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Everything posted by hugix

  1. That's sad It had a lot of news coverage. It would have been a great eye opener for lots of people. seeing how cool/ beautiful astronomy can be. T bad it had to end this way.
  2. It was a hard battle between the Mun, Pol and Minmus. But in the end I chose for Minmus, a few months back there was this tread on naming all the geological places in the game. I went and named lots of hills and lakes on Minmus. I remember naming the 3 mountains that form a triangle after Himalayan places (Mount Keverest, Base Kamp and such)
  3. I remember seeing that! First thought was : WOOHOO THATS KERBAL! Then I realized it destroyed work people put many hours of dedication in it and I was sad Latest Progress :
  4. hugix


    Same, I would love to see that magnificient violence (such a paradox!). The mere power that man can create. I once read (I think it was on cracked) an officer had a small bullet catcher like frame from mirrors all pointing inwards. During the testing of an atomic bomb he held the frame towards the explosion, held a sigarette in the middle of the frame and it lit. He used an ATOMIC BOMB to light his sigarette. I would love to see something like that. And ofcourse I would visit all spectaculair launches. The Apollo launches, Gemini, Voskod. The first space shuttle. I would not visit wars and assasinations and such, I would love to see an atmoc bomb but not the two Japanese bombs. It's just to messed up. I'm not a violent man. I just like brutal raw power. And I would travel to more fun facts and things. Did the MEsopatamians really invented beer, was Marylin Monroe really that pretty. Was Jesus real? Did Elvis really carried a gun meeting the president? Visit Led Zeppelin Live. See the beginning Black Sabbath (Back when they played jazz). See Johnny Cash in San Quentin. Visit the Eiffel tower / Hoover dam / Burj Kalifa during construction. But it would have dark properties, I'm afraid I would revisit my own past, seeing myself happy with previous girlfriends. Reliving memories I've burried a long time ago. Go back in time and spy on people I know to find out how they'd think of me. I know myself good enough that I'm not strong enough to visit moments I should not.
  5. Real life doesn't work like KSP does. In the Real world everything is attracted to everything. Not like in KSP where a object is only being affected by its parent object. For instance Jupiter also has a small (But not negligeble) effect on our spacecrafts in orbit. Our moon got formed because we collided with another proto planet that left a lot of debris in orbit around the Earth, that debris was also attracted to the other pieces of debris that eventually formed our moon as we know it. Even funnier, our moon doesn't even orbit our planet but it orbits the sun, and the Earth gently nudges it aropund giving us the impressing it revolves around us (Because the Earth also spins). If you look at our system from the Suns point of view the Moon is being nudged from left to right on our orbital path. perhaps the best illustration is J002E3, it's an discarded Apollo booster that was trown into an heliocentric orbit. In 2001 it was close enough to Earth to be pulled in. Because of a gentle dance between the object, Lagrange 1, the Moon and Earth it orbited the Earth for a while. See the path it made here : http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/j002e3/j002e3c.gif
  6. I'm Dutch and we play an important role in ESA. What I would do when I had a say in how to play along in ESA I would make sure we keep the ESA headquarters in the Netherlands. We got a lot of smart students in the Netherlands and it would be a waste for us if they'll find work outside the Netherlands. Also I would invest in companies that want to provide services that no other company currently provides. the R&D processes for these starting companies are huge and it would be a shame if some big multinational got hold of these technologies. for short, I would invest in a space program in order to boost our economy. To make sure Dutch companies can provide services no other companies can.
  7. Helaas niet, ik denk dat Kuipers ook meer dingen te doen heeft dan KSP spelen. Maar als we een meeting doen stuur ik hem wel en uitnodiging om ook langs te komen
  8. Lijkt me een goede om dan de tweede of derde week van Januari te pakken en dan het liefst op een vrijdag / zaterdagmiddag ofzo. Mensen die interesse hebben in een Nederlandse KSP fanmeeting kunnen mij E-mailen op hugo@hugix.net . Dan organiseren we wel wat leuks!
