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Everything posted by LameLefty

  1. Funny what people consider “old school,” but I’m old. In my game room, aside from my modern PC, I have my XBox One (still haven’t upgraded to a Series X), several Atari 8-bit computers, an Atari 2600, Atari 5200, and Atari 7800; and a Sega Genesis all set up to play any time I want. In storage, I have my XBox360, my PS3, my PS2, and my original PlayStation from launch day. My adult daughter has my old GameCube currently because she likes a bunch of games from that system. Our old Wii is around here too somewhere. My wife has her Switch on the big TV downstairs, and an extra dock up here in the game room for when she wants to hang out while I’m on my PC or on one of my retro systems connected to CRTs. Anyway, most of my gaming last night was on my Atari 7800 testing out a developer’s WIP version of a new homebrew title he’s working on. None that I ever experienced in 10 years of KSP1.
  2. You misspelled “morale” in the thread title. Anyway, I’m basically on hold right now, too. With two big bug fixes and patches already but the major trajectory bug still remaining, I’ve found other games to keep me occupied until that one is fixed. I can’t get excited about the idea of setting up colonies in Kerbolar space when my trajectories are still messed up due to bugs, let alone trying to do any kind of late-game interstellar stuff later on. FIX THE BUGS BEFORE ADDING CONTENT! It shouldn’t be as hard as this - KSP1 didn’t have this trajectory bug so just refactor that code and use it until your “improved” trajectory code actually does what you show us it doing. This is a major gameplay regression, and for those of us who want to play campaigns much further away than just the Mun or Minmus, it is absolutely essential that this one get fixed. When it is, I’ll be back. Until then, it’s Jedi Survivor, Planet Crafter, Elden Ring (still), Factorio, MS Flight Simulator, or any of the almost 100 other games in my Steam library. And Starfield when it comes out in the fall. Plenty of pull on my gaming attention span. KSP2 has to fix the major bugs before I go back to it whole-hog.
  3. This is more tenable from a planet with a reasonably sized SOI that you can escape from in short order (hours). Leaving from Jool SOI, it is much less so. This is because when you are leaving the SOI, it is so large that it takes DAYS to escape. By the time you’ve actually exited the SOI and plan your return burn, your phase angle is substantially different. This makes planning with any degree of optimization really difficult. As I’ve noted elsewhere several times, the net result is you still need to over-build your crafts to carry substantially more propellant and substantially less payload mass if you want to guarantee the ability to return.
  4. There's nothing subtle about the effects, regardless of the cause. It's absolutely repeatable and has been since Day 1. [snip]
  5. Thank you! Please let any of us who have experienced and reported this bug know if you need or want any specific additional information.
  6. I personally am shocked that this bug has been left unaddressed since launch. This is fairly basic orbital mechanics, something KSP1 has had “right” for over a decade. It is a fundamental requirement of a space travel-based game that simulates orbital mechanics that said orbital mechanics be calculated and simulated correctly. The bug has been reported and thoroughly detailed for many weeks now. It’s been 3-1/2 weeks since Patch 1. It is absolutely reasonable to ask why this foundational error in a core gameplay function remains broken.
  7. I wouldn’t go so far as to say “unplayable” but it’s definitely a bug and if you want to play despite the bug, you have to massively over-build your craft in terms of dV. Optimized, KSP1-style missions are untenable.
  8. I have a "post-burn/pre-SOI transition" save I can load up and check but it will be a few hours until after work before I can check it.
  9. I've been an active user of the internet since it was DARPANET (e.g., longer than many of KSP players have been alive). Please don't try to nerdsplain triviality to me.
  10. It’s not locked at 25 fps for me. Like most Unity-based games, it’s usually going to CPU-bound for any kind of complicated ship larger than a dozen parts or so.
  11. I can’t believe how many posts in this thread are about forum themes (a feature of the commercial Invision forum software) rather than the actual KSP2 patch contents and what may or may not be included. With all due respect to Dakota’ s work on the theme, that is so far down on my list of KSP2-related priorities and issues it doesn’t even register.
  12. Yep. I don’t know if he has help with modeling or anything but he’s been at it for a long time now. I bought it in March 2019 and here we are four years later and he’s still in EA at a (just barely) sub-v1.0 release.
  13. Agreed! I have to say I was pretty proud of myself when I first bought it a few years ago - I loaded up in a Mercury Redstone and pulled an Alan Shepard without doing the tutorials or even doing more than downloading the (very extensive!) manuals (plural). I managed to launch, separate, reorient for entry, and then land safely down range without killing my virtual self. :p
  14. Add in another if you like realism: https://store.steampowered.com/app/882140/Reentry__An_Orbital_Simulator/ And the grandfather of “realistic” space sims: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk
  15. Well I was hoping for a patch today but alas I guess not. Oh, well. I’ve been playing The Planet Crater ($20 on Steam, also an EA title) and it’s quite delightful. A very, very satisfying explore/build/craft/survive type game. I picked it up on sale for $16 a few weeks ago at the suggestion of a friend. I like it so much I gifted a copy to another friend, and a third friend has since gotten hooked on it. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a good little science fiction game to scratch their space -related game itch while we wait for another KSP2 patch.
