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    An egg drowning in a sea of papers

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  1. For the new moon (lunation number 300), which is a total eclipse, the new release (Καραθεοδωρή) is out. Some crashes that could occur when looking at trajectories in map view using the surface frame have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  2. For the new moon (lunation number 299), the new release (Канторович) is out. Various crashes and errors resulting in non-functional windows have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  3. For the new moon (lunation number 298), the new release (掛谷) is out. Principia now displays predicted and planned impacts in the right location when seen in the surface frame; this replaces the experimental approach that was attempted in Jordan. See the change log for more details.
  4. For the new moon (lunation number 297), the new release (Julia) is out. Several bugs introduced in recent versions have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  5. We have hotfixed the release; if you downloaded Jordan prior to this post, please click on the link in the OP or the GitHub readme to download it anew (the version string in the Principia UI should say 2023121300-Jordan-0-ge51928f832188fd4eeedd50e33d11218e1cd44eb, not 2023121300-Jordan-0-g9e72cb593eb3e8b37b1ae2bf29a6a08963d1c0b3). We apologize for the inconvenience.
  6. We are aware of multiple bugs with this release: deleting a flight plan results in a crash, and orbit analysis on the flight plan no longer works. We are trying to understand and resolve these issues. Once they are resolved, the release will be patched as others have been in the past (most recently 伊藤 six months ago). We apologize for the inconvenience.
  7. For the new moon (lunation number 295), the new release (Jordan) is out. Performance with high part count vessels has been improved. In some limited circumstances, Principia now displays collisions between the prediction and the surface of a celestial at the right location, when seen in the surface frame. This is still work-in-progress. Other bugs have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  8. For the new moon (lunation number 295), the new release (賈憲) is out. Local optimization of manœuvres has been added to assist in tuning flybys. The issue underlying the cryptic error message improved in the preceding release has been fixed. A three-year-old issue in our handling of rotation with stock aerodynamics has been fixed. Other bugs have been fixed. See the change log for more details.
  9. For the new moon (lunation number 294), the new release () is out. A cryptic error message has been improved. See the change log for more details.
  10. For the new moon (lunation number 293), the new release (Jensen) is out. No user-visible changes in this version as we have been laying the groundwork for a mechanism that would help optimize burns to meet certain criteria. See the change log for more details.
  11. For the new moon (lunation number 292), the new release (Jacobi) is out. A pinnable hover tooltip is displayed when the cursor is hovered over a manœuvre marker, emulating the stock KSP node markers. Thanks to @Al2Me6 for this contribution. See the change log for more details.
  12. For the new moon (lunation number 291), the new release (岩澤) is out. The manœuvre markers (specifically their Frenet trihedra) are now draggable. Thanks to @Al2Me6 for this contribution. See the change log for more details.
  13. A major issue was found in the previously released build for 伊藤: creating a manœuvre while the plotting frame was X–Y–Orbit would cause a crash, see #3689. As a result, we have hotfixed the release; if you downloaded 伊藤 prior to this post, please click on the link in the OP or the GitHub readme to download it anew (the version string in the Principia UI should say 2023061805-伊藤-0-g2771ba5fa7f1d43341a5ca70adbd7f296449c300, not 2023061805-伊藤-0-gc3140c5f2bf7a8438e41cd5e3bcfcb2fd3f52356). We apologize for the inconvenience.
  14. For the new moon (lunation number 290), the new release (伊藤) is out. The computation of the equipotentials has been improved to make the results more useful for the outer planets, and its performance has been improved. A cryptic error message has been improved. See the change log for more details.
  15. A major issue was found in the previously released build for ابن الهيثم: switching to the target-centred frame would cause an immediate crash, see issue #3653. As a result, we have hotfixed the release; if you downloaded ابن الهيثم prior to this post, please click on the link in the OP or the GitHub readme to download it anew (the version string in the Principia UI should say 2023051916-ابن الهيثم-0-gd3ebe8f338fefbc96249e305fba493979fd67f32, not 2023051916-ابن الهيثم-0-g9f3105efa9ead54ad17567161fb59e5094829f7d). We apologize for the inconvenience.
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