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  1. You shouldn't need to turn it on - if it's not showing up, double-check that it actually does have Waterfall (and not e.g. a set of plume templates put in the Waterfall folder) bundled.
  2. A very solid proposal - the stress-calc visualization would definitely be helpful! One thing that'd have to be kept in mind is how the simulation would know which engines should be considered as applying force, though that could probably be pretty easily done using a selector that tells it "calculate for stage X".
  3. iirc, all the C7 Aerospace parts aren't touched by Restock - you'll need Stock Waterfall Effects to add plumes to those engines.
  4. Well, considering he's on the KSP2 dev team now, I'd say probably yeah
  5. Probably better to ask over in the Stock Waterfall Effects thread, since that'll be the mod that adds effects to the Rapiers; this is just a framework mod, and doesn't change anything by itself If you're comfortable enough w/ ModuleManager to write your own patch, you could use the ingame editor to move the templates used and then copy those offset values to your patch; been a while since I was trying my hand at doing Waterfall stuff though, so can't give much more help than that ^^;
  6. If you're meaning the SRBs, those're left out intentionally, since their opaque, smoky plumes are much, much harder to make work with Waterfall. There *have* been a few attempts to make hybrid RealPlume + Waterfall effects for them - however, I don't recall how those turned out ^^;
  7. Works with any engine, if you have a mod that adds effects to them! Here's one that adds Waterfall effects to the stock engines, including the jet engines:
  8. Those models are looking excellent @Daishi!! Great attention to detail, as always. Hope it stays mild and that your recovery is swift @linuxgurugamer!
  9. Sorry to bug ya about this, but I can't seem to find the "Micro-Dawn Electric Drive" mentioned in the release notes in the parts list. I poked around in the mod files to double-check, and there doesn't seem to be any engine part added by USII?
  10. The temperature stuff in the VAB is an intended feature afaik; it's running the temperature simulations so that you can see the results of adjustments to your cooling setup immediately.
  11. Huh, that's odd - when I last played with the mod (which, granted, was a version or two ago), I could attach fairings and cores in any order.
  12. I think the CoM's location might be intentional; the stock jet engines' CoMs are forward of their visual volume IIRC, to simulate the "buried" engine they are only a nozzle of, and I suspect Nertea is doing the same (for consistency's sake, if nothing else).
  13. Should be, yep. The small 1.25m version, and a larger 2.5m version with integrated docking port.
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