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    Curious George
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    Stock spaceship

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  1. 用到的MOD: Astronomer's Visual Pack (所有图片都用到该美化MOD) KS3P(部分图片用到该美化MOD)
  2. 原版+DLC组件 stock+DLC parts https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1896572049
  3. 6M左右的GIF(释放舰载机/Starship Releasing Fighter)
  4. 个人第123号原版组件飞船 Stock starship No.123 of mine 带有一个舰载机(不实用/模型/装饰)、4个通讯卫星(不实用/模型/装饰) 车间内: KVV生成: 在轨: Steam创意工坊链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1753135191
  5. (已经在好几个论坛发过了(人类提米的本质是复读机)) 一个电影中的运载车的仿品 no, not this . . . (性能不怎么好) (这是截至目前最后一次修改后截的图) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下介绍复制自本人steam创意工坊: 出自电影:流浪地球 1.6.1原版组件 这个车是凭着记忆做出来的,比例和外形方面不正确的地方相当多 本craft游戏内性能比较低,可以看作纯观赏模型 space(第1次)-解锁转轴 3-货舱脱钩分离 4-货舱门开锁 5-货舱分离“火石” g(按过4之后)-开关货舱门 注意其一:不要上太陡的坡,转轴无法承受过大角度垂直方向弯折 注意其二:解锁转轴、分离货舱、舱门再对接、舱门多次开锁 都可能会导致全车爆胎(恶性BUG 我技术不够修不好:( ) -------------------------------------------------------- Now it's my poor English: --- From the movie: The Wandering Earth 1.6.1 stock This truck is made by comparing my memory , and there were quite a few incorrect parts in proportion and appearance. The vehicle has low in-game performance and can be regarded as a pure ornamental model. space (1st) - Unlock Rotary Shaft (between Head and Cargo 3 - Separate cargo 4 - Unlock cargo door 5 - Cargo separates something (I don't know how to call it in English , maybe "flint"?) g(after press 4) - Cargo door open/close Attention 1 : Do not go up too steep slope, the rotating axle can't bear too large vertical bending. Attention 2 : Unlocking the rotating axle, separating the cargo, docking the hatch door again, unlocking the hatch door many times all may lead to tire burst (Bad bug, I'm not skilled enough to fix it :( ) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- steam创意工坊链接: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1652356665
  6. 全是原版组件/All stock parts, 不过有张加了后期特效 (以后做了更多的再更新话题) Panzers Mothership releasing scouts Hyena(a fighter in game "Star Conflict") Radar Communication ship Frigate launching missiles 本人英语不太好有可能有错误,欢迎指正
  7. 吼的,感谢帮助,但是坎巴拉太空计划吧不是禁debug吗,我这个明显就是用debug上天的玩具
  8. 好的,我试试用imgchr imgchr图床的screenshots重发:【已编辑】
  9. 看到这里比较冷清,来发个主题 用的是Postimage.org的图床,也不知道能不能正确显示 已换imgchr Screenshots: 游戏版本:1.5.1 由于我的电脑性能不太好,在制造过程中很卡顿,本来还想加点其他原版组件武器(已经有了两艘舰载战斗机和三枚发射架导弹),由于卡顿最后还是放弃了 先开启液体燃料发动机,待到氧化剂耗尽后再开启核子发动机,能够拥有9000左右的Delta-V 只是一艘观赏用飞船,不能用来打架, 舰载机的弹药为一个分离环加上两个固体推进器,也没有半点破坏力 大概1700parts steam创意工坊链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1577365492 祝您愉快
  10. 不知道为什么我这边忽然可以看图片了。。。是楼主做了什么吗
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