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Everything posted by pbau5

  1. Still no roadmap for fixing invalid trajectories when making interplanetary transfers? It truly confuses me how every single challenge continues to have "return to Kerbin" in it, yet the game won't allow you to plan that return. Blows my mind.
  2. Same boat for me. I may try out the new parts, but I'll very unlikely dive back in until these are addressed. These 3 things are MVP for me.
  3. Honest question, how are people completing these "return to Kerbin" objectives with the SOI trajectory issue... and staying sane?
  4. +1 on interplanetary missions not being playable with this bug. I spent hours and hours designing my weekly challenge crafts, with the perfect amount of dV for the tasks at hand. Then I spent another few hours trying to understand how my return trajectory was always broken. Then finally watching my craft leave Duna's SOI in 1x speed, just to see the bug happen in real time. I have no desire to start a new KSP project when I know I won't be able to return from my destination (or rather, I know that I'm at least playing a crap shoot on being able to return). Game breaking indeed Very unfortunate to see this go unfixed again.
  5. That's very sad. That was game breaking for me. Hours and hours of running my dV numbers and staging tweaks to pull off the perfect mission, and then BOOM orbit nuked.
  6. I just hit this bug when leaving the Duna SOI for Kerbin intercept. I tried reloading, quitting, pasing through SOI at 1x speed. Nothing works. I've been working on weekly challenge 5 for weeks now, and every time I jump back in, I get another experience breaking bug like this. Here's to patch 2
  7. Patch 1 is great, but I think there are still a few issues I kept wondering why the back end was falling on launch, so I emptied the fuel tanks and launched again. Now it makes sense! It looks like some part linkage is failing. Perhaps this is a result of having multiple crafts in a workspace? We'll see.
  8. I tried. I really did. This was my second attempt at a KSP 2 mission. The first time around, I Made an Apollo style mission, but I couldn't finish because of (1) save file corruption, (2) the service module losing all orbital velocity when switching to the lander, and (3) frequent unrecoverable kraken on decoupling. So, I tried my hand at this mission. Things went well until my first test run. My ship would explode when transitioning between spheres of influence, but I persisted. I finally got down to the surface of Minmus, only to find that my rover's wheel-truss assembly would simply detach on time warp when close to the surface (5000m). Moreover, my stack separator between docking ports was somehow ignored, and the crafts docked on launch apparently, which meant I couldn't stage without exploding. Anyway, here are some screenshots, and I can't wait for future patches. Well, I tried to re-launch the game to get screenshots, but all my saves are apparently corrupted, or otherwise loading broken. Here's a video.
  9. This is what I have running... Clone/download the kOS repo Merge the Trajectories PR branch into master Build (as per the contribution docs) and place the output in KSP/GameData Profit!
  10. Well you still need to build the mod. You'll need Visual Studio. You'll want to follow steps 1-3 at the very end: https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md So after you build, do step 1 again.
  11. The PR for fixing kOS's Trajectories support has been merged into the develop branch. PR: https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/pull/2220 kOS develop branch: https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/commits/develop If you're familiar with Git, you can clone the kOS repo, follow the kOS contribution readme, build the kOS mod locally, then copy/paste the output mod folder into KSP. Then voila. I've been building/filming my Falcon 9 recreation this way for a while now
  12. Last I checked (about a day ago) the kOS pull request integrating the new Trajectories version still hasn’t been merged. It’s working, but not merged.
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