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Everything posted by msnbcorp

  1. Ok, but is there a way to have very high quality 2D cloud ? From the ground it's very sad If you have an idea
  2. Hi everyone, small question : is it normal that from my KSC (ground) i only see poor 2D cloud ? is it due to the volumetric cloud limit of apparition ?
  3. Hi everyone, i have made a fresh install of some mods and ... i keep havng some errors. For scatterer i keen having this one : Does someone have any idea of the way to correct this ? I take any suggestions
  4. Hun i think his response is more about the solution he found upper in the topic. Ok, but it's a vere temporary solution
  5. Hi everybody, i have a problem with Ckan. The program return to me an "autoupdate failure" (error 403) that prevent me to check the new version. But the adress of the master.tar.gz is fully reachable through a classic firefox so.... i think it's due to something i can't figure out. I have tested launch in administrator or creating exception in firewell but this solutions don't work. if anyone have a solution i take it
  6. Hi every one, in the console i get some error related to KSPI : "did not get techic advEMsystem" and "did not get technic ionpropulsion" Is this normal ?
  7. You think you will finish the adaptation of this 0.5 ? It could be great to "conclude"
  8. Hum yes, but for planetshine my question was just that the planetshine maker had build a veryuy interessteing early wip version in 2015-2016 and just let it in "alpha" without working on it. (and last modification on the guthub was one yeah ago too) . So i imagine that the devellopemnt is stopped. So sad. I keep hoping for the old KSP team to rebuild a new team or for an other team to walk on their step ... still hoping that we don't have to wait 10 years for this
  9. I see that the planetshine main contributor is around. Small question : any plan to improve your planetshine version ? (the 0.5 is in "beta" since a yeah now :p, for example)
  10. Oups sorry, i mismanaged my firefox, i was writing on the planetshine topic, not on the scatterer one, error sorry. Of course scatterer is alive XD
  11. Hi, i have exactly the same problem here. Don't know why exactly ...
  12. I encourage you in this way. I think this mod could/will be a must have included in a lot of mods because it really transform the way of managing satelite in a more inteligent way. I think it's possible to have an automated realignement process with some embarqued computer mod, but i have forget wich one
  13. It doesn't use anything of the gpu u mean. I have seen a lot in the 3D world, in research and co too. I can tell that most methods used by ksp for rendering are mainly very very oldschool. The major solutions choosen to deal with the rendering of very big map are very naive and not the "state of the art" one. Well, happily, with have the modders ^^. But it's sad that the main dev team currently focus AGAIN on very non important thing (localization currently, in a game where the mods will never be trad, it's a strange decision ... ) ...
  14. Well that's mainly stupid. The first contact with KSP is the KSC and the enjoying to discover over worls is modulated by the beauty of theses world. If it's just some plastic poo ... it"s not very fun... Also a bit of engineering should permit to have these result easily...
  15. Ok hum well, don't really understand this. Correct me where i'm wrong but stock size are like 10 size smaller planets as solar system. So earth is Kerbin*10 . But gravity is still the same no ? So why the effect on earth should be different. Don't understant the point of the creation of deadly rentry on that. Similar G and higher orbit (10* higher) should lead in lower speed. And the atmospheric is bigger sooooo.... the entry should be easier on earth no ? Anyhow, I'm really agree with your final remark. But it applies on a LOT bunch of thing in KSP devellopement. The core of the game should have been more stable and optimized since alpha The work on graphism, at least on kerbin, should have been wider. The stupid Keplerien two body low just solve false problem (stability : all modern integrator can run whole stable galaxies on Millions of year ! ) ( Performance : Principia men demonstrate that their Keplerien solver is just awfully wasting time in comparaison to a classical N-Body integrator) and bring more of them ( The fake 25km rectangle simulation ) when making the game less rich in the base core. Well, KSP is a today classical story of an inexperimented team that try to do something too big for them ^^ ... Good experiment and I hope the leaving team use this experiment to build a nicer game the next time
  16. Yes it works, in this particular case it just put parts in categories with an "a-priori" . So it works but it is not balanced at all (overkill part like the all in one probe core with rcs/wheel etc... at the near begenning etc...)
  17. Hi kopernicus men, i'm trying to figure out the altitude units used by Kopernicus. I tried to set up a new Land Class and i'm very stunished by the result. With : altitudeRange { endEnd = 0.2 endStart = 0.2 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } The new land class just cover KSC. With higher value it cover nearly everything. First i thought that it was Kilometer unit ... but KSC is at 69m of altitude ... not at 200 m. A test with 0.069 m for end altitude just made the new landscape disapear .... So i'm lost ... I try equally to figure out how work the scatter system in your .cfg . Is there example or doc anywhere ? I didn't found anything ... Currently i success to apply landscape which modify color etc... but the scatters parameters are just not apllied at all ... If someone could help me to understand how this underground magic works Edit : I manage to change some scatters, but it only appears in one place near KSC, at the west ... don't manage to understant why there is a bunch of thing other there and not neer the KSC... reedit : After some test i conclude that scatters only appears where scatters was at the begenning in ksp stock. So if a landscape with scatter cover or replace the place with tree on the westn scatters appear other there, but not everywhere .... kind of strange behaviour ... i'm still taking explanation if possible ^^
  18. Yeah but even on hard difficulty level it's not very "deadly". Even with a random rocket ^^ . So no need in stock version for shield ^^...
  19. Sorry but i can't currently, i am playing for the first time with ETT, so it would necessite spoilers in my game and i don't well know the current balancing of the node so i could not place your nodes in the right places ^^. Truely I think that if you have time, integration in ETT and CTT are a priority as every single player use one of them ^^. But if i explore the tree before you have time, i will remembered to do it
  20. Yeah i know. I have tested it already. But it don't really change deeply texture around KSC. The major problem is more that texture around should be draw by hand or overlaped with over texture with transparancy. Just one more layer should bring more realistic feelin--g about ground... But i'm not sure that this is feasable with the PQS system. Could this system be "hacked" to permit the placement of over materials among others ? Or simply the placement or other texture by hand ? Other solution is to use the building placement solution to create a ground as a building around KSC ... Example under unity using procedural texturing : There are a lot of example under Unity. The key point is to permit the placement "by hand" of specific texture on the ground. The texture it self is generated proceduraly before no reel nedd to draw it. You although can generate it in the prog when needed as long as the seed is the same the result should be the same too.
  21. No no it's just the classical grass image like on ALL screenshot of the KSC. But honnestly it's probably the worst grass scene ever seen in a video game. I wonder if it's possible to improve it. By adding some variety etc... But as the all system is build with PQS system i think it's difficult. May be with kopernicus and co we can use the fact that KSC is a model and model all the ground by hand around the KSC.
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