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  1. Out of curiosity, is anyone considering an Outer Planets Mod for KSP2? Was an "essential" mod for me under KSP1...I almost hoped that KSP2 would incorporate the extra planets but that appears not to be the case. Of course, when they get to extra-Kerbolar systems, it's not as big a deal, but...for me, seemed like the planet system was incomplete. Like: why have a Duna that's Mars and an Eve that's Venus and a Jool which is Jupiter when you don't have a Saturn, Neptune, or Uranus? Sure...there's an arguable Pluto but...that's not even a planet by our new standards, heh. I'm guessing it's a couple of factors potentially about the mod: - Planet mods aren't stable (Kerbal 2.5 notwithstanding)? - KSP2 modding isn't stable? - No desire to mess with planets yet?
  2. Thanks for digging into that...I appreciate ya...I'll do your suggested edit and keep an eye out on the next couple of milestones. If I can be of any help to figure out the cause, I'll pass it along.
  3. Yes, I have only a Mun and a Kerbin satellite doing scanning...both are doing region and visual. I was planning on moving them to region optimal altitude after visual was done. I sent you a DM with a link to the save.
  4. Falki, great mod. This will undoubtedly be a must-have install for me. I've been running a survey for Visual and I'm at the optimum altitude, pretty much circular orbit, around Kerbin. I got the prompt for an experiment at 25% and that successfully ran. However, I'm at 54% and either missed the prompt or it's bugged somehow. I am not getting any science for the 50% milestone when I start an experiment. The beaker icon goes into the long green flash (like for anything that's not an instant experiment, such as a surface sample) then resets to "ready to collect science" mode when I move over another region/biome. I can confirm that Science Arkive is showing the Visual Mapping at 25% complete but not the 50%. Any suggestions to try to fix, or need any more info to diagnose?
  5. I experience the same tearing that @Urus28 reported, in addition to the KSC showing up behind the screen like many other posters. I have also notice that many mod windows (Alarm Clock, Science Arkive, Micro Engineer, Flight Plan, and K2-D2) cannot go to the right beyond a point approximately 2/3's of the way across the screen which is where the cutoff occurs. Note, that I have had this happen without mods, as I've only started playing with mods about 2 days ago but this effect has been there from v0.1.5 to current with v0.2.0. Hardware, in case it helps show that this is platform-independent (looks like the above mentions were for Intel/nVidia): CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Video card: Radeon RX 7900 XTX Resolution: 3840x2160
  6. I'm having similar results on 0.1.1 version of KSP2. PC stats: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X (8 core, 3.4GHz ...old somewhere above 50% between minimum and recommended CPU) Radeon RX 7900 XTX RAM 64GB So we're at least having similar experiences on different hardware, likely removing that as a variable. I launched an over-built Apollo-style lander & command module mission, so I'm using the 2-seater lander and the 5 seater command. I've got some instability on the lander, probably because I built it "upside down" in the VAB on top of the command module...was able to work around that by turning off various stabilizing modules. Undocking was rather forceful, but didn't affect anything negatively. Landing manually was no chore, surprisingly did it first time having not touched KSP1 in a while and back then I used MechJeb a lot. Re-orbiting was a bit harrowing as I had had a prior mission take on a mountain and lose, so I'm not entirely sure I trust the PE / altitude values...settled on ground altimeter and at least I know when things are bad. I'm now stuck trying to do the return mission, docking the command module with the lander. Originally was at about a 10x10 orbit on the lander and a 26x20 orbit on the command module...after getting frustrated with the mechanics, I moved the command up to 60x60 and the lander to about a 20x20. At the 10x10 orbit, I thought it was some weird bug or maybe the introduction of some nominal dust "atmosphere" affecting my PE decaying on the lander. After every time warp, I'd go from a roughly circular orbit to a crash trajectory. Confirmed RCS and engine were off. Now that I'm in the 60x60 commander / 20x20 lander orbits, I'm still "chasing my PE/AP" points. I add a maneuver node at the AP or PE and then they start "separating".
  7. I realize that CKAN may not / is not supported but I'm wondering if the above is true (planet packs not requiring updating with KSP updates), is it possible to designate OPM as "any" with respect to the compatible versions? Or is there a reason that the compatible versions maintain a version association? Admittedly, it's a creature-comfort type of request, as manual installation or overriding the compatible versions within CKAN works around this. Thanks for any replies, and love the mod.
