive player manages the meta-game. So always "two" players.)
  2. I used to have some amazing dreams about spaceflight. I mean it just felt like space. Absolutely silent accept the sound of fans humming and air blowing around. I remember the air feeling cool, dry, and anti-septic. Realistic zero-G sensations (as well as high G from launch and such). More then anything it was the feel and smells that seemed real. After playing alot of KSP I lost those hyper-realistic sensation dreams and now just see Kerbal. Like I'm watching unfolding game-play. I'm actually a bit disappointed. I miss those old dreams. Ah well.
  3. I built a new PC (my first personal build) and it coincided with the release of 1.1. I actually played it a bit on my old system before I migrated everything over. Surprisingly, the game played just as good on my 6 year old heavily modifed Dell. It had a phenom 3.0 ghz so it was alot more unstable (crashed alot and some dev notes here said there are problems with that processor). My new rig crashes very rarely and the SSHD brings a heeeeeeeeeeavily modded start up from 10 mins to 2. Oh and my GPU is no longer bottle-necked so I can use scatterer/every make-it-pretty mod imaginable without FPS loss. New Rig (put together with only 400 bucks! Migrating hardware over helped) 3.5 ghz FX-8250 ("8" core, haha). Overclocked to 4.0 ghz. 8 gigs 1600 mhz Fury-X DDR3 R7 series 2 gig sapphire 250 Seagate SSHD 750 watt Corsair Gold PSU + Corsair Carbon series case EVO 212 air cooler It's a big machine but I like it. Honestly having a nice clean OS beats everything else. I'm looking for a video card upgrade. Something under 200$. Still looking.
  4. I figured most everyone plays in cycles. I know I do. Eventually I mod it till it breaks and wait a few updates (I skipped 1.0.5). I actually fear getting burnt out (like seriously terrified, because I know it will come). There does seem to be alot of these goodbye posts. A "protest" maybe?
  5. Same here. Although I had funding turned off and payroll on. It kept spamming and spamming. By the time I limped into the Space Center I owed 61 million for payroll. I'm having trouble with dropbox (my internet sucks) cause the log swelled to 16 megs but lemme know if you need it too.
  6. This one. I love getting some tiny probe to do a high speed flyby (cause not enough d-v to stop) and setting it to just scrape the highest mountains. Get all those science experiments ready to fire off in less then a 20 sec window. And get rewarded with a beautiful high speed sunrise/sunset.
  7. ::squee:: And that's good info there, thank you. I have some ideas for an FM I am roadmapping so I'm going to play with a few things in the meanwhile. Need to learn a few things and play with the mod a bit.
  8. Oh ok sweet! I didn't know the FMs could could do that. (I've looked over the source but i'm still at a todder's level of understanding of C#) Never heard of that mod. And I looked around HARD for something like that. I'm all for it I'm glad it's in the pipeline. And I def like the idea of the hard cap. I'm crazy about the financial planning side of all of this. I think it's because I come from a family of government accountants (my grand-uncle ran the finances of the Manhattan project, my grand-father the Dept of the Interior, and a sibling is in Defense department auditing, so yeah.....) I'm about to buy a house myself so honestly anything that keeps my head in the game so to speak I think a poster mentioned a ways back that mods like this can have real world applications (I thank video games for my ability to manage a budget on a small income).
  9. My crashes decreased in frequency when I switched to my new rig with a different processor. My old had a phenom 3.0 ghz quad and from what I read those are problematic. I have a fresh, totally clean OS and it was a good test point. Heavily modded (70+). Crashes are semi-frequent, sometimes I can go hours and hours. Sometimes it happens quickly. Always VAB, and always related to symmetry. Going slowly in the VAB and not leaving symmetry on seems to help. I used to have crashes with decoupling, but now the screen simply blinks and there is a second of lag and no problems. No crash has produced a report. No exceptions or other spam just normal game activity and then "crash!". I need to regain access to my dropbox and I'll post a log tomarrow of my last few on this rig (only about 3 so far).
  10. I have a suggestion in relation to the reputation funding FM. I think this may be out of it's scope a bit and I'm not sure how to implement this myself. But reputation always seems to be in abundance if one is careful with their contract choices. So how about reputation decay over time? Something small like 1 or 2 points a month perhaps or a percentage (say 5% a month/3 months, that way no chance of a negative value resulting). Combined with KCT this could mean noticeable loss if one doesn't perform some "filler missions" between the big ones. It gives a good reason to not ignore those "launch sat to x" missions just to keep that decay at bay. The public certainly doesn't enjoy a do-nothing, boring Space Program after all Even if you keep telling the media you are just waiting for that transfer window ("Excuse me Miss Director, but what's a transfer window??" asks local reporter ::headslap::) Maybe this would be best as just an option for BROKE itself, even if one does not use the Rep funding.
  11. After building my new rig I was finally able to get this mod after hearing so much about it and seeing so many screen shots going "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT? PRETTY". And wow. Like I'm blown away by how nice everything looks. I've caught myself just admiring scenery and taking mental photographs (I don't do too many screenshots). That gorgeous blur between atmosphere and space. Truly awesome this should so be integrated into stock as an option for those users with decent GPUs.
  12. THIS IS SO COOL! Wow I wish I hadn't already gotten so deep into my career game. I am so going to use this mod with one of those "mix everything up or totally revamp the Kerbol system" planet packs for the joy of discovery! I'm glad this is back I remember it from looooooooong ago and had forgotten.
  13. Not sure what this is.  A journal entry maybe?  


