When they are in orbit they have to complete a huge checklist and have to check, double, and triple check a lot of data. Real life space exploration isn't like KSP. Every part that you put on the spacecraft can break and will have to be checked in orbit. Pay attention after they are in orbit. The first thing they do is start checking things on the checklists.
Seeing Mikhail floating up there and helping and all made me realize how absurd the Ukraine situation is right now... Really pretty shots from the station. I really wish I was there!
At 8:00 PM EDT National Geographic will broadcast the live TV show Live from space. 2 hours of the International Space Station and her crew.
Starts in about three hours. Check out the website, One of the best ISS trackers I've seen. http://www.livefromspace.com/#! . In this thread I'll try to make a synopsis of the show as it broadcasts (Started this thread early so people know to tune in). And the show in interactive via social media. I suggest we all send Kerbal Space related questions to #livefromspace !
Biggest reason people hate math is because of the typical math teacher. An elderly, boring and slow man who faces the blackboard more than the students. Math classes can be very boring. It's not as interactive as Gym or shop. You just write out equations without any purpose. It's not the math itself I used to hate, but the way people thought me. Youtube channels like Vi Hart and Numberphile made math intresting again for me. A good way to start not hating math is programming. Learn some PHP or Python and start making you're own little programs. The more you program the more useful purposes of math you'll see.
Jim Lovell actually went 2 times to the moon. Only three people went to the Moon twice (Young and Cernan also flew twice). But Lovell is the only person that flew to the Moon twice without landing. Quite sad actually.
I think mod integration (or copying functions that certain mods provide) is a godo thing. It ensures the user that thay function stays supported. What if a mod creator decides not to update their mod to .24 because of reasons. We then lose a function in an update in stead of gaining them. ISA mapsat was one of my favorite mods, making maps and all that. Its to bad it's not supported anymore.
It all depends on what type of mission you are launching. Except for a few missions a year all launches are unmanned. And the funny thing with probes is that they tend to get smaller and more expendable. (Moore's law). I am a huge fan of cubesats. It gives small nations / university students access to space. They main reason there is no super rocket is because there isn't much market for it. Most of the payloads are getting smaller. Except for a few manned / interplanetary missions. Most payloads shrink. And why built bigger rockets for smaller payloads? The idea of a space station is actually quite outdated. There are few tasks that robots can't do that humans can that are essential in space. In that perspective more living space is actually a nagative factor. Since you waste more mass on living space that could have been used by experiments.
You're in space! You've just gotta be weightless. It's part of the experience. I don't think AG is needed. First of all. When weightless you're able to utilize more space inside the craft. Look at the ISS how it doesn't have a ceiling. Every inch of space is used. and bone mass and that sort can be combatted by a lot of training. Hell you're 500+ days in space doing not much. You might as well just train your muscles.
I cant wait to use this interface!!! When do you think it's ready? Because we are having a gamers day at school in a few weeks and I want to play KSP using telemachus. If I could use this interface it would be sooo cool!
This is actually quite a funny object. It turns out (with some degree of error) that J002E3 is actually the spend third stage of the Apollo 12 moon mission.
My ex girlfriend.Don't like it when people keep me on a line. And the fact that I study IT. After a day of hard work on these machines I would like to relax and doe something else (like play my guitar). I do not want to spend my evenings fixing computers of friends / people I know because they visited some weird websites.
At home I have a few of those. I did a few missions with just the seat, some fuel and a engine. About a week ago I did such a mission to land on Ike (Had a Duna mission, so why not give Ike a visit). I'll upload them when I' home.