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Everything posted by ItsJustLuci

  1. I am having an issue with crewed vessels in my rp-1 1.6.1 install. Crews put in cockpits arent there at launch and there is no way to crew the vessel before sending it out
  2. I believe that the ksp2 team said that they would be utilizing the latest unity version which means that unless they turn it off in a way that mods cannot re-enable it, yes, we will have our rtx cake and eat it too "Throughout 2019 we will make DirectX 12 the default for all new projects. While we will maintain DirectX 11 for the foreseeable future, our primary focus is on improving the performance and feature set of DirectX 12." -Unity Team Sauce
  3. Hey guys, I need help... I know that "stock" B9 uses liguid fuel for the sabre engines, but I was curious what file changes this to Lqd Hydrodgen when you have RO/RSS installed Thanks guys
  4. so... I'm not a frequent Kerbal Konstructs user (wish I was honestly) but I can't seem to switch the launch site to the shuttle runway. This may be something I've broken on my end but I have spent the last few hours trying to iron it out. Sorry if this is a dumb question but how do I make the shuttle landing facility a launch site?
  5. I am having an issue where my custom engine randomly explodes on the pad as soon as it loads... I can't seem to figure out why and I need help Thank You https://pastebin.com/5k7gQ6z1
  6. Is there any way to adjust an engines tolerable temperatures?
  7. how can an engines tolerable temperatures be adjusted? such as when it begins to overheat and explode etc...
  8. glad to help, if it does work could you get a patch up for 1.3.1... kinda want it in my rp-1
  9. might this work? https://www.eucass.eu/doi/EUCASS2017-031.pdf also, I was just trying to make a ramjet that would provide more thrust and preform at that altitude/speed. I would likely add test-flight/engine failure configs to compensate for combustion instability
  10. Ok blowfish... I have the following config for a mach 9.5 scramjet @name = aje_scramjet @title = #LOC_aje_part_aje_ramjet_title // CR2 Ramjet @manufacturer = Generic @mass = 0.8 %CoMOffset = 0, 2.0, 0 @description = #LOC_aje_part_aje_ramjet_description !MODEL,1:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp] {} // FIXME - it should have internals, but a compressor looks wrong. !MODULE[ModuleGimbal] {} @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesAJERamjet @maxThrust = 1500 @useEngineResponseTime = False Area = 0.9 Mdes = 9.5 Tdes = 220 eta_n = 0.9 FHV = 95000000 thrustUpperLimit = 1500 } My problem is... It blows up upon loading. What should I fix? Thanks for your time man!
  11. Hello, could anyone please explain the following variables. Area = Mdes = Tdes = eta_n = FHV = Thanks and Cheers :)
  12. yeah, but it is overheating while standing still
  13. yeah, I changed it back to ModuleEnginesAJEramjet However the issue I am having at this point is that it spontaneously explodes when loaded on a ship in game.
  14. Hello, I was wondering if somebody could help me build a scramjet for aje. I believe i have done this correctly but it still does not work, it says that it has melted its internals from heat. Below is the config I have set up in my Gamedata\AJE\Squad.cfg file +PART[turboJet]:FOR[aaa_AJE] { @name = aje_scramjet @title = Z55 Scramjet @manufacturer = ISRO @mass = 0.8 %CoMOffset = 0, 2.0, 0 @description = The first functional Z55 Scramjet. Works best when faster than Mach 8. This engine provides no thrust below Mach 4! !MODEL,1:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp] {} // FIXME - it should have internals, but a compressor looks wrong. !MODULE[ModuleGimbal] {} @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesAJEscramjet @maxThrust = 1000 @useEngineResponseTime = False Area = 0.5 Mdes = 15 Tdes = 220 eta_n = 0.9 FHV = 35000000 thrustUpperLimit = 800 } @MODULE[FXModuleAnimateThrottle]:HAS[#animationName[TRJ_Heat]] { @name = ModuleAnimateHeatAJEJet ThermalAnim = #$animationName$ %lerpMin = 1100 } @MODULE[ModuleAJEJetAnimateNozzleArea] { minArea = 0.4 maxArea = 1.25 %calculateAreas = false; } // Actually undoes the first patch, but ehh @MODULE[ModuleAJEJetAnimateAfterburner] { @name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle dependOnEngineState = true } } @PART[aje_scramjet]:NEEDS[!RealPlume,!MP_Nazari]:FOR[AJE] { @MODULE[ModuleEnginesAJEJet] { %runningEffectName = smoke %spoolEffectName = power_wet } }
  15. Hello, I skimmed your description but might have missed a suggestion area. I was wondering if i could get a R.O. patch for mk3 hypersonic systems and mk3/mk2 expansion Thanks
  16. I appear to have an infinite loading screen.... i'm new to ksp but its the loading... with planets going in a circle before the main menu
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