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Everything posted by ItsJustLuci

  1. I'm in, there are hundreds of errors, but nothing with the EarthLand scaled space except maybe that it's missing a bump map? I guess you can try and remove line 808 from EVO/Configs/EVE_Configs/Clouds.cfg it should look like this: _BumpScale = 0.3 but again that's not causing issues on my end...
  2. cool deal, good news and bad news... figured out why the bootprints aren't showing up, but I'll have to pull-request RSS, so it'll take time
  3. you'd drop it in google drive and link that here... kopernicus BE isn't "required" but for bootprints (which apparently aren't working atm anyway) you'll need it to be honest, it looks as if the land textures aren't loading at all and it may be a memory issue? how much ram do you have? what resolution of evo are you using? and have you tried pressing alt+0, going to clouds and hitting apply?
  4. see line 3 of bugfixes... as far as the bootprints idk what to tell you, provide a log and I'll look at it when it get time
  5. glad to see y'all are excited! Hey there! glad to see you are excited for the mod, regarding the rings around gas giants I believe there already are some you may just have to apply them through the EVE menu (alt+0) if you have any more questions I'd be glad to try and answer them! this is quite confusing.... sadly I don't have time to look through your log (have an essay and a report to write for college, sorry) but if you drop your log file here I'm sure someone could look through it!
  6. Thanks everyone for the really positive response to EVO <3


  7. what resolution? I use 32k with 32gb of ram and it uses like 90% at peak usages so 64k(while it should still run) is not practical for long term use
  8. It is time. EVO 0.2 is ready. Download from: Github More Images in the release Album: HERE EVO 0.2 "Hammar Lacus" New Features: • Added Fog to Venus and Titan thanks to Tony48's KSRSSVE • Added Dust to Mars thanks to Tony48's KSRSSVE • Redid Earth's Atmosphere to be more realistic and aesthetic • Added Auroras to Jupiter • Added a Hexagon to Saturn using textures from AVP by themaster401 • Added New City Lights Cubemap from Space Engine HD (these are not licensed under the share-alike license! Contact the SE team like I did) • Added New City Lights Surface Texture • Added Geysers to Enceladus • Added Lava (Repurposed City Lights) to IO BUGFIXES: • Fixed Titans Atmosphere • Fixed Land textures not showing up in 64k • Removed Auroras from Earth, as they were causing problems with the Land Cubemaps (plan to add back later) Known Bugs: Blue hexagon appearing on the ground at low altitudes (this has been fixed in my local copy by lowering the altitude of the scaledSpace to -1, expect this to be gone in hotfix 0.2a) Small holes in the scaledSpace (land textures) when viewed from just above 140km (no clue about this one, if you find a fix drop it here please) Some users reporting blue clouds at the terminator Even when the sun is not visible, there is a noticeable yellow-orange hue to the edge of the atmosphere I really hope you enjoy, everything is starting to get really stable... let me know if you have any questions. Until Later o7
  9. Evo32k.zip/Optional - TUFX/ yeah, this will be fixed in the 0.2 release... originally I was working with RSSVE, trying to get everything from the other visual mods integrated into it and redo some of the atmos. I had to go adjust all the file paths when I pushed for release, and it seems I missed a few
  10. the auroras in my working 0.2 install aren't invisible, they're black.... I have them disabled bc it just looks bad Double check. it only works on kopernicus bleeding edge btw (again, read the install guide for more details) so make sure you have that too. only planets officially supported as of right now are mars and the moon. Glad to see it! when it works it works, sadly it's a bit of a stubborn toddler right now
  11. I have brought this up/asked this question many times in many different forums... but could kopernicus BE look into loading surface maps as a cubemap? Idk the logistics of the issue because I've never dealt with kopernicus but as an RSS user, opening up the potential to 64k dds cubemapped surface textures is really really appealing
  12. 1. when it is ready. 2. this problem is likely because you don't have the required mods... review the install instructions and make sure you have kopernicus expansion continueder no, it is in an optional folder in the latest release
  13. think I may have found my solution, but it is leading to problems with auroras... I had to set preserve cloud colors to false in scatterer
  14. yeah... gonna go in and touch up the new 0.2 lightmaps and remove the cape before release probably
  15. Update: Good and bad news everyone... I got fog working on Titan and Venus, and it looks really good in my opinion However in the process I also managed to get earth's land textures working and oh boy are they problematic... I have contacted @pingopeteand am trying to get them fixed, in the meantime they will be disabled (though, I don't think they were enabled to begin with) Here is a link to a gallery with a pair of images showing the current situation. That said, I am using space engine assets now that I have permission to, meaning I might go ahead and make new earth textures, along with 64k clouds. Please don't hold your breath though, as this will not come until Alpha-v0.3 or later which will be a month or so out as I am in university right now . However in the meantime, I will slowly begin adding more and more content to this pack, thank you everyone for your patience it is thoroughly appreciated, and a huge confidence boost. my plan is to touch up a few more things and release 0.2 in the next week or two... This update will be far more stable and tested than 0.1 btw.
  16. Another quick update on what's to come in 0.2: I fixed titan's atmosphere(idk if I've said that thus far) and I am looking into adding low altitude fog to it and to venus. In other news, this: It's based on KSRSSVE's sandstorm configs but color, volume, opacity and a few other variables have been tweaked to make it look better w the new mars maps.
  17. dyk if anyone has made rain? I am interested in doing so for RSS
  18. I'm in university right now, so whenever I have time to get fixes implemented, and yes I would absolutely love to mod KSP2 once RSS is ported over (I don't like stock frankly) Edit: Quick reply because I live here... 2 doors down actually in all actuality I just have forum notifications on as I play a LOT of ksp
  19. could we get the ability to link particles to a sound? I really would love to make thunder, rain sounds and wind sound to spice up my visual overhaul
  20. D'oh! it's bc I renamed mine EarthLandXn, while pingo used Xn... will rename all 3 versions to the same EarthLandXn in v0.2... speaking of which... UPDATE TIME! ok, I am working on getting a bunch of configs made derived from KSRSSVE, including some of the following: snow, lava on io, geysers on multiple planets, dust on multiple planets, and maybe rain so far I have geysers and snow... and I think y'all'd like to see, so here goes! here are some shots of snow over the arctic circle! I'm really happy w how this turned out, but I'm working on making it thicker and whiter. and here are some geysers shot at ~5km off the surface of enceladus, currently the only planet with working geysers w multiple planned for α-v0.2 Tis all for now, cheers and enjoy the pretty pics -It's Just Luci
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