  16. I am really hoping this is fixed and just didn't get a mention in what to expect for Patch 2.
  17. Yeah, I don’t care for the animated rings at all - I can never tell at first glance which animation direction (expanding or contracting) is supposed to denote entry and exit from the SOI. Different colors would definitely help keep them visually distinct, though it might cause accessibility issues for color blind gamers (my adult son has issues like this).
  18. Multiple-simultaneous docking ports like that have always been problematic at best in KSP. That’s why Squad eventually created 2.5m “Senior” docking ports, and parts modders made even bigger ones as the game developed. Not at all surprised it causes issues in KSP2 at this point, though ideally it shouldn’t crash the game.
  19. Exactly, all of the above but especially the last two sentences. While we wait for the next patch. I’m going to visit Moho at some point this week or weekend, and probably work on a Tylo lander. Even with thousands of hours in KSP1, I have only managed a Tylo lander once, I think. In the meantime, there are plenty of great games. At the recommendation of a friend, I grabbed The Planet Crafter last week on sale for $15 (it’s only $20 at full price anyway) and am happily enjoying a small, indie EA title while trying to terraform my planet from a barren wasteland to a functional, life-supporting ecosystem. Fun game, limited scope, very chill vibe with a nice art style and excellent music and sound. I also have literally dozens of airplanes to fly in MS Flight Simulator ranging from a Cessna 152 up to and including sophisticated, deeply simulated transport aircraft like the PMDG 737NG series, the Airbus A310 fro iniBuilds, and over a hundred others in between. I might just load up the Hughes H-4 Hercules in a water runway off NYC and fly across the Atlantic in the largest flying boat ever built. If I get tired of that, I’ve always got No Man’s Sky. Even with over 800 hours in the game, there’s still something new and different every time I go back. We are so spoiled as gamers. KSP2 will get there if we’re willing to be patient and just let the devs work, give feedback where warranted and keep things in perspective. But while we wait, there’s always another game worth our time and attention.
  20. You should read more outside this specific forum: There have been updates posted every week since release. I expect we’ll get another one late this week.
  21. Yep, and this the downside to the stock tech tree Science career in KSP1. The Community Tech tree, along with resource-expansion mods from folks like RoverDude, and advanced part mods from Nertea (now heavily involved in KSP2 development) soften the blow here somewhat, as both give you more to DO once you get into your late game. You have a reason to build fuel and resource depot stations, and a whole lot more parts to unlock as you work your way through the tech tree to customize your space program with parts, missions and technology that you want to emphasize). Some of those Community Tech Tree mods add entire tiers to the end of the tree, at ever higher Science costs. This again simply gives you more to actually do to run your program once you work up to it. Hopefully, as KSP2 gets built out, a lot of those concepts will come into play with building and maintaining our colonies, sending out our expeditions and missions with a purpose and goals. The definite downside to a pure sandbox experience is, once you've gone everywhere and seen most of the coolest sites, why do it again? I mean sure you can simply play KSP like a game of digital Lego (which is what I am doing, basically), but for a real "program" with more than one thing going on at a time, it eventually becomes, "What now?" In KSP1, my late-game saves usually had dozens of satellites around many planets and moons, refinery/prop depot stations around the Mun, Minmus, Ike, and Vall, mining vessels on the ground or docked to all those stations, flights en route to and/or from Eve, Duna, Jool and Eeloo, and VERY busy set of Kerbal Alarm Clock alarms for transfer windows, SOI transitions, etc. In other words, a real "program" with lots going on to manage and do. Right now, the state of KSP2 does not allow that but I am looking forward to when it does.
  22. I have played KSP1 extensively in all three aspects. Remember, when KSP started out and even until well past its Steam release, there was no science, no funds, no tech tree or progression of any kind. I played it a ton back then, and as those aspects were added in I played them all too. But let me tell you - I hated and I mean HATED the funds aspect of it. Even so, with each major new release up through 1.2 or so, I played a full new career save up to the point of completing the tech tree. After that, I finally said, “Nope,” and started doing Science-only career play through with a clean new save for each update. I found that much more interesting and satisfying. I know some people hate Science grinding, but I loved having a good reason to build a station somewhere, land in different biomes and bring back data and samples to process in the Lab, the bonuses from having Scientists in the crew, the specific uses of Engineers to build and repair stuff, etc. I hope we eventually at least get that in KSP2, but until then, for me at least, there’s still lots to do and explore while the game develops.
  23. Nope. Visited Eeloo last night and today, landed on it for the first time in KSP2. Then after returning home intentionally did not fine tune inclination inside Kerbin's SOI and my entry trajectory took me over Kerbin's South Pole and landed on the antarctic ice cap. At some point this next week or so, I'll start messing about with spaceplanes again and go explore Kerbin, build a small orbital station for the spaceplane to visit, etc. If I get REAL motivated, I'll build a Tylo lander and send a probe to visit the big new anomaly there (the only new one yet discovered that I haven't seen in person yet).
  24. Visited Eeloo today for the first time in KSP2.
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