  8. While I'm waiting on my mod list to be v1.8.1 compatible, I saw this and it sounds like something I'd like to add but I'm on 1.7.3 currently. I see that there are versions for 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, and 1.8...I tried using the 1.8 version with my install but it's not working. Is there a quick hack I might be able to try to get this to work, or would I need to compile this somehow for 1.7 compatibility?
  9. I noticed the same problem. I'm running v 5.22 of [x] Science on KSP v1.7.3. When I'm on the Dessert Launch Pad or Airfield, the science experiments available at my location (left-most preset filter) are all blank. However, if I search for the available experiments on this vessel (second preset from the left) and then keyword filter on "desert air" or "desert launch", I get all of the experiments that should be available. Seems like this might be a preset filter spelling difference for "dessert" vs "desert"? I don't see a mention of it in the 5.23 release and/or on v1.8.0 KSP, but I could test it additionally if that helps.
  10. v1.8.1 When I run KSP without FF, this is the output of the Resource Monitor, Memory tab for KSP_x64.exe at the main menu (not loading a game): Commit - 3.02GB / Working Set - 1.82GB / Shareable - 39.6MB / Private - 1.78GB When I load a game and go to the Tracking Station without FF, the four memory values are: Commit - 3.09GB / Working Set - 1.85GB / Shareable - 39.8MB / Private - 1.81GB When I run KSP with FF, this is the output of the Resource Monitor, Memory tab for KSP_x64.exe at the main menu (not loading a game): Commit - 3.03GB / Working Set - 1.84GB / Shareable - 40.2MB / Private - 1.80GB When I load a game and go to the Tracking Station with FF, the four memory values are: Commit - 3.20GB / Working Set - 1.91GB / Shareable - 45.0MB / Private - 1.87GB It does appear to be FF on v1.7.3...I'd be on 1.8.1 as soon as Kopernicus and a few other mods are updated. Though, I can't really see what the memory usage spike from FF does to my 1.7.3 game after I've patched the Kopernicus/map load delay issue.
  11. @VoidSquid, thanks, I can confirm that my map loading delay issue is resolved with the Kopernicus thread you provided. In the interests of staying on-topic though, I'll still help test the FF memory issue as I'm observing it on 1.7.3. @linuxgurugamer I hope to be able to test the 1.8.1 + FF test tonight. Do you want this with a base install plus/minus FF? Or, do you want me to additionally/instead test with my working mod list? My 1.7.3 is weighing in at about 121 mods whereas only about 99 mods are available on 1.8.1. It's enough of a difference that maybe it'll matter...but maybe not.
  12. I'm a long time forum-lurker/browser but just created an account because I'm having the same issue and have been trying to track this down. I stumbled into the FF thread totally by accident. Alas, my forum account is new, so I can't DM anyone yet. @linuxgurugamer if you can DM me details about getting you the save file and mod list, please do...else I'll wait till I've got enough posts / delay to send it. For reference, I'm running 1.7.3 on a machine with a lot of RAM (64...recent upgrade from a 16GB gaming rig) and haven't paid much attention to RAM usage until it started taking about 6-10 seconds to load map view in-game. I took about a month break from playing and I don't remember that kind of delay. Naturally, I added some mods before I started playing again last week, so I am not 100% sure what the culprit is...initially I thought it was something else, so I was doing clean installs followed by incremental mod application. I run with a lot of mods, but prior till now, my only delay is the initial loading of the game. When I run KSP without FF, this is the output of the Resource Monitor, Memory tab for KSP_x64.exe at the main menu (not loading a game): Commit - 11.6GB / Working Set - 10.7GB / Shareable - 48.5MB / Private - 10.7GB When I load a game and go to the Tracking Station without FF, the four memory values are: Commit - 13.1GB / Working Set - 12.0GB / Shareable - 49.3MB / Private - 12.0GB When I run KSP with FF, this is the output of the Resource Monitor, Memory tab for KSP_x64.exe at the main menu (not loading a game): Commit - 16.1GB / Working Set - 14.6GB / Shareable - 48.6MB / Private - 14.5GB When I load a game and go to the Tracking Station with FF, the four memory values are: Commit - 17.7GB / Working Set - 15.9GB / Shareable - 49.5MB / Private - 15.8GB Turning off FF doesn't seem to help my map load issue but it does appear to affect my RAM usage in a non-trivial amount.
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