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Everything posted by Vakarian

  1. I finally landed on the moon. It took me a whole week to get it right. Finally decided to get some science first and get the twin boar engine and it was a good gamble. But Ive been trying ever since and I guess I havent mastered it yet xD
  2. What... o.o I didnt even know this was possible. Im tempted now haha. Answer to Q: I think of the inside.
  3. I usually either make a joke of it, or make fun if myself or be ultra descriptive (like Probe 1200km polar orbit unmanned Mk1). Or name them after my fav game characters like Garrus Vakarian Space Station. (Too calibrate weapons in).
  4. I started 4 days ago, but bought the game probably around 2 years qgo but my pc back then didn't work well enough for this game. Then I forgot I bought it and saw a youtube recommendation last week and I was like, this looks cool. Wait, I HAVE this game. Been playing it ever since.
  5. So I work from home right. I've been trying to land on the moon instead of working haha.
  6. Lol the names for my company is Pepis Air. Then we have: - Basic B**** 1 - 8 (which was not able to get passed 20km). - Toth Process Mk.1 - 8. - Big Boi Rocket 1 and 2. - Probe 1200km (for real this time) Mk. 1 - 4 - Moon Lander (this one works) manned and unmanned - Prober 1900km Mk. 1 - Garrus Vakarian Space Station Mk. 1 and 2 - Moon Trip Adeu (adeu and a deu as in 2) Tip: Name them after all time favorite game characters or celebrities or movies. Or friends? Parents? Lmao the "Mom Rocket"
  7. I also killed 2 tourists. Well technically they aren't dead but they are about 19.000.000km away now so.. you know.. xD Got some good data out of it though.
  8. Look man.. I started playing 3 days ago and after figuring out basic rules for space travel I have been at it ever since. Non stop. Hahaha Today I have done my orbital space walk, launched my first probes and for the first time got a moon bound trajectory. And I didnt even use the gravitational pull from orbit around Kerbin to do so. I am now gonna launch a probe and try to get it to orbit at 19mil. Meters. Gg
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