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Everything posted by LameLefty

  1. I decided to take a break from work and ran up to my gaming PC to start the download rather than waiting but thanks anyway.
  2. Yep, the release notes were posted at or shortly before the top of the (previous) hour and the Steam Public depot was updated then too, I’m away from my PC right now - how big is the patch?
  3. IYKYK If not, you’re relatively new to KSP.
  4. This post from last night just got “unhidden” on the forums:’
  5. One of the Discord moderators just made a pinned post: “Patch coming out today. Time has not been announced.”
  6. One sign indicating it’s still today (besides the posts in the dev_tracker channel on the IG Discord) - none of the Steam depots have been updated since yesterday. Usually, every weekday for the past 3 weeks, several development and playtest/release test branches have been updated by now in the mornings, and sometimes throughout the day. I suspect they’ve given the developers a day or two off to rest pending the release of today’s patch.
  7. If they fixed the bugs Nate’s post almost two weeks ago said were fixed already, those will be significant by any measure.
  8. Use Steam to back up you game files to a new directory, then just keep running that version by launching the executable directly, not through Steam.
  9. It’s in the dev_tracker channel in the Information section near the top.
  10. From some of the videos I’ve seen from Matt Lowne and Scott Manley, I *think* it’s a bug currently that we can’t, and it was a regression from something else that got changed right before the ESA demonstration play sessions. I really hope it’s fixed tomorrow.
  11. ABrit has updated his Transfer Calculator to correct the incorrect return angle arithmetic, added a Close control widget to the UI, and a couple other things. I haven't had the chance to test the new version though. https://github.com/ABritInSpace/TransferCalculator-KSP2/releases/tag/0.1.5
  12. Even if you use SAS and reaction wheels for all your attitude-control needs, you still need RCS to manage your alignment with the target vehicle's docking port and the control the closure rates. Works fine in that regard, just like it always has in KSP1.
  13. And I'd argue that it does chat great - IF you are on a server with less than some undefined critical mass of people actively posting at the same time. Bonus points if the server members aren't behaving like over-caffeinated 12 year olds with the attention span of your garden variety squirrel. It's not conversation - it's stream of consciousness blather on most large servers.
  14. Maybe the devs should have just left KSP in the past, and in the hands of modders plus occasionally recompiling against the newest dev tools and libraries, and built a gamed called Kerbal Interstellar Program instead, focusing on the advanced tech, the resource systems and colonization tech, rather than building on (rebuilt) bones of the past? I mean, SimCity begat SimEarth, SimAnt and half a dozen more games before morphing into The Sims. The Sims doesn't start presenting the user with a regional tile map and require them to lay out their residential, industrial and commercial zones, their sewer and water lines, nor do sims risk a volcano eruption or an attack from Godzilla out of the bay ...
  15. Yeah, I like the porkchop plots of the dV required, but since we're currently constrained to plot and actually fly our departure burns manually like ham-fisted maroons rather than the sleek, green, highly-advanced civilized space pilots we'd like to pretend to be, the basic plot in Olex's site works well. Or at least, it WOULD work well if the bug affecting trajectory plots that leave the current SOI gets fixed (hoping for tomorrow on that one). I note too that the site you link directly credits Olex's site as his inspiration.
  16. Someone up-thread said they found something that looks like it in the game files but I have not tried to confirm.
  17. This is the "canonical" web-based dV calculator you're likely already familiar with, especially if played KSP1 for a good while without using MechJeb. https://ksp.olex.biz/ That give us about 1,043 m/s for the optimal Hohmann transfer burn.
  18. Again, I keep beating this dead horse, but go look at Nertea's Kerbal Atomics mods for KSP1. A lot of this stuff has been hammered on thoroughly by a lot of players over the years Nertea was developing and updating it periodically. His entire set of mods (including cryogenic tanks with boiloff rates to contend with, advanced oxidizer-injected NTR for "afterburners", tiny little RTG-powered nuclear probe engines, plus a full system of properly scaled radiators to handle the heat rejection, etc) is almost certainly the basis of what we are going to get in the basic nuclear rocketry tech tree when KSP2 is "done." We will have far more advanced technologies in the game, too, but for nukes, Kerbal Atomics is where you should go look for the roadmap, I believe.
  19. I put dead-simple probe into orbit around Eve 10 days ago, then just for kicks (and since there's no reentry heating) tried to land it. Of course, without parachutes, landing legs or anything close to sufficient T/W ratio, it didn't end well. But an amusing assortment of debris survived the terminal velocity of about 30-odd m/s. I like the butterscotch flavored Dum Dums.
  20. Go with a nuclear transfer stage. Your methalox boosters can't draw the LH2 even if they wanted to.
  21. It sure would be nice if the Community Managers remembered that “community” includes this Forum, which has long-predated the existence of Discord.
  22. Used to be a fun challenge early in KSP1 to launch a Kerbal to low Minmus orbit via jumping + EVA jet pack, and another challenge to land them again. That was before jet pack reaction gas mass was added though. I haven’t tried to see if it’s possible these days.
  23. This. That said, the things Nate posted about (almost two weeks ago already!) will be welcome if truly fixed. Most of the UX/UI design-choice aspects that people don’t like can wait - right now, we need patched conics display back and trajectories that pass through SOI’s to be fixed; we need fixes for legs falling off landers and things falling through terrain; we need fixes for the burn progress bar resetting itself on change from Map to Flight modes and vice versa, or when hiding the UI for screenshots; we need a fix for the crossfeed bugs that put us in orbit around our target body but suddenly realizing our booster has used all our propellants; etc. With luck, hopefully all of these have been addressed in the five weeks since the ESA event. But if not, that fact it will have been five weeks WITHOUT these being fixed will be telling also.`
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