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Everything posted by madindehead

  1. 1) You don't know how long they are been working on it for 2) There is a current benchmark to aim for - lessons will have been learned from KSP that can be applied to KSP2 Regarding the price comment from other people: Think about your PC you play KSP or other games on. Now compare that to the game price. Probably a lot lower. If it's good, there's a tonne of replay value, it will be totally worth it. At least you know the price now.
  2. I imagine that a lot of people will move onto KSP2 and that knowledge (providing basic mechanics are similar) will be retained and improved upon. There could well be a split - but it's also possible that by giving modders better tools that porting mods (at least basic starter version) might not be that complex and that there might even be tools to do so. So perhaps it will be easier to maintain mods across both versions and help both communities. I really don't think this is purely publishers driven. Publishers are an easy target (yes some are bad) for every problem in the game industry. $60 is the new price of games - we need to accept that. Also - KSP2 seems to be a lot more ambitious in its approach for the first release. Don't bash it on price - there's time to save. They have set the price now - a lot of developers and publishers don't do that. So give them some credit there at least.
  3. Spring 2020 in Northern Hemisphere will begin on Friday 20 March and ends on Saturday 20 June. Direct from Google. See above They won't do March/April, like you said too many big games. But they have until June so it's OK
  4. Welcome to any game/film/product launch in 2019. People will hype it. You need to remove yourself from it. What about it looks horrible? Curious to see why you think it "looks horrible" beyond an initial reaction. I know people love to bash on publishers and think that they are the devils whilst game developers are angels, but often it's the developers who decide on DLC release. There's a balance between releasing everything for free (community loves you) vs releasing paid DLC (some people hate it, but developers need to be paid too!). There comes a point when developers know they need to rebuild a game to add additional features and improve performance. There's only so long you can keep adding updates to something old before it does start to break itself. And again, this isn't just Take-Two/Private Division going "we need a game from you". As for the price: Are we still making a big deal out of the cost of games? Yes, I get it, it's not fun paying $80-100AUD - probably around £60 for me - on a new game. But games cost a lot of money to make. Compared to other forms of entertainment it can work it pretty cheap. Your initial $26AUD investment in KSP has given you 1600+ hours of entertainment - at a price per hour of $0.01625AUD. Try getting that somewhere else! Plus, we know it's a 2020 release so there's time to save up. It's an alpha game, come on. Even the dev video had big "alpha" tags in it. Give it time. I would hope that performance is one of the reasons for the rebuild. If the base game of KSP2 is current KSP (maybe even without DLC) but with more possibilities for system expansion, better modding capabilities and improved performance, I think that alone is a driver to buy it? No? Obviously everyone is entitled to their opinion on the matter. You seem to be quite negative about it, others seem very hyped for it. I try and refrain from getting overly hyped about a game before it comes out, but this looks promising. No one expected KSP to be as popular as it is now, with all of the features that the community had added via mods or requested. That is one source of the performance issues - adding stuff will make it worse. Overall, it's a wait and see. Star Theory, Squad and Private Division will understand (yes they really will) what makes this game so popular and what people want and don't want to see. They won't make money if they ruin it - especially not with a game that relies to heavily on its community for modding and continuous improvements. Have some faith that they won't ruin it. And buy it when it comes out if the reviews are good.
  5. Do you know anything about the Unity engine? Or do you just think it's a bad engine because the performance of current KSP with a lot of mods isn't where you think it should be? "There are some gems made in Unreal engine. But KSP remains to the old and outdated Unity." Have you looked at the list of games made in the Unity engine? Let me help you out: https://unity3d.com/games-made-with-unity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unity_games It's not an old engine "Using the same boring ass Unity engine" - why is it boring? I'd love to hear your reasons. About the price: You think game development is cheap? Developers need to be paid for their time you know. Yes - a lot of people working in game development do it because they love it. But just their passion for the game doesn't pay the bills. Why is $60 such an unreasonable amount of money? Some people spend that on a single day/night out!
  6. That is definitely a huge factor yes! I'm glad it comes from someone who is involved in developing mods because I cannot code or mod to save myself but I do use a lot of mods and I appreciate what modders do for the game. If the support for modding wasn't there then the community and the game would definitely be worse off.
