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Everything posted by hugix

  1. the fight continues. https://medium.com/matter/a-point-by-point-response-to-the-latest-claims-made-by-mars-one-6617841f6c44
  2. I'm having quite the difficulty to get my Kerbals to locations I need to be to perform science. Especially on the Mun and Minmus. when I get a contract to do some EVA reports / surface samples on the Mun I have a hard time getting my kerbals on EVA to the exact location. Since there is no navbal in EVA and the Mun has a fairly boring grey surface I end up flying my kerbal past the location. Is there a simple mod or trick I can use to get my kerbals in the right heading to the contract location ?
  3. Nobody won the space race since the 'race' didn't have a clear finish line. It depends on your personal idea of what the finish is.
  4. Yeeey, my old thread is back up. in order to set up a colony Mars-one (still without any astronauts!) needs at least 9 launches according to their plan to set up the colony. Ramping up a 36billion USD cost. Just for the infrastructure. No group of multinationals is going to fund up front such a huge, Huge, HUGE sum of money on something that might not even become reality. (this is why Endemol stopped the partnership). By now, Mars-one has gotten 759,816 USD from donations on the site. $313,744 via a Indygogo campaign (minus $28,237 fee from Indygogo). And it got about $50,00 fee from the candidates. This article claims that was a total of 2,761 applicants. All totaling up to $1,183,373.... Now Bas Lansdorp might not be going to Mars, but he doesn't care. With 1.1 million dollars he's going some place nice and warm.
  5. you can launch the interior to on the same launch. Just pack it tight and let the astronauts unpack it once in orbit.
  6. Something that does belong in this topic, the manner in which the Russian MIR astronauts where payed was very dubious. the cosmonauts got a big list with all the experiments to perform during their missions. And how much of the list they got checked of determined their salary. If they only got 90% of the list complete, they only received 90% of their salary. This is mentioned in the Horizon episode on MIR (and it's accidents).
  7. I want a Kerbie Kerman! And than replace his suit via TR to a beige suit with the 53 on him! Ontopic. The coolest name I had was Billy-Bobbles!
  8. I had a baf experience with the "launch a new vessel" parameter. A few days ago I accepted a contract to put a sat in a Mun polar orbit. I took my very first Mun sat that was in a equatorial orbit. It had a little bit of fuel left, and with a Bi elliptical transfer (Set APA to barely inside the Mun SOI. Burn retrograde to slow down the remaining velocity. Then do your plane change. The slower you go the less DV you need in a plane change) I got the sat in her new orbit with less than 20 M/s of DV to spare. Only to notice that the "launch new vessel parameter would not come on."... Boy was I pissed.
  9. KW or Novapunch has these lovely SRB nosecones. They have a small solidfuel booster pointed towards the booster angels 45 degrees up. this way th ebooster is pushed from the top up and away from the main core.
  10. I've also had a few other silly site names such as "Kerbin's Doom." I remember a topic a few years ago, someone claimed he got a Kerbal named D*ldo (you can fill in the asterisk with your own imagination). I never found out if it was a hack or if it was legit.
  11. I think the purpose of life is to question our self what the purpose of life is.
  12. I have a small piece of stone meteorite. And I've bought a Space Shuttle STS (The blue triangle) patch in an army surplus during a vacation in the USA.
  13. hugix

    LAN gaming.

    I do remember the golden days of LAN parties. Sometimes in a big hall with a lot of nerds with their own gaming systems and game controllers. Some vey beautiful case-mods (some less so). I used to own each and everyone in Unreal. Good old times. I am currently working in a music venue. I am looking into the possibility of hosting a LAN party there. Maybe get a local ISP to sponsor a good connection and some servers to host games on. Maybe host some tournaments of new and older games.
  14. This might be the answer, Apollo 10 was about a month before 11.
  15. There are a LOT of people who don't care abut science or how it works. They use the products of it but don't need to know how it's made. My mom has other good characteristics that I lack. She is very good with people and worked almost her complete working life taking care of the elderly. That is something most STEM oriented people would have a tough time doing.
  16. This could be solved by asking the user to perform an action in front of the camera. Like a wink or a nod. The even bigger problem is privacy. These devices have the camera on (in case the user wants to log in) all the time. Even when not in use.
  17. My mom says she has no reason to believe the moon landings are real. Or fake for that matter. she has no interest in science or engineering in general. She doesn't have the knowledge to judge if the evidence is real or fake... And she doesn't care.
  18. The landing crew performed a descent burn to test the descent stage. Then they ditched the descent stage and used the ascent stage to get back into orbit again. After the crew was back in the csm they remotly fired the ascent stage into a heliocentric orbit. I am not sure why they did that.
  19. Yeah, they crashed the descent stage and fired the ascent stage into a heliocentric orbit. Nobody has yet identified it yet. I'm kinda curious how it would look now.
  20. Just a mindfart, but most solar panels I see nowadays are stationary. Most people place a couple of meters of panels on their roofs. But these only get their optimal power output a few hours a day when the sun is right on top of them at noon. When the sun is rising / sinking there is less than maximum output. Would it be beneficial to place the panels on a small motor that slowly turns the panels to the sun. These panels are on top of a building on my old college campus. Would it work better if they could rotate with the sun?
  21. I went with "root" or "roots" because I always thought Kerbals where plant like. But now that female kerbals are introduced I'm not sure anymore.
  22. It used a couple of seconds of KSP music. think it's a nod to us
  23. about 120 because of timewarp. Also makes rendezvous easier. Whenever the spacecraft is 45 degrees ahead of the launch site (when the target+ icon is at 45 degrees on the navball) I launch my craft to a ap of 120KM. I get a close encounter without much fiddling on a node.
  24. Jeb, he's an oldschool pilot astronaut. all the fancy sciency stuff came later.
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