    Finally able to have 70+ mods installed.  New rig so finally my GPU isn't bottle-necked terribly and I can get all those sweet part mods and visual enhancements working without a performance drop.  So much happy :)

    My preferred play style:  I'm a builder/mission planner/space program manager primarily.  I occasionally take the controls (I actually know how to fly planes IRL although I never got my pilot's license but did do a young aviators course and put in 5 hours of flight time with 100+ sim time).  However, I prefer to run vast, expansive space programs of my dreams in career mode (so Mechjeb is a must because I have limited free time and like to actually make progress).  I play something I call Ad Astra which is a collection of mods I've cobbled together and added to over the years to create a "Super-Stock" game that emphasizes some realism and takes the game from the first launches to full colonization.  I like to focus on exploring and gathering science. I'll put up a mod list when I get time in case anyone wants to know what I play with (everything works well together with only a few configs created).

    What I truly enjoy doing in KSP:  Designing hardware and payloads for missions and trying to figure out how to pull it off.  To me this is like the ultimate puzzle game.  I've also finally learned how to build decent launchers and like to test and rate them for different payload weights and name them cool, scary sounding names.

    I plan on eventually trying out Realism Overhaul as well as trying some different mod sets using a mixed up Kerbol system or another star system entirely.  It's so awesome that I can literally never get tired of this game thanks to Squad's constant improvements and awesome modders out there continually adding new content.



