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Everything posted by hugix

  1. We've had quite the discussion on Mars-one in this topic : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47036-space-Is-Mars-one-a-scam I doubt it's gonna happen...
  2. Maybe I'll try some OCR program or whatever. It's basicly an guess about the future of space exploration. On page 4 it's about the Ion propulsion (which is qutie accurate). But the estimated costs of the Space shuttle program are wayyyyy off.
  3. an article on the future of the rockets written in 1979. Found it in a charity store for 50 cents.
  4. Gemini. It was a spacecraft built for astronauts by astronauts. It was small and cramped but it did perfectly what it was designed for. Besides that. It just looks lovely.
  5. Manned Orbital Laboratory test launch with a Gemini Test object.
  6. The ISS is 15 years old. The oldest modules predate the smartphones and flat HD TV screens. Remember 15 years ago? We all used ladline telephones. When we wanted to re-watch a TV show we used VHS. Remember VHS? TV's where bigger than a microwave. Working in the Unity module is like that. I hope they don't exceed the warranty, the Mir was a wreck in her final extended years.
  7. Unless they explode, once lit they don't stop. Like the Challenger accident.
  8. Dress has quite a cool landscape, I visited a few times. I guess Tylo. Jool has a lot of other cool moons to visit, and landing and getting off again is quite difficult. Maybe Moho too. It is the hardest planet. But it is still a planet.
  9. I love this mod! I use it to show my friends why I love this game. I build some sort of Atlas Mercury rocket with Telemachus on it and place my friend behind my computer while I sit behind another watching the data. I show them the rocket. Explain the parts and then press IVA. And wish my "astronauts" good luck. Once they hit spacebar it is good fun, trying to get them into orbit. I yell at them what they have to do.(Some are worried that I make them turn to late, others don't understand why they have to turn right.). I do however wished there was a layout which printed the numbers in stead of graphs. I know it is mentioned above, if I find the time I'll try to write my own "console" screen. But it would be really awesome if we could make our own pages. All the info we need on a web page we picked out ourself. Just like the custom window editor in Mechjeb. I mean when you are guiding someone through a launch you need a completely different set of data then during a landing. And when the mission is critical it is a bugger to swap tabs (how much fuel, what is the current altitude, what is the vertical / horizontal speed). It might be really useful for the people who have absolutely no knowledge of HTML / Javascript.
  10. It is no help for the people at home but a trick that can help by politicians is expressing nuclear power plants in revenue and statistics. What a lot of people tend to forget is that other energy solutions are either unreliable / not usable in certain areas (Solar / wind power). And the ones that can run continuously are either very expensive or cost more lives than nuclear plants did.
  11. The star wars universe with the laserswords and the force and old prophet like Kerbals. I could care less about the dogfights. The film doesn't explain how its universe works, and it shouldn't. As long as the story is good I don't care. Just like the Matrix or Toy story. Who gives a hoot abut scientific accuracy. Then there are those movies who try to incorporate science into the story or try to explain how impossible things can be made possible. These generally fail. And thet fail bad. Mostly it is by using words like quantum, or supercollider. I once saw a movie where the main character was saved by a ghost / apparition. The entire movie was about a drugs war. No mention of ghosts whatsoever and then in the last 20 minutes. BAM. A ghost of a previously shot character saves the day. Talked right with some pseudo scientific jabber jabber. IT kills the movie when directors try to answer those questions. And then there is a third kind, it gives a brilliant explanation that tells you absolutely nothing. That's silly.
  12. Sound technician, roadie, venue owner, bar owner. As long as it has to do with music.
  13. Try doing real missions. Re enact missions like Luna-24, Cassini Huygens (I did this one including a probe that landed on Laythe). Currently I'm building a Antares / Cygnus replica.
  14. Ah sorry for the mistranslation. In my native language nuclear is called 'radioactief'. Hence the wrong word. And yeah, anything in high doses is deadly, even water.
  15. Waves, who doesn't like waves.. In the water, these small ones that make that splashy sound when they sip over the stones. Or these big ones with surfers in em. Waves, like those in the stadium with all the supporters love those. But radio waves! to hell with those!!!
  16. Most people are afraid of radiation not because of rational evidence but because they don't understand it. What I use to explain people what radiation is harmful and whatnot I cheat. I tell them a little lie believable enough so that they understand the risks. Here it is : You got two kinds of radiation. One being electromagnetic radiation, the other is radioactive radiation. The first is very weak and is being generated by electronic devices, hence the name electro. The second is being emitted by radioactive stuff like plutonium and uranium. These are the kinds of radiation that gives you cancer. Granted that we do not understand the long long long term effects of electro magnetic radiation on people. But it is safe to say that more people die using their phones/headphones while driving/ crossing the road than because of the radiation it emits.
  17. Personally it's a no for Stewart and Cumberbatch. Way to big actors. Playing the Doctor is a role that typecast you. You can't typecast those two.
  18. That is how I use it. Here is a picture of my station : On the far left are the fuel tanks, next to that a Hab module and the science module. On the side of the habitat is a docking port with the crew ferry. Each expedition consists of a crew of three that go down towards the surface in the re usable lander (on the right). Each kerbal makes one landing. Does the science, collects all reports. Stores them in the crew ferry. After all three kerbals landed they return towards Kerbin and the station awaits the new crew.
  19. Space, space, spaaaaaccceeee -Space personality core (Portal 2)
  20. I talked with an astronaut that flew the Soyuz to the ISS and he felt really safe. And for that the Soyuz is a great spacecraft. It can deliver people towards destinations in LEO and return them safely. And if any of the automated systems errors. You can always use an older system still installed. But if I had to choose. I would go for the space shuttle. Its capacity to carry more then three persons into orbit saved the MIR program finances. Its ability t carry a mobile lab in its bay is worthy. And most of all, it could return cargo from space safely! Even in KSP you get more science from returning the experiments then form broadcasting the results. If I had to go to the ISS to replace an faulty pump, I would choose for the Soyuz as a vehicle. If I had to do science and had to bring back results. I would have gone for the shuttle With an Multi Purpose Logistics Module in them.
  21. Minmus, you can see it as a little speck during the day and when you get there it is like being greeted with a big, big, BIGGGGG bowl of ice cream!
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