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Everything posted by autumnalequinox

  1. Thanks magico I hope I didn't make you repeat yourself. (hopefully that post will be useful to others). Everything went smooth. Just in case I made sure all my builds were complete and upgrade spent before I updated. I did get the free update point. Looooove the simulation time flexibility now. At first it caught me off guard and I was like "uhhh" and left it at default for a test flight. Sim ends before I get 1 foot off the ground. Haha I thought something broke until I realized it's in seconds. To punish myself I went ahead and increased the time multiplier so I can have these crazy months long builds. Great job love this update and all the love you put into it. <3 Thank you
  2. Will a KCT update from a totally unmodified version of KCT be smooth? I've read about some build point weirdness but not much else.
  3. Sweet this takes care of the last gap in my contracts. Now I don't have to "piggyback" my relay opts onto other unmanned contracts. Anything that helps fund my cash strapped program is a big plus! - - - Updated - - - Oh yeah, and sooo sweet there is support for Outer Planets. Less work for me to do (currently working on adding them into other contract packs for my own use).
  4. Malkuth's mission controller found a nice niche after contracts became stock. He/she went on to greater mission diversity and the ability to create custom contracts on the fly in-game. So if you still want to stick around, yea there's definitely always gaps to be filled and new horizons to be crossed. If all else who else can claim to have made building interplanetary communications networks challenging and fun?! (without the crazy complexity of remote tech) And thank you! It's great modders like you that make the game truly awesome (especially for peeps like myself that like building/managing over flight simming). I'm glad this is a community where the modders and players work well together, unlike some others where divisions and money has torn them apart.
  5. Oh ok, sweet. Yea I have yours, Whyren. Outer Planets keeps the Kerbol system the same it just makes Eeloo a moon and adds a few gas giants and distant worlds. Might pick up Tourism too now so I can fund those long, costly expeditions.
  6. Yes thank you! Sorry I couldn't be any help. I actually just dug up my old save even though it's backed up a bit further back then I was last. Oh well. Not going to start over now going to keep going and build some baaaaaaaaaaases!
  7. Speaking of additional planets, what about Outer Planets? (my poor modlist is too great for New Horizons right now). Has anybody made a pack for the new worlds? - - - Updated - - - (I have been looking through the configs for advanced progression and such and I'm wondering: If I copy one of the manned mission to plant a flag on x and change the target body to one from Outer Planets, that's it, right?)
  8. Give me a bit, I actually had to wipe that career game since I accidently purged a bunch of contracts and progress. I'm starting a new one up with the same contract packs, if it still won't pop up I'll post the log and screens.
  9. That's now 3 out of the 60+ mods I have that have gone (or are going) stock. I dearly wish they had given at least a shout out to you, toadicus. But if you feel cool about it, I do too. long live ~*Antenna Range*~, one of the mods I can't play without.
  10. Same here. Like identical. The orbit moho one stood out. Also running those other contract packs with no problems. - - - Updated - - - (only difference is that I have the Outer Planets mod installed with additional planets)
  11. Same thing here as DivideByZero essentially. I see a "Reload Contracts" in the debug. Is this safe to hit?
  12. I know the MCE mission tend to have big payoffs compared to stock and CC types (it's been mentioned further upthread by a few). But you know what, I like this. I think of MCE missions as routine, big payoff private spaceflight and industry missions. While CC progression and stock contracts are from the government and academia. MCE actually funds the big dreams while the others just keep it afloat. If MCE should go into a unique direction I think it should be this. Just a lil suggestion based on observation and how I play.
  13. During career games I tend to build a few "generations" of station. First a single piece station like Skylab, then modular ones once I get the 2.5m docking port, and finally MKS/OKS industrial stations very late. So of course, I tend to deorbit the older stations at some point (and take a sort of satisfied glee in it). So I thought, how about a "deorbit that old run down station mission" for a later update?. Is it possible to determine the age or mission time elapsed of a station core and have a contract appear after x number of years? And then it could simply be treated like the "crash a probe into x" missions of the unmanned contract packs. Nothing like gettin' paid for destroying things! Plus it might satisfy those of us who just can't stand wasting good tonnage in orbit without a little...encouraging compensation.
