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Everything posted by raidernick

  1. I'm sure it's not a specific mod causing the issue. I can swap out any of the mods I have for anything else and when over 2000 textures it still crashes. It just happens to be with KSO because that's the last mod I added.
  2. It also seems to have a major issue with Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter. I can load it up in VAB just fine memory usage at 2.4gb. When I load it on the launch pad the game crashes 3/4 through loading the 34 or so textures on the ship. This makes no sense, even uncompressed the textures come nowhere near 1gb. I watched the memory just as soon as I loaded the ship. I can load much larger ships/station with 400+ parts without a crash but this mod has a major issue for some reason. I want to make a side note that this mod does not work properly with TGA files. Very often it will crash on loading a tga texture for no reason. The error log shows the file as the reason. I have had to convert all of my tga textures to png and it no longer crashes because of this.
  3. I also noticed that once I get over 2000 textures the game seems to start crashing frequently, especially in the editor(even with slow menu switching). The RAM climbs and climbs without going back down. For instance with under 2000 textures i load at 2.4gb and when going to the editor the ram usage will climb the more parts I have. When going into flight or back to the menu te ram usage drops back to around 2.4gb. If I have over 2000 textures it never seems to drop. The game loads at 2.4gb but when I go into the VAB and back to the menu the RAM usage will stay around 3.2gb so the next time I load anything the game will crash, with an out of memory error in LOD log.
  4. Any chance that you can make the engines separate parts from the tanks in a future update? having them fixed to the tanks makes adding any sort of other effects like hotrockets impossible because it looks at the tank as a whole as 1 engine rather than 5.
  5. Have you gotten permission for this yet? I really want to get realchutes working with it as now the force of the parachutes opening often snaps them off.
  6. I would rather this be a togglable setting rather than forced same goes for placeholder textures. I see no noticeable performance/ram impact and I have high res reskins for all the planets. Unloading the planets would make all of the telescope and camera plugins useless as you would then not be able to see them at a distance.
  7. The planets are actually always loaded. If you use a telescope mod you can zoom in on eelo or any other planet from kerbin and see them as if you were right in front of them. I suspect that this means the textures for these are always loaded and simulating physics even when not near the planet.
  8. You need to install vcredist_x86. I had the same error until I did that. Although if you are playing unmodded there is no reason to be using this it will only make the game performance worse.
  9. The instruments on the vostok IVA are messed up for me too.
  10. Also, is there a way you can make this mod ignore the textures in the FASA Gemini IVA. For some reason is makes you unable to see out the Gemini windows, they are completely black. I tested on a new install of ksp with just this mod and fasa and it is definitely this causing the windows to be black.
  11. One of the best mods I have seen in a while. I was sick of the texture compressor as it made the game look like crap and didn't keep it from crashing after many ship loads or menu switching. It looks like this even fixed the memory leak in the game as for the first time I actually notice the ram usage going DOWN when switching menus. Keep up the good work!
  12. First try was reloading my station from .23 which did this. Second was building it again from scratch and launching by proton. Third try was hyper editing sections up and assembling them in orbit. I want to note that in pieces, even hyperedited sections were fine until they were all attached and craft or game reloaded or time warp used. EDIT: Also it isn't just the truss warping. Look at all the pictures the ENTIRE station is bending down towards the surface.
  13. No, new game, built from scratch. This happens on reload and timewarp every time.
  14. I would like to submit this as an official bug for bobcat. I made a new installation of the game, added just the ISS, sovietpack and lionheads ATV and no other mods. The issue still occurs. First, the station still appears to be experiencing gravity in space because once I stop the flopping using RCS the parts are all bent towards the planet still like they are being pulled down. This is further confirmed when undocking. When I undock the part instantly goes to 0 m/s. You can see it on the map view as a suborbital trajectory.
  15. Since the game update every time I undock something from the station it either explodes or shoots off at light speed. I don't know which part is causing the issue as once the station breaks up any pieces remaining docked can be undocked without an issue. Also since the update the station flops around like a wet noodle like there are being forces applied to it constantly. This only happens on the soviet docking ports and the truss docking ports. This light speed undocking explosion issue only occurs with the ISS parts specifically as I also have the MIR and it doesn't have any issues at all. It's almost like when you undock a part the game sets it's velocity to zero, so it appears to shoot off because after undocking something in map view I can see the part on a steep suborbital trajectory several km behind me. Also, this happens with or without quantum struts and/or joint reinforcement.
  16. Would you be willing to share the configs for this. I also tried applying real chutes to this and experienced some very weird behavior with the chutes. They are either permanently deployed or when deployed caused the cm to explode off the map.
  17. Any word on why the new version sounds don't work on interiors even if you disable the exterior option?
  18. There is no reason for him to finish the LEM seeing as how FASA's already works great with this. I am very interested in seeing a skylab to go to with Saturn V. Is there any chance of that happening?
  19. I would really like to see it with novapunch as well.
  20. I just upgraded from V1.1 and now I no longer hear internal RCS sounds. I have internalRcsSoundsOnly = true and I still hear the rcs sounds outside but not inside. Should it not be the opposite? Also, since upgrading atmospheric sound enhancement no longer mutes the external rcs sounds in space, which it did on the older version.
  21. I don't know what happened but after installing 2.12 with some minor tweaking to the configs I get the game to load at 2.3GB and 2.7GB with the save loaded. This is much better than before.
  22. I wasn't having a problem with it working properly in the first place, it was more of an issue with optimization. I would like to know the optimal settings to use for bobcat's packs, this includes soviet pack, american pack and the iss pack. His textures aren't all that big but of some reason they aren't compressing as well as others do like kw, nova and lionhead. If I use the basic verison the game crashes from out of memory errors. If I use aggressive bobcats textures look terrible(unusable). I can't find a good inbetween. The game either crashes from no memory or doesn't save as much as it should.
  23. I just reinstalled it from scratch no mods. On load is runs 1.37Gb of ram and the gamedata folder is ~800gb. I do have all the graphic settings maxed. So it seems logical that with an extra 2gb of mods it would be over 3.6GB on load without this plugin.
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