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Everything posted by LameLefty

  1. The game has been in development for years already and two weeks after launch we still don’t even have fixes for obvious game-breaking bugs. I guess you’re just a lot more optimistic than I am about the rate of development based on what we all already know from past history here if you think a complete rewrite of the same broken terrain rendering system is going to occur on a scale of months rather than at least a year.
  2. I have 350 hours of flight time in MSFS in planes ranging from the stock Cessna 152 to the PMDG 737-900. The sim is many things but it’s not a rocketry/interplanetary rocket game like KSP. By contrast, MSFS simulates real-world aircraft, systems, and terrain world-wide for thousands of airport, tens of thousands of points of interest, and over the surface of the entire world. There is absolutely no comparison with a Unity-rendered game like KSP.
  3. At least a year, would be my guess. There are a LOT of preexisting assets to recreate. TBH, as interesting as Mortoc’s post was to read, a big voice in the back of my head was screaming, “Why are you JUST NOW considering these changes? None of this is a surprise discovered two weeks after launch.” And reading the optimism and gee-whizzery of this thread reminds me of the early/mid-KSP development era when great big performance improvements were going to pop up any time now as soon as (A) the devs updated to a newer Unity; (B) 64-bit!; (C) Et cetera, et cetera …
  4. I played close to ten hours yesterday, but … I had to quit and restart the game at least 5 times, and reload an untold number of earlier saves or quicksaves due to odd dV bugs where my craft had no dV showing despite having 49 tons of LH2 feeding my SWERV transfer stage; once when loading into a scene resulted in my orbital craft having no trajectory showing; at least two restarts due to the bug where hitting LAUNCH from the VAB results in getting “stuck” between scene transitions; and at least once because after undocking my lander from my transfer stage in orbit around Laythe, both craft were flung apart at super-high speed and triggered the Uppity Kerman (*) pop-up window to scold me, “Well, that could have gone better!” Tell it to to the Devs, Uppity. Anyway, despite all this nonsense, I will probably play a lot today too. But it would be infinitely more satisfying if these kinds of things were improved, and soon. (*) Whoever on the Forums who came up with that nickname, thank you. It’s perfect.
  5. Just what it says on the tin. One of the best little mission hacks a lot of people like to do in KSP1 is to lock a spare battery or a set of LF/mono prop tanks somewhere on the stack just in case you find yourself late into a mission and some bug or glitch has pulled everything out of your lander without you realizing it, or just in case you need to make a maneuver while in eclipse out around Ike or something and find yourself out of charge. Being able to have some dedicated resource reserves was a great feature that can save an entire mission. KSP2 ought to allow the same. If it did, odd bugs like the one that affects 0.1 and resources being pulled through decouplers would be much easier to work around.
  6. First off, this is NOT bug we all discovered on the first day when entire stages failed to properly separate unless you put the decoupler into its own stage ... this is something new and different (to me). So, setup: I built a very large LH2 powered nuclear transfer stage with a methalox lander on top for mission to Laythe. That whole stack is sitting on top of a large methalox core booster with four large SRB strap-on boosters. For pitch control on ascent, I have four large stabilizers attached to that core stage. Climbing to LKO was utterly perfect except for the fact that the core stage was managing to pull propellants through multiple decouplers and in-line docking ports (and a giant LH2 tank in between) even with Fuel Crossfeed disabled - yes, I know - another known bug. Anyway, after getting to a roughly circular 160km orbit around Kerbin, I staged away the booster, leaving the nuclear stage and lander alone and ready to make the burn to Jool. For some odd reason, one of the large stabilizer fins attached to the core stage then separated from the core and remained relatively close to the transfer vehicle. After planning my Jool burn and timewarping to the burn time, the stabilizer was still there. During the burn, the core stage rapidly left the stabilizer behind but at the same time, my camera view began to drift, as if trying to remain focused on the combined center of mass of everything, including that wayward stabilizer fin. Worse, during the 3-1/2 minute burn, the vehicle seemed to lose its ability to point or maintain control, almost like that now far away fin was somehow dragging or impeding the transfer burn like an anchor. After finally completing some semblance of the burn, I was very far off my intended trajectory. I decided to try to correct it once outside Kerbin's SOI. Once outside the SOI, I flipped from Map to flight view and my vessel is absolutely no where to be found. It's there on the map and I have controls for it, but the camera doesn't see it and cycling through came views does not bring it back into focus. Again, it's like the camera view has become anchored to some hypothetical center of mass between that weird aberrant stabilizer fin and my actual craft. I tried deleting all the debris in my save from the Tracking Station but this fin doesn't show up. I've reloaded the save, reloaded earlier quicksaves, etc. but every time I stage away the core booster, that one fin ends up detached from the core and remains in the vicinity of the transfer stage, and it causes the same issue even if I quit and reload the game. I've also tried parsing the .json of the save file to see if I can delete the weird part, but file for the vessels is looooong and difficult to parse on first impression. My next effort will be to try to transfer the craft file to a brand new clean save and see if that fixes the issue.