  14. I know. It's actually a remarkably feasible tech. Trust me I've studied the hell out of it. Sometimes I wish instead of all the upper atmospheric nuclear testing we had simply launched two of those babies (would have produced same fallout levels). This is just for game balance. It's a personal config, just in case anyone wants to use it and save 5 minutes. (oh and it is a bit exotic as far as KSP goes )
  15. Simple CTT patch for the Orion! Helps fill out the later nuclear propulsion part of the tree. Simply create a cfg in folder. // USI Orion @PART[USI_MEDUSA]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = exoticNuclearPropulsion } @PART[USI_ORION]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = expNuclearPropulsion } @PART[USI_ORIONTank]:NEEDS[CommunityTechTree] { @TechRequired = expNuclearPropulsion }
  16. Oh ok. Yeah I was thinking the same thing if that was the case. It would be a nice feature. Same here. I didn't catch it myself until a sat never seemed to run out of fuel.
  17. I was just thinking "I could really use a stackable nom-omatic" and bam, a beautiful creation emerges like magic from RoverDudes' busy brain. I am starting to grow really attached to the concept of habitation and homesickness. I used to just RP it (make long duration ships extra big, centrifuge, etc) but now I can't see my game without that feature. Oh and my USI-LS hardcore mode: High power consumption (like 0.15/sec per Kerbal) so bring batteries! And very short time without supplies (about 1 hour). Just enough time to re-enter in a pod (I assume there is some simple life support systems in command pods). This forces one to carefully manage supplies and always bring something in the service module. I also enjoy the idea that O2 production/water cleaning is being performed by ship systems representing the high power consumption. So far it adds interesting challenge. Plus everybody dies without supplies and goes tourist when hab or homesickness happens. So mission planning and resupply is veeeeeery important, which is how I like it. Oh and combine with the USI DERP parts and you get a nice tiny fuel cell which is great for those times when the batteries go dry and a planet is in the way of the sun! I think I enjoy torturing myself with resource management.
  18. I think I may become one of those people too. It feels so good. Like putting on a clean pair of undies after taking a shower good. It's like having a small arcade in your own home. Love it.
  19. My framerate improved slightly (I went from a 3.0 ghz phenom to a 3.5 ghz amd fx black). But I think that had to do with an extensive cleaning of my graphics card. My new PC has really good airflow and runs very cool (my old Dell was a compact poorly cabled mess and ran hot hot HOT). It's just a theory. Most of my crash reports just listed a bunch of windows 7 files. It seemed if an in-game "event" (staging, VAB deletion) coincided with a lag spike (which happened every so often) that crash happened. Now the spikes are less frequent but even if they do time right nothing bad happens. Honestly it could be any one of the mess of stuff I had installed on that 6 year old OS. Avast just seemed the most likely culprit. I do know it was a conflict of some kind occurring outside the game engine itself (blame unity 5 and windows getting along, or as you said some kind of obscure mod conflict).
  20. So I just finished setting up my new PC that i lovingly crafted by screaming and cussing at it for a few weeks and repeatedly googling every tiny problem. The cool thing is it works well and is a nice upgrade. However, it isn't an amazing enough upgrade to really change how the game works. Sure, the processor is a bit faster and I have a SSHD now but same GPU and memory and such. The only difference is I started with a very clean OS. After days of playing KSP I noticed no more sudden CTD issues. Even in the same situations that would create them before (Staging, VAB, etc). This makes me think there was some kind of conflict that caused them for me. I suspect Avast anti-virus, which I no longer am using (chose something less intrusive). However, I could be wrong. Just some info for anyone interested. Using KSP 1.1.2 with about 80+ mods.
  21. ::jealous:: Huge fan of Paradox games. I'm waiting for a bit after recently dropping a gazillion dollars on Europa Universalis dlcs (and then subsequently getting burned out on it). SUCH PRETTY MAPS.
  22. All in all, you have to give Hollywood some props for not seriously dumbing it down. I mean after Gravity and Interstellar this may be as good as it gets these days. I am going to read the book now (I almost picked it up a long time ago and regret it now).
  23. I'm curious. I can set different fuels to use for station keeping on each individual vessel, correct? As long as I load the vessel? Example: A standard probe with monoprop. So that's default and alls good. Then I launch a probe with an ion engine and xenon. So I set fuel to xenon and load the vessel. Would I have to do anything else? Like make sure to set it back to mono before loading the probe with monoprop?
  24. I agree. KRASH does the same thing to me. I gave it a shot but had to go back to KCT sim, which works beautifully. It would be nice to leave it as an optional mode.
  25. Oh mod, where have you been all my life? Yet another thing I RP for "realism" that I can let a sweet mod take over. I'm glad I already load monoprop onto all my probes/stations/ships (I normally "retire" vessels after x amount of time to simulate orbital decay based on how much fuel I gave them). Thanks Whitecat for this! I can take some of the clutter out of my career game's WordPad file. Plus it does it waaaaay better then my own personal "system".
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