  14. Is there any known way to "reset" the initial base building contract? A few versions back, I had a probe in orbit for the initial survey mission and because of antenna range didn't get a check mark for antenna. Thinking a conflict, I F12 debugged the contract to "complete". Obviously, that did something bad and I never saw any follow ups. So to fix it, I went back into debug and removed the contract from the archieves. Since then, I have reinstalled the newest, fixed Base Construction Pack. Still have yet to see any survey contracts pop up after much declining (usually they would be rather common). Is there a flag somewhere in my save file or such I can delete to "reset it"? Or is it just a matter of luck and waiting? (I have quite a few contract packs and Mission Controller running, although with many of it's own contracts disabled to keep from spamming). Edit: I scrolled through all my contract records in my persistent save file and there is no record of the first base survey contract, just to rule that out.
  15. Yessss this is perfect to completely flesh out my contract packs! Was sorely needed for this fills that spot in the career game between simple interplanetary probes/landers and manned missions.
  16. Yay! Thanks for the fix. Gonna have to reset so I can get the intro contract again. Time for base building!!
  17. Is AntennaRange supported? It's like an ultra-light version of Remotetech that modifies the stock antennas only. I noticed it didn't detect my antennas.
  18. Not sure if this is in the scope of this mod, but at work the other day I thought of a (possibly) nifty idea. A "coolant" resource that could be contained in a heat exchanger or other kind of power consuming module. The resource could slowly deplete (evaporation) but provide very efficient cooling when combined with a radiator. It could make for a nice active heat control system. Plus I was just reminded of the many, many RL missions and EVAs involving fixing "coolant" systems on Skylab and the ISS. Would also make a fun target for the many part breaking mods out there ::evil grin:: Edit: Just spotted a mod that makes use of something like this. So def not an original idea on my part
  19. A screw up by Squad that is very favorable to your mod, magico. Love it when things work out.
  20. Got a bit of weirdness. I have the most recent combined community patch installed. The KW fairing bases have their temp tolerances cut in half (as listed in the VAB). Only 1200 degrees. They are frying quick on ascent. Anybody have this? In the part file there is nothing amiss, same with patch. Edit: Partially my fault, I'm still not used to the heating in 1.0.4 and was spending too much time in the upper atmosphere doing a G-turn. So being as how these fairings come earlier in the tree and such might not be a big prob.
  21. I just realized something upon starting my first 1.0.4 career. You know, if it wasn't for KCT, there would be little meaning to the contract completion time limits. I mean..wow, I have had to juggle some builds and my few upgrade points to just barely get a few contracts before they expire. I mean seriously, that's something in stock that is literally made for this mod. Awesome.
  22. Where did the various Kerbin national flags come from? I'm curious to the source. I can figure out the RL analog for the majority of them. I like to give my new hires some background history using FF (military, test pilot, civilian) and a nationality. It would be cool to see where this stuff came from.
  23. First: Love this mod. Second: Anybody made a MM file to turn all nuclear engines into generators? Would this be remotely realistic? I figure at the very least nuclear engines would have a thermocouple to generate some limited electricity (output a bit better then an RTG) instead of a full reactor type setup. Does anybody think this would be severely unbalancing?
  24. ahhh malkuth. I remember back in the day when I used to create my own contracts and use mechjeb's "cost in dollars" feature to manage a budget I kept open in WordPad. Then I found MCE and it was THE definitive career contract mod (it wasn't even in stock yet!). And now..just wow. Amazing. You have filled a great niche with those awesome sat cores and ground stations. You have made something as mundane as launching a GPS network into a visually stunning, challenging experience. I'm so happy MCE has forged ahead and keeps blazing trails as stock can barely keep up.
  25. Besides some weird heating issues, Corvus is functional with 1.0.4 am i correct? It's become the absolute lynchpin to my early career game
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