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Everything posted by Felbourn

  1. They are both awesome. My series tends to need interiors though. Nothing says I can't show the outside of one and the inside of the other, but I already started using the old one. Thanks for doing this hard work. I know, from my interiors, how much time I'd have needed to spend on something like your submarine. It's a 20 hour job to make it so detailed and not fall apart under use.
  2. It would, however, be a perfect contrast to my "modern" interiors if I wanted it to appear 1940s Earth retro. Perhaps episode 12...
  3. I thought you were challenging me to "fit in" a u-boat to my usual story lines, not to make one.
  4. Sure. One almost got it during teasers, and more might have the right-ish idea now.
  5. CoolRockets was folded into SmokeScreen. Maybe do the same?
  6. The Block-I lifted 250 tons in episodes 9 and 10. This Block-II has a 560 ton payload and my first test for episode 12 put that payload in orbit. The total dV of the lifter and payload is almost 15km/s.
  7. I would happily accept any help putting it on CKAN. I don't personally use the service so I don't know much about its intricacies, or even have it installed. I prefer the hands-on approach because I get to control 100% of the files I install. For half the mods I use, I only copy in portions (not all) of the mod.
  8. That picture looks so "Kerbal" I love it! Everyone who agrees with me, LIKE this post so he knows we all love that Kerbal-looking Jupiter 3 launcher.
  9. Good idea. I had not thought that far ahead, but now that you mention it.......
  10. A reminder, anything that does not follow the exact format the game requires will not load correctly. I won't be debugging the ones that don't work because I need to focus on making episodes.
  11. He's still standing trial for war crimes. It's an idea for if he's released though.
  12. If you search PART files in my Felbourn directory, I think there will be a lot of MODEL{model=Bluedog/bla/bla stuff going on. The J-2X specifically does not exist and can never exist. It was developed in the 2000s and it's still 1950 in my game. Will there be engines in my game with stats that are similar. Maybe. I am not really paying attention to specific details like that since RPA tells me all I need to know.
  13. The timeline didn't really split until 1940. Minneapolis already existed in the 1870s and St Paul is even older.
  14. The format is very important. Entries that do not follow the format I demonstrated will not work and I don't want to spend my time editing and debugging bad locations. Please make sure your sites are formatted exactly as described or else they won't show up in the game. Added. In you case you were so close to correct that I did fix them myself by deleting the 'm' off the values for Height. Correction... I added two of them. Three of them were on top of each other.
  15. If anyone wants a teal site added, I might add a few more as long as they don't get too densely packed. You need to create an entry for me like this: Guid = AAA Name = BBB Latitude = CCC Longitude = DDD Height = EEE Fill in AAA with the value you get by going here: https://www.guidgen.com/ It'll be a big string like this, but don't use this one: Guid = 2973b751-d1cc-44c4-bfe8-e7ae2dddaba6 BBB is the name of the location, like this example that I already did: Name = Goldstone The latitude and longitude can be determined with Google maps. Find the location on the map, for example, Casablanca Moroco, and right-click. You'll get a menu like this. Select "What's here?" That will stick a pin in the map and create a popup at the bottom of the screen. I need those numbers, so fill in CCC and DDD with those to at least three decimal places. For example: Latitude = 333.301 Longitude = -7.685 Finally, I need the height for EEE. Ideally this would be about 300m higher than the ground in the game at that location. Most of you won't know how to get that. Instead, you can try to find the elevation of the location on real Earth, and add 300m. For example: For example: Height = 445 I took the max elevation of 145m and added 300m. Put those lines into a post on this thread for places you want added, and I'll see if I can add a teal site for you.
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