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Everything posted by bigdad84

  1. Awesome! Just came across this for the first time. Definitely going to keep an eye out for an update!
  2. The LV-N Engine was 0.17 when interplanetary travel became common with the addition of the new planets.
  3. 0.18 hands down! The hype that Squad built up leading to it's release was crazy. Back in the good 'ole days of Captain Skunky and Damion.
  4. Not to be pushy or anything, but how's the VAB/SPH movement coming along?
  5. Is there such a thing? If so, could someone point me in the direction of where I can find one?
  6. When going from the VAB to the launchpad while having the V-C1 Operations Block on my craft, it causes my staging to get completely messed up and put into 1 stage...
  7. Looks like we have our answer! Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2014/08/27/spacex-delays-falcon-9-launch-to-re-evaluate-its-systems/
  8. YES! I second this! Would make space stations so much more enticing to building because you can do more than just stare at the outside of them.
  9. Anyone know how much Dv is required to get into Eve orbit from its surface with NEAR installed? Trying to plan a voyage to the surface and back but I want to know how much Dv to pack along.
  10. Today, I finished my International Space Station in LKO and designed a plane that converts into a rover.
  11. Downloading right now! Looks nice! Hard to find nice wheels that go with the "stock" feel of the game!
  12. Some parts work while others don't. Would be nice to see this updated. It was my favorite mod for robotic arms.
  13. Well thanks guys for all of your input! I will definitely let you know what the final outcome turns out to be.
  14. The parachutes in the docking ring are not working for me? They're not showing up at all in the "slideshow" thing or when I right click on the docking port in game. I am not using Real Chutes either?
  15. Yea. I think thats where this is heading. (breaking apart) Some people might think it's "creepy" but I never once thought that it was. Like Nuke said, I have WAY more in common with someone a decade older than someone my age. Maybe i'll find someone again, or someone thats actually mature enough around my age. Breakups are never easy though.
  16. Right? It really took me by surprise. That was one of the reasons why I always looked for older woman, they didn't play little "games" like this. I guess my current plan of attack is going to be to just give it a couple of days. I won't bring anything up about "us" and just see if she notices. If she doesn't mention anything or shows no bother from it, i'm going to cut off contact. (easier said than done).
  17. I am 18. She is 29. It's a long story. I know most people think that's to young to know anything. My grandparents got married at 18 and were together 67 years until my grandpas death this June. Anyways, on topic again, I think I'll just play the waiting game. Maybe distance myself from her and see if she tries coming back around.
  18. Me and my girlfriend (now ex I guess) had been dating for almost 6 months. We've had had a few fights (normal relationship stuff) and after one, she said she didn't know if she wanted to be together anymore. A few days later I asked her about it and she said she still loves me (yes, 6 months and already the L word) but just didn't want to commit to me. Of course I worry that maybe there's another guy, but I really don't think so. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place right now trying to figure out if I just want to give up, or wait for her to commit... If ever.
  19. This is what I was questioning when I first heard of them trying to take over a probe this old.
  20. I'm a bit out of the loop lately, but "possibility of a third gas giant?". Is there more info on this?
  21. Is the propellent still there to use? Does it get old like gas does? A bit off topic I know, but I was questioning this.
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