  9. Ik heb inderdaad de eer gekregen om aan Kuipers te vragen of hij KSP speelde.
  10. Woohoo! My thread became a sticky! I feel important!
  11. Is die NASA expo nog lang in Nederland? Misschien is het een idee om met een groep Nederlandse KSP fans daarheen te gaan om daarna een biertje samen te drinken in een kroeg in de buurt.
  12. There are locations in our neighbourhood that are worth investigating. The main reason to explore Mars is to discover if it ever could have harboured life. And then there is Europa. NASA has plans to send a spacecraft with a submarine to the inner oceans of Europa. With more budget this idea could become reality.
  13. If NASA got more funding it should spend it on the search for ET / the search for habitable locations. This will be the next big leap that humankind has to make, the realisation that we are not alone. That we are not special.
  14. about 10 KM to 45 degrees, and then keep my AP somewhere between 30-50 seconds in front of me.
  15. Everyone who plays a lot of KSP invents certain tricks in the game to achieve more in it. Sometimes these realisations are simple and other times it's absolutly brilliant. Sometimes you found out you've been doing things the wrong way, other times you'd noticed slight changes to enhance your launches. Lets share them! What have you found out yourself??? I'll start. I've figured two things out. When burning into a high orbit, I do not do the make an AP above the atmosphere and burn from there to circularize. When I need to get a satellite into lets say a geostationary orbit. I keep burning when my AP is way above the atmosphere, I keep the pitch of the ship at 0. This way I'm burning radially and raising my PE (and lowering my eccentricity). When the PE hits about 20-25 KM. That's when I cut the engines of. This way I utilized my fuel as efficient as possible. (And I do not have to restart my engines, which is no problem in KSP but can be in real life). A second trick I found out is a cheaper and faster way to get to Minmus. Because Minmus is in an inclined orbit of about 6 degrees you'll have to do an inclination burn to make up for the difference. Off course you could wait for a window when Minmus is on the equator at the time of arrival. But it dawned me that 2 times a day the Kerbal space centre is on the Ascending or Descending node of Minmus orbit. Now I just timeshift till KSC is directly underneath the path of Minmus and launch in a heading that makes up for the tilt of Minmus (either 96 or 84 degrees). This way I don't have to do an inclination burn and can fly straight to it as if it where the Mun.
  16. Yeah I did a few times. Now they're the first thing I care about when dealing with Kerbals.
  17. A mathematician goes to a conference in another city and checks in at his hotel. When he walks towards his room he notices all the fire safety measurements, the emergency signs and exits. The fire extinguishers. the smoke alarms and all.And what do you guess, later that day a big fire breaks out in the hotel and everybody has to evacuate the hotel. when the fire department makes a sweep trough the hotel one firemen finds the mathematician in his room just doodling some graphs on a piece of paper and enjoying his math. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING MAN! THERE IS A FIRE WHY AREN'T YOU OUTSIDE". To which the mathematician replies "Well I saw the emergency exits, the fire extinguishes, the detectors. The equation is solved. Now I'm just waiting for an engineer to implement the solution."
  19. Mwoaahh I was going to make that joke but for real, Yeah I do have some inanimate objects I "love" or that have sentimental value. One is (obviously) my guitar, Its shape is just perfect for me. I can still remember the first time I played her in the guitar store. I just had to have her. I bought her that same day. Didn't care about the price (My stomach later did, she was pretty expensive). And than I got some lucky charms. One is a silver dollar that my gramps got back from the states. Not sure how I ended up with it but I love it and carry it with me in my wallet all the time. And a year ago I bought a little meteorite. I brought it to my work a few times because people wanted to see it. And every time I brought it the event we where hosting (I work in a music venue) was a wild success. I kinda guessed it became of the inanimate space rock. It flew millions of miles for millions of years just to end up with me. That has to bring luck. Can't argue with that logic!
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