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Everything posted by hugix

  1. Even when a vessel isn't loaded it will transistion SOI. When you launch a vessel on a interplanetary trajectory it will still leave the Kerbin SOI and enter the sun's SOI when not loaded.
  2. One old game I really love is Jagged Alliance 2. [url]http://www.gog.com/game/jagged_alliance_2[/url] It is very open world, has a lot of fun side quests and loads of memorable characters. Still play it from time to time.
  3. Maybe a painting by Alan Bean. The Apollo 12 astronaut makes paintings of his trip to the moon. http://www.alanbean.com/available_originals.cfm
  4. Finally not sick anymore! Time for a beer. Also the boss gave me tomorrow a day of Got my loan, so ordered a new laptop (old one is 6 years old and gave a couple of hardware related BSOD's). Happy days
  5. Last weekend we had a DJ event in the venue I work at and in one of the areas in our venue a couple of young DJ's (14 - 17 years old) would play there and would do all the setting up (We were to busy with the main stage). I gave the kids everything they needed, subs, tops, amps, a monitor, a bulk load of cables of all kinds. After about an hour they came to me, complaining our subs where way to weak. Turned out they didn't plug the signal via the amps I provided since "his DJ panel was active, therefore the speakers where active".
  6. My girlfriend made a appointment to, and I kid you not... This is 100% true. To remove hair via laser. Apparently people use lasers t make sure that hair doesn't grow back in certain spots. The same stuff that is used by Curiosity to melt rocks. That kids use to annoy pilots. that hunters use for aiming... Can be used for something trivial as removing the hair from your legs. When she explained it to me I had quite the "What a world we live in" moment.
  7. I have accoumplished a rendezvous with a vehicle that was going a bit faster than escape velocity. how to perform the first burn that alters your trajectory t meet Kerbin and swing back to Duna is very hard because there are many possible starting scenario's. It is still something I'd like to do.
  8. That is no facepalm action. That is very very sad and disturbing. Please someone, post a funny facepalm worthy story.
  9. Wayyyy back in school, when I first started with chemistry / physics in school we also got points on our homework. These points could give you extra credits on test scores. We did the assignments in small groups, the teacher would come over to the group. Check the answers and note your points. the very first week was a couple of very simple assignments to familiarize our self with this idea of doing homework. They where very simple questions with very simple answers. Then for a couple of questions every second answer was the opposite of the answer before. If the answer to #10 was "it gets bigger", the answer to #11 would be "it gets smaller". Except for the last two questions. # 19 : "What happens when you turn the gas valve on the bunsen burner to the right" "The flame gets hotter". #20 : "You are holding the burner from the bottom and slide your hand slowly up. What happens to your hand". Well Obviously, your hand would get hotter, as it moves closer to the flame... But my group totally rejected that answer. It was simply not possible since "we already gave that answer". I complained that the assignments nowhere mentioned that we could give the same answer twice. But alas.. "You don't understand how it all works hugo!" Luckily I wrote my answer in my book, hoping that my book would be checked by the teacher next week... It did . One girl of the group even noted she had written something else, thus got a point reduction.
  10. and yet nothing has properties. For instance, we are able to to send / receive radio signals send via this empty space.
  11. People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.
  12. Well actually, we started counting fromt he year 436 (or something like that).
  13. What about setting the zero point on the first of January 1970. Computers work with this (timestamp) and it is fairly close to Neil setting first foot on another celestial body.
  14. Some of these are gold. http://thechive.com/2015/09/09/callout-whats-the-dumbest-question-youve-heard-in-a-class-7-photos/ Especially the last one sounds like somethign Ralph Wiggum would ask.
  15. I saw a car do a backflip a couple of years ago, can trains backflip? Joking ofcourse
  16. Small detail. Hillary Clinton watched the STS 95 shuttle launch (the one with John Glenn)
  17. Actually, this happens quite a lot in China. About half a year ago a first stage came down in a park. Leme find a link with info on that 'incident'.
  18. the past few days I've been working on a motor cross event. Before I say the bad stuff, lets start with something good. I LOVE THIS WORK But in our track we give the riders a choice halfway through the track. A heroes and a zeroes choice. The heroes choice is shorter but has obstacles This year we did a complete new track. So we had to re think how to build the heroes and the zeroes tracks.... As it turned out. The zeroes track is faster than the heroes track. One of my ideas was to calculate the distances on the pieces of track with no obstacles. which meant calculating the corners in the tracks. Whilst I wrote down some numbers I used À (pi) to calculate the distance variable between the inner and the outer corners.... Which was to weird of a number for some people to stop me 'making stuff up'. Needless to say, the zeroes track is still shorter...
  19. People already said a lot about Mars one in this thread (I started ) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47036-space-Is-Mars-one-a-scam
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