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Sharkman Briton

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Everything posted by Sharkman Briton

  1. I always use Control Surfaces, but maybe adding an inline reaction wheel could help. And it's not one plane, im just bad with allplanes rreally
  2. That looks amazing, I've always wanted to make something like this!
  3. I'm not the best at flying planes in this game, I see alot of planes that can turn instanteneously, and stay stable throughout flight and reach supersonic speeds, none of which I'm really good at, because whenever I fly a plane turning takes AGES, I tilt to the side, hold A/D like no tomorrow and 10 seconds of wonky, clunky controlling later it's turned slightly, and I'll need to do alot more of that to turn to face the island airstrip, and nevermind fly back towards KSC. So, can someone educate me on flying these things?
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