  7. That's a very cynical way of looking at it. It is part of Take-Two, but that doesn't mean that Private Division will force Star Theory to make KSP2 an Epic Store exclusive. KSP2 and Outer Worlds have different target markets and therefore need different release strategies. Whatever people may think about Take-Two/Private Division, they will know and understand that alienating the KSP community will be the death of KSP2. Also: stop kidding yourselves here. If KSP2 is an Epic store exclusive for 6 months or a year, you will end up buying it when you see how amazing (I'm sure it will be!) it is. Don't be a dick and punish Star Theory/Squad for could ultimately be a publisher decision. I know I would buy it on the Epic Game store if it was an exclusive and then just buy it again when it released on Steam. No getting ideas here Private Division, the best thing for the game is a multiple storefront release! To the people going "OMG why is it still on Unity lolz failz" etc - go apply that logic to the Unreal Engine. It's a constantly evolving engine so don't judge it based on current KSP and Unity. Like others have said - no one expected KSP to become as big as it has. Most of the performance issues (at least the ones I experience) stem from having a lot of mods, lots of parts in craft and having lots of those craft active in various orbits and doing lots of things. Since KSP2 is a rebuild from the ground up, they probably at least considered other engines and decided that Unity was still the best engine for the game. There is a better awareness of the type of mods that the community will add - that also helps to optimise the game. All of that aside, I am super hyped for this I didn't expect this to happen at all! It sounds amazing, the trailer and dev videos look great and I'm glad that KSP (or KSP1 as we call it now?) will still be supported. I mean...that's a screenshot from an early alpha version of the game - most likely. Bit too early to say "It will NOT have clouds" like you've just said
  8. So I may have found the issue. But it's a weird one. I think, when all my current mods are installed, that Tarsier Space Technology is causing the orbit selection to break. However, if I run Tarsier Space Technology on its own it works perfectly. There is some interaction somewhere, on some level, between Tarsier and some other mod. I need to dig a lot more to find it - it's a nightmare trying to do it because I need to delete the mod and then reload the game. Unless there is some way for me to add mods easily without restarting my game everytime? Update: The above isn't really valid anymore. Continuing the testing, I've narrowed it down to the following few mods: Airplane Plus, Aviation Lights, Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit, Bon Voyage, Grounded, Interkosmos, KAX, Feline Utility Rovers, KSP Rescue Pod Fix, Nehemia's Orbital Science, Plume Party, QuizTechAeroContinues, reDIRECT, Smoke Screen and Waypoint Manager. I'm sure the parts packs have no effect but I don't use most of them right now and I want to play the game for a bit now! I will continue my investigations. I'm fairly certain that Bon Voyage is causing my problem.
  9. I think OSSNTR has pre-built buildings if you want big things. (It's used by KSC Extended). Needs Kerbal Konstructs of course.
  10. But what's the real difference between a quick save and a save made via KISS? Ok, the quick save is dated - so to me that's almost as good as using KISS. I don't think the quick save is much faster is it? Especially if you're using the dates to decide on the one to load, you're not using the quick load anymore
  11. The community tech tree takes a lot of science to unlock already! There are 20 nodes at 1k each and more beyond that! You must be taking a tonne of science points from each planet! It might be as easy as tweaking the numbers in the CTT config? I would start there. Or turn down the science gain from contracts etc. Edit: Look at CommunityTechTree.cfg in the CommunityTechTree/Tree folder. Each node has a "cost = xxx" line. You can do a simple find and replace for all those nodes and increase the cost. For example find and replace "cost = 500" with "cost = 2000".
  12. They do. But I didn't really see the need to use my quick saves when using KISS. Maybe there is a benefit?
  13. Is there any chance you can provide a link to Kopernicus Expansion? The WIP thread doesn't seem to be the correct one and I had to go digging to find this https://github.com/StollD/KopernicusExpansion-Continued/releases and I'm still not 100% certain it's the correct one. Ignore me. I'm an idiot and missed it was included.
  14. Use KISS. It's way better than using Dated Quick Saves.
  15. I've got a problem with Kopernicus not loading a system properly. KSP 1.7.3 using OPM, GEP_Secondary and Event Horizon. Said to contact you with the following info: KSP.log - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dFr9aJeeu326sGPTPHPNmYqbHgBWbMJM/view?usp=sharing ModuleManager.ConfigSHA - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h0PIXwJVzP7wwVH00oQUt5LU1VYXcRA5/view?usp=sharing Logs/Kopernicus folder - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10-Y90BJNGbYdN8E9mlHUnFuiJQHxfbnR?usp=sharing Everything loaded just fine the first time. I restarted it quickly and then I started seeing the error. I probably messed up the install of GPP _Secondary but I'm not 100% sure.
  16. Ah OK cool. Don't suppose you've got an example? Could be useful I'm curious how you go from .craft to a part - the models and textures will be the hardest bit for me, I kind of understand part stuff in MM.
  17. Not a problem. I don't think it's a GEP issue anyway. I removed GEP for now but I'm going to add it back with GPP_Secondary alongside OPM.
  18. By manual welding you mean build a part outside the game and then use it?
  19. A question about using this: Does it still run the game via Steam and allow the use of the Steam overlay? I have a system of running the game via a RunViaSteam.cmd file that I found on Reddit, but it requires each version of the modded game to have its own folders (whole installation) and then it does a link back to the original steam folder so it keeps everything in tact. I want to use this as it seems a bit neater. Just read more of the thread. Guessing there's still not fix to the steamapps problem?