  7. Try reading my post. I know HOW to hide the UI, but doing that resets the Burn Progress bar when you bring it back, just like flipping between the Map and Flight modes. That's one of the several critical things that simply need to get fixed to make the game less frustrating/annoying/rage inducing and more actually playable.
  8. I’d be happy with prograde direction marker on the Map, and/or a greater variation in brightness between “current orbit” / “subsequent orbit” lines. Right now the difference isn’t terribly great and I often have to look at the lower-left UI to see how much time remains until Ap/Pe, then look at the Map again to determine which direction I’m orbiting around a body. This information (is my orbit prograde or retrograde relative to the body’s direction of rotation?) should be more intuitively obvious.
  9. No Man’s Sky has been doing this for years with their “Experimentals” branch. During the lead up and immediate aftermath of point releases, it’s not uncommon to get 2-3 builds a week, sometimes more for a week or so while they fix the regressions. In the aftermath of major updates, we’ll get hotfixes almost daily for at least a couple weeks afterwards, fixing regressions, rebalancing some of the major changes based on player feedback, etc.
  10. You know, the performance improvements are great and all, but for those of us using relatively capable hardware/non-potatoes, it’s more fundamental issues that *really* need addressing. Legs falling off landers when you load into a scene; the burn countdown bar just resetting itself if you switch views or even hide the UI for a screenshot; having a vessel in space get its status reset to “Landed” and losing trajectory lines or the ability to create maneuver nodes; the physics bug that causes to vehicles to start spinning, sometimes so fast they break the laws of motion and fling themselves out of orbit … Those are bugs, plain and simple, and break the game or ruin a mission once they occur for a given save. Fix those in Patch 1 and I”ll be happy. Then I can play an actual “space program” not a mission-by-mission/what should I do now? type thing. “Making it performant” should come after “Making the game work like it should.”
  11. Because I watch YouTube on my AppleTVs through 4K wall-mounted televisions and AV receivers, not a PC.
  12. You misunderstand … DURING THOSE VIDEOS, YouTube inserts ads every so often (since I don’t pay for YT’s ad-free subscription services). During the week leading up to launch, guys likeMatt Lowne, Billy Wynn Jr. and a couple others would post clips made from footage recorded during their 3 hours with the game at ESA. Watching THOSE videos, the ads inserted by YouTube were slick, commercially-produced KSP2 ads.
  13. Ads were all over Meta-owned properties (both FB and Instagram were filled with them for me). In addition, in the ultimate in targeted digital advertising, during some of the streams and clips leading up to launch day, I was seeing KSP2 ads DURING STREAMS of KSP2. That YOU did not see any ads doesn’t mean there wasn’t a very expensive hype campaign going on.
  14. I am a regular participant in one other forum that uses the same Invision software and the "dark" theme is somewhat problematic there. TBH, I haven't even tried Dark mode here. I should probably update my signature line anyway.
  15. So. A patch in another 6 days from today. Maybe. At which point - if that date even holds - it will have been 3 weeks with obvious and crippling bugs present since Day 1. I literally dreamed about this game the night before it was released and bought it within 2 minutes of it going live on Steam. I am more than a little disappointed tonight.
  16. I learned many things from all those experiences (some of which are still on going by the way). One of the biggest things I learned is, the best user experiences come from regular, detailed communications from the developers and key engineering contacts to the testing community and regular update schedules so feedback is both timely and on-point.
  17. So ... how 'bout some Week 2 Adventures now, eh?
  18. You don't need to tell me how to test. I've been testing alpha, beta and RC candidate software for MS, Directv, Apple and several others as part of private, invitation-only test programs for close to two decades now. I've also done numerous closed, invitation-only tests of pre-production engineering sample hardware for MS and Directv. I know the drill. I can still be annoyed that it's been two weeks with no info other than a list a week ago about what's been fixed, and no software update to go with it.
  19. Screw the Discord - I’m annoyed enough there’s a “playtest” depot on Steam that was refreshed an hour ago and two weeks after launch, we still don’t have a public patch with the stuff Nate said was fixed a week ago.
  20. I’m sure that will fool everyone, just like all those wi-fi networks around any apartment block labeled “FBI” and “NSA SURVEILLANCE VAN” ….
  21. There have been updates to multiple depots starting a couple days after launch, and every day since except some weekend time. Just ordinary development activity. Until something goes into Staging and then Public, there is no patch coming. And as posted several times on Discord (while ignoring the Forums, which is becoming unfortunately common), there is no patch coming this weekend.
  22. I think there was already a thread about this back in the first couple of days after release.
  23. Day 1 purchaser but it’s hard to stay hyped when it’s been 2 weeks with pretty obvious/terrible bugs and apparently no patch incoming for another week.
  24. Yes, yes it would. There’s an entire Announcement sub-forum at the top of the main forum interface. Post a status post there, and pin it to the top.
  25. It would be really nice if the Forum got the same information as that bubbling fount of unfiltered ADHD-fueled jibber jabber.
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