  20. I'm not sure where the best place to post this is. There seems to be a nasty interaction between GEP and Contract Configurator and the Field Research contract pack. I'm seeing this error: ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'FS_HardScience': Error parsing scienceSubjectsTemp1 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) ArgumentException: 'RA' is not a valid CelestialBody. at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseCelestialBodyValue (System.String celestialName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.Util.Science.GetBiome (.ScienceSubject subject) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Method`2[ScienceSubject,ContractConfigurator.Biome].Invoke (.ScienceSubject obj) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Method`2[ScienceSubject,ContractConfigurator.Biome].Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[ScienceSubject].ParseMethod[ScienceSubject] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token, .ScienceSubject obj, Boolean isFunction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseVarOrIdentifier (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[ScienceSubject].ParseMethod[ScienceSubject] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token, .ScienceSubject obj, Boolean isFunction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement. Error occurred near '*': DifficultScienceSubjects().Where(s => s.Biome() == @biome) ...............................................* <-- HERE at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ExecuteExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[ScienceSubject] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[List`1] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.LoggingUtil:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, List`1, Func`2) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2) ContractConfigurator.DeferredLoadUtil:ExecuteLoad(DeferredLoadObject`1) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[], Exception&) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo) System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[]) ContractConfigurator.<UpdateNonDeterministicValuesIterator>d__30:MoveNext() System.Linq.<CreateConcatIterator>c__Iterator1`1:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.<GenerateContract>d__33:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.<ContractEnumerator>d__32:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.ContractPreLoader:Update() (Filename: Line: -1) I disabled the Field Research contract pack and it goes away - that's fine but I lose loads of contracts. I figured it was due to a planet pack - my two installed are OPM and GEP. I removed GEP first (I haven't done anything with it so it was easier to remove) and the error has disappeared. Now I'm not sure if this is something that needs to be fixed inside GEP, Contract Configurator or the contract pack itself. Just wanted to flag it here. The author of Contract Configurator doesn't seem to be around now so I'm limited in my options. My post on the Contract Configurator thread is below. It contains the original log file in case you want to take a look.
  21. I'm guessing these just drop straight into the GameData folder? Or do they have to go into the Tantares and BDB folder?
  22. Not sure if anyone else is getting this issue but I was getting an error which I think is linked to this Contract Pack - See the linked post. I disabled Field Research in the Contract Configurator options and the issue has totally disappeared now. Has anyone else had this issue? If so did you find a solution? The Field Research contracts were working fine until yesterday so I really don't know what happened
  23. I'm getting an error from CC that feels like it's causing performance issues. I feel like the game is hanging and slowing down when I'm trying to access CapCom to view my contracts. This is the error: ContractConfigurator.ContractType: CONTRACT_TYPE 'FS_HardScience': Error parsing scienceSubjectsTemp1 (Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) ArgumentException: 'RA' is not a valid CelestialBody. at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseCelestialBodyValue (System.String celestialName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.Util.Science.GetBiome (.ScienceSubject subject) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Method`2[ScienceSubject,ContractConfigurator.Biome].Invoke (.ScienceSubject obj) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Method`2[ScienceSubject,ContractConfigurator.Biome].Invoke (System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[ScienceSubject].ParseMethod[ScienceSubject] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token, .ScienceSubject obj, Boolean isFunction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseVarOrIdentifier (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[ScienceSubject].ParseMethod[ScienceSubject] (ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.Token token, .ScienceSubject obj, Boolean isFunction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as Exception: Error parsing statement. Error occurred near '*': DifficultScienceSubjects().Where(s => s.Biome() == @biome) ...............................................* <-- HERE at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ParseExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.ExpressionParser`1[T].ExecuteExpression (System.String key, System.String expression, ContractConfigurator.ExpressionParser.DataNode dataNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseSingleValue[ScienceSubject] (System.String key, System.String stringValue, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[],System.Exception&) at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Rethrow as TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue[List`1] (.ConfigNode configNode, System.String key, Boolean allowExpression) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.LoggingUtil:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, List`1, Func`2) ContractConfigurator.ConfigNodeUtil:ParseValue(ConfigNode, String, Action`1, IContractConfiguratorFactory, Func`2) ContractConfigurator.DeferredLoadUtil:ExecuteLoad(DeferredLoadObject`1) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[], Exception&) System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo) System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[]) ContractConfigurator.<UpdateNonDeterministicValuesIterator>d__30:MoveNext() System.Linq.<CreateConcatIterator>c__Iterator1`1:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.<GenerateContract>d__33:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.<ContractEnumerator>d__32:MoveNext() ContractConfigurator.ContractPreLoader:Update() (Filename: Line: -1) Log file here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-yYjU4uBAl4aJCLmkRGxe8dgRJWj86O3/view?usp=sharing I added a few new contract packs yesterday and I removed one that I thought might be the problem but it's still happening. I can provide a mod list if required (Although I think it's in the log?). Seems it has come up before (two posts below). I'm removing some packs to see what the issue is. It's weird because my career has been fine for a while and I just started getting it yesterday Update: I disabled the FieldResearch contract pack for now, from CC options, and the error seems to have disappeared. Update 2: I removed GEP (Grannus Expansion Pack) and the error seems to have disappeared for now. I'm not sure who needs to fix this - is it a GEP problem, a Contract Configurator problem or the contract pack?
  24. Amazing thanks I keep forgetting that the difficulty menu holds all the mod options
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